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Setting the Tone: Journal Writing Describe in detail the following picture. Use exact adjectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Setting the Tone: Journal Writing Describe in detail the following picture. Use exact adjectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting the Tone: Journal Writing Describe in detail the following picture. Use exact adjectives.

2 When the weather is hot, I like to cool off in the lake. Then I sit under a big tree in the shade. In the winter, when it is cold, I like to sled or skate. I’m good at sledding and always have a great time. I’m a bad skater and fall down often. The little skating rink near my house is a nice place to meet friends. GRAMMAR: Exact Adjectives Read the paragraph. Write a more exact adjective for each underlined adjective.

3 “Now Say That Again” Describe the following objects without using any of the words listed. Use your power of imagination and a thesaurus. 1.“eating a piece of birthday cake” birthday cake, fork 2.“watching television” watch, television, T.V., look

4 “I Spy” You will be given a slip of paper with the name of an object in the classroom. You will be given a slip of paper with the name of an object in the classroom. You will have three minutes to write down descriptive words/phrases about the object. You will have three minutes to write down descriptive words/phrases about the object. You will have a minute to share your descriptions, while the rest of the class try to guess the object. You will have a minute to share your descriptions, while the rest of the class try to guess the object. *** Do not use words that will give away your object.*** Example: I spy a twelve ounce, blue can with five capital bubbled letters; a big red, white, and blue dot; a rectangle box on the side with white letters; small opening on top

5 Writing Prompt - continue Continue your descriptive writing. You need to complete paragraphs 4 & 5. Read your paragraphs to make sure they are cohesive and clear.

6 Reflecting How does the “I Spy” game use adjectives? How does the “I Spy” game use adjectives? Was it difficult or easy to find adjectives to describe? Explain. Was it difficult or easy to find adjectives to describe? Explain.

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