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How To Effectively Manage as Department Chair While Remaining a Productive Researcher? Chris Reddick, Chair Public Administration

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Presentation on theme: "How To Effectively Manage as Department Chair While Remaining a Productive Researcher? Chris Reddick, Chair Public Administration"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Effectively Manage as Department Chair While Remaining a Productive Researcher? Chris Reddick, Chair Public Administration Email: 1

2 My Story  Department Chair of Public Administration for 8 years.  Began right after making tenure April 1, 2007!  As I became Chair almost half of the faculty was leaving for other positions.  Previous Chair was a micro manager, completing most of the office administrative work for the administrative associate (AA).  AA basically answered the phone and completed forms. 2

3 What is a Department Chair?  Position is a part-time administrative job representing the department and its faculty within the University community.  Crucial that you recognize the role is part time in order to manage time effectively and place your role in perspective.  If treated like full-time position the research won’t happen.  This is a mistake many new department chairs make.  Benefits: a reduced teaching load, a small stipend, and summer support 3

4 Strategies for Research  Prior to administrative position most of my research was single-authored. Most current work is co- authored.  My community of fellow scholars isn’t limited to UTSA. I team up with clusters of researchers throughout the world and work on multiple research projects.  For instance, I work with scholars in the area of e- government and public management. I also edit a journal and book series. 4

5 Strategies for Research  My submission timeline is usually one article, or more, per semester to a journal for peer review.  Summers I work on 3 or more manuscripts.  I average around 4-6 published papers per year. How? 5

6 Managing Staff In Order To Be An Effective Researcher  Your job as chair is not to do the day-to-day operational work. Utilize your administrative staff member(s).  There should be one very competent staff member in your department who manages the daily operational activities.  Your primary role is to supervise and make sure that all projects are completed on-time. If you micro manage your staff you will not have enough time to do your research. 6

7 Managing Staff In Order To Be An Effective Researcher  Empower your staff members to be leaders.  Tap into your staff’s skills and their work goals. Support them and allow them to utilize the resources available at UTSA so they can continue their learning.  They will be excited and appreciative of being viewed as leaders and contributors to the UTSA community. 7

8 Examples of Effective Strategies  Establish bi-weekly staff meetings with a set agenda detailing upcoming deadlines, events, and department needs.  Always remember all important dates, utilizing your calendar as needed for reminders. As supervisor you are ultimately responsible. Check in with staff routinely to ensure progress is made. Keep these important dates at the back of your mind.  Some examples: course schedules, T&P deadlines, catalog revisions, faculty recruitment and appointments, and so forth. 8

9 Examples of Effective Strategies 9  Keep all projects that need to be completed in your inbox. Once completed move them to an archive folder.  File all correspondence electronically so it is easily searchable.  Work to complete tasks before they are due in the event there are delays.

10 Questions? 10

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