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Created for OKTechMasters by Terri Street, 2000 The $100,000 Pyramid.

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Presentation on theme: "Created for OKTechMasters by Terri Street, 2000 The $100,000 Pyramid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created for OKTechMasters by Terri Street, 2000 The $100,000 Pyramid

2 The Crucible The Great Gatsby Literary Terms & Vocabulary Of Mice and Men Poetry Transcendentalists

3 Transcendentalism Describe for your partner the following basic beliefs of the Transcendentalists (30 seconds)

4 Transcendentalism 1. A philosophical movement 2. Founded by Ralph Waldo Emerson 3. Focus was on intuition 4. Focused on nature 5. Focused on the individual 6. God, humanity, and nature all connected 7. Oversoul

5 Poetry Describe for your partner the 2 poems by Emily Dickinson and the 2 by Walt Whitman and the 1 by Robert Frost (1 minute)

6 Poetry 1. I Heard a Fly Buzz when I Died 2. The Brain is Wider than the Sky _____________________________ 1. Song of Myself 2. I Hear America Singing _____________________________ 1. Birches

7 Of Mice and Men Fully describe for your partner how George and Lennie are characterized (30 seconds)

8 Of Mice and Men 1. George 2. Lennie

9 The Crucible Describe for your partner what Arthur Miller was protesting when he wrote The Crucible

10 The Crucible 1. “Witch hunts” during the 1950s 2. Corruption of government/obsession with power and preserving it 3. The Red Scare and people being accused of being communists 4. Lives were ruined when people were accused of affiliation with communists

11 The Great Gatsby Describe for your partner these themes from the novel in 30 seconds or less.

12 The Great Gatsby 1. People will go to great/unbelievable lengths for love. 2. Not everyone can or will achieve the American Dream. 3. Most of the wealthy and upper-class care about nothing but themselves!

13 Vocabulary Describe for your partner these vocabulary words in 30 seconds or less.

14 Vocabulary 1. resilient 2. intrinsic 3. affable 4. scurrilous 5. heinous 6. gauntlet 7. avarice

15 Literary Terms Provide for your partner 1 literary term example from works we read in each category. You may not describe the category, only list items within it. You have one minute.

16 $1,000,000 $75,000 $50,000 $35,000$20,000$10,000 Theme Allusion Imagery AntagonistProtagonist Symbol

17 You Win!!!

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