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What to put on the syllabus: Contact Information and Availability:

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1 What to put on the syllabus: Contact Information and Availability:

2 What to put on the syllabus: Contact Information and Availability:

3 What to put on the syllabus: Contact Information and Availability: “If you are having trouble with the course, if you do not understand something important, if you have some special circumstance that is getting in the way of performing well in this course, or if you just want to talk about the course, see me. While I have office hours, I encourage you to come see me anytime that I am in my office (which is most of the day everyday). While I check email regularly and answer it properly, email isn’t very useful for answering the more technical questions that might come up in homework. Also, don’t assume that just because you are awake and writing email that I am awake and reading email!”

4 What to put on the syllabus : Course Objectives:

5 What to put on the syllabus : Course Objectives: 1. To cultivate a better understanding of how we think about, influence, and relate to each other. 2. To introduce and evaluate social psychology’s primary ways of answering questions about human social behavior. 3. To foster the awareness that God created us social and to discern both grace and brokenness in our social lives. 4. To evaluate social psychology’s theories and claims from a Reformed Christian perspective and to explore the discipline’s practical implications for the Christian community.

6 What to put on the syllabus: Course Objectives: This course provides an introduction to women's literature from the Middle Ages to the present day. Of course, given the diversity and scope of this literature it is an impossible task to attempt to cover more than a small fraction of this material. And so, we will focus our attention in this class primarily on the traditions of women's literature in Britain--with one foray into North America. We'll be paying particular attention to the novel as one of the dominant forms of women's literature, particularly from the 18 th century onwards. We'll also trace the ways in which these women writers see themselves within the larger literary tradition as well as the ways in which they respond to their fellow women writers and/or to issues of gender. We'll want to think about some of the following questions: in what ways can we argue for a category "women's lit"; what about issues of canonicity; what do each of these women say about the role of women in society? in what ways do they agree or disagree? how does this literature shape the ways we might we imagine ourselves?

7 What to put on the syllabus: Required texts, course schedule

8 What to put on the syllabus: Required texts, course schedule Sept. 5 Introduction 7 MethodologyMyers: Chap. 1 12 Perceiving OthersMyers: Chap. 3 14Social Judgment 19Perceiving OurselvesMyers: Chap. 2

9 What to put on the syllabus: Required texts, course schedule Sept. 5 Introduction 7 MethodologyMyers: Chap. 1 12 Perceiving OthersMyers: Chap. 3 14Social Judgment 19Perceiving OurselvesMyers: Chap. 2 Sept. 6, 8 Origins of Civilization Read Epic of Gilgamesh in Norton Anthology of World Literature (NAWL), pp. 10-41. Sept. 11-13Origins of World Religions: Judaism and Hinduism Read Genesis 1-3, 6-9, 11, 22, and excerpts from Job, in NAWL, pp. 56-59, 60-64, 77-93

10 What to put on the syllabus: Required texts, course schedule Sept. 5 Introduction 7 MethodologyMyers: Chap. 1 12 Perceiving OthersMyers: Chap. 3 14Social Judgment 19Perceiving OurselvesMyers: Chap. 2 Sept. 6, 8 Origins of Civilization Read Epic of Gilgamesh in Norton Anthology of World Literature (NAWL), pp. 10-41. Sept. 11-13Origins of World Religions: Judaism and Hinduism Read Genesis 1-3, 6-9, 11, 22, and excerpts from Job, in NAWL, pp. 56-59, 60-64, 77-93 Class is scheduled for five days a week. On “regular” days we will go over the current homework and “cover” new material (at the rate of approximately one section in the textbook a class period). At least one class period a week we will deviate from this pattern.

11 What to put on the syllabus: Student assignments and evaluation measures:

12 What to put on the syllabus: Student assignments and evaluation measures: The intent of the project is to encourage you to view social life through the eyes of a social psychologist. Hopefully the process will help you come to a better understanding of the discipline’s theories and principles as well as to appreciate social psychology’s relevance to everyday life.

13 What to put on the syllabus : Student assignments and evaluation measures: The intent of the project is to encourage you to view social life through the eyes of a social psychologist. Hopefully the process will help you come to a better understanding of the discipline’s theories and principles as well as to appreciate social psychology’s relevance to everyday life. The intent of these problems is to develop not only your problem-solving skills but also your ability to communicate mathematics.

