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Adobe GoLive Edit and FTP your web pages to a web server.

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Presentation on theme: "Adobe GoLive Edit and FTP your web pages to a web server."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adobe GoLive Edit and FTP your web pages to a web server

2 Objectives  Open Adobe GoLive  Create and Edit Web Pages  Use the Layout and Source Editor modes  FTP to the web server  Import text

3 Objectives  Import images  Import video  Edit pages live on the web

4 Video Introduction to GoLive  This video will preview GoLive

5 Open up GoLive  On a Mac, go to the Applications folder and open up the GoLive folder and click on GoLive  On a PC go to the Start Menu and on the Adobe GoLive Folder select GoLive

6 Go to the File menu and select new page Video

7 Layout  In the Layout mode, you can create or edit a web page by dragging and dropping items such as text or images. This is very similar to building a web page in MS Word. This part of the program does the HTML for you.

8 Source  In the Source mode, you can edit the HTML just as you would in Notepad or BBEdit. This mode gives you greater control over your page.

9 Syntax Checking  In the Source mode GoLive will check your HTML to make sure it is written properly. The colors indicate that the HTML is working correctly by grouping tags with colors. If the colors all look the same, you may have an error Video 1Video 2Video 3

10 Importing Text  You can add text to document in GoLive by typing it in directly into the HTML or Layout mode. You can also copy and paste text into this area. Video 1Video 2

11 Importing Images & VideoImagesVideo  You can import images by dragging them into the layout program, or by using the Object window in GoLive. You can do the same for any videos you may have.

12 FTP to the Web  To set up a connection to an FTP or WebDAV server: Choose Edit > Servers. Click the New button in the Available Servers dialog box. Type a name in the Nickname text box (This prevents confusion if you add more servers to the available servers list.)  Type an address in the Server text box. The address must start with "ftp://" for FTP servers and "http://" for WebDAV servers. (

13 FTP to the Web  Type a path name in the Directory text box.  Type a user ID in the User Name text box. Select the Save option and type a password in the Password text box.  DO NOT SAVE YOUR PASSWORD ON THE COMPUTER!  FTP Video FTP Video

14 Working with a Web Server  Once you are connected, go to your folder.  In your folder you have two main options to choose from

15 Uploading Files  To upload files you should  1. Open up the window where the files are located  2. Open up the folder on the server where you want to place the files


17 Uploading Files  Simply drag your files one by one, OR all together into the folder  Depending on the size of your files, it should take between 5 seconds up until a minute

18 Opening up a Live Page  You can open up documents posted on a web server by double clicking on the document and making any changes that are needed. After you make your changes save the document and preview in a web browser to make sure it works correctly.

19 Summary You should review this presentation and the associated videos to make sure you have the full knowledge you need to FTP.  You can also test your FTP login from home using GoLive, or Microsoft Internet Explorer by typing in the following address: 

20 Project 8 Integrating JavaScript with HTML

21 Objectives  Discuss how to integrate JavaScript with HTML  Insert tags on a Web page  Write start and end tags  Define and use flickering to draw attention  Describe the background color property of the document object

22 Objectives  Set the background color of a Web page using JavaScript  Save the HTML file  Test the Web page  Discuss JavaScript variables  Extract the system date  Use several variables to construct a message

23 Objectives  Describe the write() method of the document object  Write a user-defined function that displays a message and links visitors to a new Web site  Describe how the setTimeout() method works  Use the lastModified property to display the last modified document date  Print an HTML Notepad file

24 Introduction  JavaScript is an object-based language  Uses built-in objects  Properties are attributes of objects  Methods are actions performed on an object


26 Introduction  An event is the result of a user’s action  Event handlers are the way to associate that action with the set of JavaScript codes you want executed

27 Opening a Web Page  Open the Public Folder. Start Notepad, and maximize the window. Click File on the menu bar and then click Open. When the Open dialog box displays, type *.htm in the File name text box

28 Open from the Public Folder the Project 8 folder, click fun.htm and then point to the open button

29 Click the Open button


31 Inserting Tags on a Web Page  JavaScript code can go anywhere in HTML  Place all JavaScript code between the and tags  Set the LANGUAGE attribute so the browser knows how to interpret your code  The HTML comment line hides any script language the browser might not be able to interpret <!– Hide from old browsers

32 Entering the Start Tag and Comment  Click the blank line (line 10) above the tag

33 Type and then press the ENTER key. Type <!– Hide from old browsers and then press the ENTER key


35 Using a Flicker on a Web Page  Changes the background color in rapid succession  JavaScript allows you to set the background color multiple times, while HTML only allows you to set it once (in the BODY tag)

