Mark 10:35-45 Making Room for Servanthood. What does it mean to make room for servanthood?

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Presentation on theme: "Mark 10:35-45 Making Room for Servanthood. What does it mean to make room for servanthood?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark 10:35-45 Making Room for Servanthood


3 What does it mean to make room for servanthood?

4 “How can anyone be happy when he is the servant of anyone else at all?” -Plato “How can anyone be happy unless he is the servant of everyone else?”

5 False Narrative: Our Needs Matter Most

6 True Narrative: Others’ Needs Matter Most

7 Diakonos Doulos

8 FS: Is impressed with “big” public acts of service TS: Doesn’t distinguish between small and large acts of service FS: Requires external rewards for serving TS: Is content to remain hidden and unheralded FS: Picks and chooses whom to serve TS: Does not discriminate, is willing to serve all, even enemies FS: Affected by moods and whims. We must “feel like” serving first TS: People serve simply because there is a need, whether one feels like serving or not..

9 “We exist to serve others and die, just like our Founder” -Early Church Mission Statement

10 We are never more life Christ than when we are serving

11 Our Formation Cycle Grow Connect Serve

12 Sunday Connection Team Family Ministry Team

13 40 people for Sunday Connection Team 40 people for Kids ministry 20 people for Youth ministry

14 Take the bread Dip it in cup Walk back and wait (don’t eat it) Pause, offer thanks, worship Receive it together

15 Almighty God, our heavenly Father, we have sinned against you through our own fault: In thought In word In deed In what we have done In what we have left undone For the sake of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us all our offenses; and grant that we may serve you in newness of life, to the glory of your Name. Amen

16 “Lord Jesus, as it would please you, bring me someone today whom I can serve.” –Richard Foster


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