“remember from where you have fallen and repent” Those first things were of great value The war has been won!! But we are still fighting for lost souls.

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Presentation on theme: "“remember from where you have fallen and repent” Those first things were of great value The war has been won!! But we are still fighting for lost souls."— Presentation transcript:


2 “remember from where you have fallen and repent” Those first things were of great value The war has been won!! But we are still fighting for lost souls

3 The conquering soldier who holds on to his love for the Lord will be rewarded with access to the tree of life We find this tree in scenes of unimpeded fellowship and complete absence of sin

4 Smyrna was the seat of emperor worship These Saints were under the constant threat of persecution

5 “One thing is clear. The burning of this pinch of incense was obviously not a test of man’s religious orthodoxy; it was a test o his political loyalty. In point of fact the Roman government was extremely tolerant. Once a man had made his sacrifice and received his certificate, he could then worship any god or goddess he chose, provided that worship did not conflict with public decency and order. But if h refused to burn a pinch of incense, he was by his refusal automatically branded as a disloyal and disaffected citizen. Wit an Empire the size of the Roman Empire, no government could afford to have disaffected citizens who might become storm-centers of trouble. Therefore any man who refused to burn his pinch of incense was rendered by his very refusal an outlaw” (Barclay, taken from Harkrider pg. 31)

6 Smyrna was the seat of emperor worship These Saints were under the constant threat of persecution The righteous response to this difficulty was to persevere

7 “Eighty and six years have I served Christ and he has never done me wrong. How can I blaspheme my King who saved me? I fear not the fire that burns for a season and after a while is quenched. Why do you delay? Come, do your will.” (Polycarp)

8 “I thank thee that though has graciously through me worthy of this day and of this hour that I may receive a portion in the number of the martyrs, in the cup of thy Christ.” (Polycarp)

9 The second death is the antithesis of the Paradise of God The eternal condition of those who shun fellowship with God The eternal abode of those who seek to cling to this life

10 This reward is given to those with the godly perspective of this life Those who have not “loved their lives even when faced with death” Those “purchased from the earth”

11 Pergamum was the political center of Asia Minor Those who refused emperor worship were tried here Christians would witness these trials and subsequent executions

12 Jesus’ complaint against the church was a weakening resolve The Christians here were giving in to the idolatry around them Some were giving themselves to Gnostic thought to justify their weakness

13 Hidden Manna – God’s spiritual provision White Stone – innocence and freedom from condemnation New Name – Divine promise of assistance Which no one will know – Personal salvation



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