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Trinity Force: Black Dragon Attack Game Manual. Intro Trinity Hero: Black Dragon Attack is an action game for one player. You control the Trinity Hero,

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Presentation on theme: "Trinity Force: Black Dragon Attack Game Manual. Intro Trinity Hero: Black Dragon Attack is an action game for one player. You control the Trinity Hero,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trinity Force: Black Dragon Attack Game Manual

2 Intro Trinity Hero: Black Dragon Attack is an action game for one player. You control the Trinity Hero, an armored being with three forms, each with its own unique power. Your goal is to prevent the destruction of the world by defeating the black dragon known as Endragon. Endragon

3 Controls Move left and right with the arrow keys. Press A, S, and D to switch between the different forms of the Trinity Hero.

4 Trinity Hero Form: Aedar the Attacker Activation: Press A. Uses energy sword on his arm to kill Minions

5 Trinity Hero Form: Sypher the Swift Activation: Press S. Specialized wings and lighter armor allows Sypher to move twice as fast as Aedar and Daedalus

6 Trinity Hero Form: Daedalus the Deflector Activation: Press D. Pulse generator on his back allows Daedalus to reverse the kinetic energies of gas molecules, allowing him to return Endragon’s fire, your only offense against him

7 Enemies Minions arrive from the edges of the screen and deal damage to if touched by a form other than Aedar. Kill them with Aedar. Endragon shoots high energy violet fireballs that move in a wavy pattern. They can be reflected with Daedalus to hurt Endragon. Also, Endragon swoops down to directly attack you sometimes. Use Sypher to reduce or even eliminate damage.

8 Objective/ Score Defeat Endragon by deflecting his fireballs at him. You’ll have to prevent your own death though by defeating Minions and avoiding Endragon’s attacks. 50% of score is based on health remaining upon winning the game. 50% of score is based on how many fireballs Endragon had to shoot before you won. Losing the game yields an automatic score of 0.

9 Defeating the Dragon is NOT easy Tips -Good players use all three of the forms, Sypher is actually essential to your survival -The dragon’s direct attacks and the minion’s deal damage based on how long you touch them. In other words, Sypher will take less damage than Daedalus from Minions, and less damage than both from the dragon’s direct attacks, assuming you’re moving away.

10 Gameplay Screen Player Minions Endragon Fireball Player Health Endragon Health

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