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Unit 7 Lesson 8.7: Dilations

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1 Unit 7 Lesson 8.7: Dilations
CC Standards SRT 1: Verify experimentally the properties of dilations given by a center and a scale factor. GMD 5: Know that the effect of a scale factor k greater than zero on length is to multiply by k; determine length using scale factors. Lesson goals Define and identify a dilation as an enlargement or a reduction. Use properties of dilations to solve for variables. Draw a dilation given the scale factor. ESLRs: Becoming Effective Communicators, Competent Learners and Complex Thinkers

2 definition Isometry A transformation that preserves lengths. Also known as a “rigid” transformation. (Figures remain congruent) Reflections, rotations and translations are all isometries.

3 definition Scale Factor Scale factor
key vocabulary Scale Factor The ratio of the lengths of two corresponding sides for similar polygons 48 30 32 20 Scale factor

4 definition Dilation P I a “nonrigid” transformation that maps a
preimage onto an image that is similar. P I I

5 definition Dilation P Reduction: the scale factor comparing the
image to the preimage is between 0 and 1 P I

6 definition Dilation I P Enlargement: the scale factor comparing the
image to the preimage is greater than 1 I P

7 example Determine whether the dilation from Figure A to Figure B is a reduction or an enlargement. Then, find the values of the variables. 12.5 5 x z A 3 B 3 5 y

8 definition Describing a Dilation I P scale factor center of dilation
a fixed point in the plane about which all points are expanded or contracted. I In an enlargement, the preimage is between the center and the image. P

9 definition Describing a Dilation P scale factor center of dilation
a fixed point in the plane about which all points are expanded or contracted. In a reduction, the image is between the center and the preimage. P I

10 definition I P Describing a Dilation
Scale factor can be found by comparing corresponding side lengths Or by comparing the distance from the center to corresponding points Always compare the image to the preimage I P

11 example Find the scale factor. Tell whether the dilation is a reduction or an enlargement. C 47 in A’ B’ D’ 21.5 in A B D

12 example Find the scale factor. Tell whether the dilation is a reduction or an enlargement. Then find the values of the variables.

13 example y Draw a dilation of the figure using the given scale factor.
B C B’ C’

14 example x y D E F G D’ 2 E’ 1 G’ F’ 1 2

15 summary What determines if a dilation is an enlargement or a reduction? How do you find the scale factor of a dilation? A friend asks you with help on the following problem; Draw the dilation of the figure using the given scale factor. Explain to your friend how they should solve this problem.

16 Today’s Assignment worksheet

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