14 What to put on the syllabus: Student assignments and evaluation measures: It is my policy to call on students. I do not do this to embarrass you or to "catch you unawares." Rather, I call on students because 1) I want to know what everyone thinks--not just the few who raise their hands. I'm not expecting a "deep and profound" answer when I call on you--tell me honestly what you think about the text. And if you're confused--tell me that too. I guarantee that you're not the only one. 2) As a community, we need to learn from each other. I want us to listen to each other and to consider all the views present--we won't all agree with each other, but we need to take into account these readings in advancing our own. 3) Finally, I try hard to integrate what I believe in as a Reformed person with how I teach. Thus, I come from a hermeneutical tradition which stresses that interpretation doesn't flow from top to bottom--i.e. from the instructor to the students. Instead, I believe that we must hold each other accountable for our interpretations (and that includes you as students holding me responsible for my interpretations as well).

15 What to put on the syllabus: Policies:

16 What to put on the syllabus: Policies: Attendance: This is not a correspondence course: you cannot pass this course if you do not attend. Attendance is mandatory, and all absences will be considered unexcused (unless they are for a pre-arranged Calvin-sponsored activity). I do understand that everyone has to miss a day occasionally, but I appreciate the courtesy of letting me know before hand and making suitable arrangements. Moreover, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed (and please do not ask, "did I miss anything while I was gone?"), preferably from a classmate. I reserve the right to lower your final grade or revoke your credit in this class because of excessive absences. Tardiness is very inconsiderate. Please be ready to start when the bell rings.

17 What to put on the syllabus: Policies: Attendance: Regular class attendance and academic honesty, as highlighted in the Calvin College Student Handbook, are expected. You will benefit most from classroom lectures/discussions/small group activities if you remain current in your reading.

18 What to put on the syllabus: Policies: Missed Exams: The makeup date for missed tests is the last regularly scheduled class day.

19 What to put on the syllabus: Policies: Missed Exams: The makeup date for missed tests is the last regularly scheduled class day. The scheduled days of the exams are the days the exams will be given. Accommodations will not be made for travel or vacation plans.

20 What to put on the syllabus: Policies: Missed Exams: The makeup date for missed tests is the last regularly scheduled class day. The scheduled days of the exams are the days the exams will be given. Accommodations will not be made for travel or vacation plans. The final exam is given only at the scheduled time. The college requires that I give and you take the exam at this time!

21 What to put on the syllabus: Policies: Late Work: Homework will not be accepted late for ANY reason.

22 What to put on the syllabus: Policies: Late Work: Homework will not be accepted late for ANY reason. Papers are lowered one grade for each day the paper is late.

23 What to put on the syllabus: Policies: Late Work: Homework will not be accepted late for ANY reason. Papers are lowered one grade for each day the paper is late. Unless you have made legitimate, previous arrangements with me, late papers will drop one letter grade for every day of class they are late.

24 What to put on the syllabus: Policies: Miscellany: This is a No Cell Phone Zone. The ringing of cell phones, the answering of cell phones, the checking of messages on cell phones are all forbidden. Violation of this regulation will result in a three-point deduction from a student’s final grade (the difference between, for example, a straight “B” and a “B-“).

25 What to put on the syllabus: Policies: Cheating: Plagiarism and cheating of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in an F on the assignment and the filing of Report of Academic Dishonesty to the Vice-President for Student Life. If you are in doubt about whether or not some form of assistance or use of materials constitutes academic dishonesty, please ask me first.

26 What to put on the syllabus: Policies: Cheating: It is perfectly acceptable to help each other. I encourage you to work together on any assignment unless I explicitly say otherwise. Of course academic honesty and common sense require that only honest effort on your part be rewarded; do not turn in “joint” work which is really only the work of someone else. However you do not have to feel guilty turning in work that reflects mostly the good ideas of someone else if you were genuinely working together. Even if your work is joint, you should write your own solutions as independently as possible. That is, do not simply copy from others. This is to ensure that you really understand the solution. You should always indicate who you collaborated with on a problem.

27 What to put on the syllabus: Disability Statement:

28 What to put on the syllabus: Disability Statement: Calvin will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students should notify the Coordinator of Services to Students with Disabilities located in Student Academic Services, HH455. Students should notify their instructors within the first two weeks of class.

29 What to put on the syllabus: Disability Statement: Calvin will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students should notify the Coordinator of Services to Students with Disabilities located in Student Academic Services, HH455. Students should notify their instructors within the first two weeks of class.... Students requiring such accommodations should meet with me during the first week of class.... The student also must contact me as soon as possible to discuss class assignments. This must be your initiative.

30 What should be on my syllabi? We might add “course objectives”, “required texts,” “student assignments and evaluation measures (i.e., description of tests….. etc.),” and “course outline and schedule.” But you should try to include the following general categories: your contact information and office hour availability; evaluation measures (i.e. description of tests, papers, projects, etc.); course schedule; policies related to grading, attendance, missed exams, etc; and the college ’ s disability statement (Calvin College will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students should notify the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities located in Student Academic Services. Students should also notify their instructors during the first two weeks of class.)


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