36 Creating Flicker on the Web Page  Click line 12. Press the SPACEBAR four times. Type document.bgColor=“red” and then press the ENTER key. Type document.bgColor=“white” and then press the ENTER key

37 With the insertion point on line 14, enter the four remaining lines of code as shown on the next slide


39 Setting the Background Color to a Static Color  The last color you specify will be the browser’s final background color  With the insertion point on line 18, type document.bgColor=“blanchedalmond” and then press the ENTER key


41 Completing the JavaScript Selection  It is now necessary to end the comment tag and close the tag  If necessary, click line 19. Press the ENTER key to create another blank line  With the insertion point on line 20, type //-> and then press the ENTER key. Type and then press the ENTER key


43 Saving the HTML File  Make sure you save this file in your folder, not on the Public Folder!

44 Type funwithphonics.htm in the File name text box, and then double-click the Project 8 folder. Point to the Save button

45 Click the Save button


47 Testing the Web Page  Start your browser  Open funwithphonics.htm and then press the ENTER key


49 JavaScript Variables  Used to store values temporarily  Global variables  Local variables  Variables are considered global, except if they are declared in a user-defined function, in which case they are local

50 JavaScript Variables

51  JavaScript variables are loosely typed  You are not required to define the data type  JavaScript defines the data type for you  String data types  var LastName = “Simon”  Numeric data types  var pageCnt = 1  Boolean data types  var Done = false

52 Extracting the System Date  Built-in Date() object  Can be manipulated only by creating a new object instance  var variable = new object  var birthDay = Date(“Jul, 13, 1975”)  Returns July 13, 1975 to birthDay  var curDate = new Date()  Returns the current system date and time information as an object instance

53 Extracting the System Date  The variable curDate cannot be manipulated  To extract the date, convert curDate to a string using the toLocaleString() and substring methods


55 Extracting the System Date  Define a new object for the date in MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS format var tNow = new Date()  Extract the date and time and store it in MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS format var tlocDate = tNow.toLocaleString()  Extract only the date portion from the tlocDate variable using relative addressing var tDate = tlocDate.substring(0,10)

56 Extracting the System Date  Relative addressing

57 Extracting the Current System Date Using the Date() Object  Click the Notepad button on the taskbar to activate the Notepad window. Click line 19 below the document.bgColor=“blanchedalmond” statement

58 Type var tNow = new Date() and then press the ENTER key. Type var tlocDate = tNow.toLocaleString() and then press the ENTER key. Type var tDate = tlocDate.substring(0,10) and then press the ENTER key


60 Displaying the Current System Date  Use plus signs (+) to concatenate (join) strings and variables

61 Displaying the Current System Date in the Initial Greeting  Click line 22. Press the SPACEBAR four times. Type document.write(“ Welcome, today is “+tDate+” ”) and then press the ENTER key


63 Constructing a Message Using Several Variables  Click line 23. Type var intro1 = “Hi, thanks for visiting our Web site, but we have moved. Please make a note “ and then press the ENTER key  Type var intro2 = “of our new URL ( and notify the Webmaster about our new “ and then press the ENTER key

64 Constructing a Message Using Several Variables  Type var intro3 = “location. Click here or wait 15 seconds “ and then press the ENTER key  Type var intro4 = “to be moved automatically to our new site.” and then press the ENTER key

65 Constructing a Message Using Several Variables  Type var introMsg = intro1+intro2+intro3+intro4 and then press the ENTER key


67 Writing the Message on the Web Page  Click line 28. Press the SPACEBAR four times. Type document.write(“ ”+introMsg+ ” ”) and then press the ENTER key


69 Saving a File  Save your file in your folder

70 Click Save

71 Testing the Web Page in the Browser  Click the Fun with Phonics button on the taskbar to activate the browser. Click the Refresh button on the browser toolbar


73 Activating the Notepad Window  Click the Notepad button on the taskbar to activate the Notepad window

74 Calling a JavaScript Function  Two basic methods to call a function  Event handlers and object methods  Code the function name in a JavaScript section at the logical point of execution  setTimeout() method  Causes a delay before an instruction is executed

75 Calling a JavaScript Function

76 Writing the setTimeout() Method to Execute the chngSite() Function  If necessary, click line 29. Press the SPACEBAR four times  Type setTimeout(“chngSite()”, 15000) and then press the ENTER key


78 Displaying the Last Modified Document Date  If necessary, click line 30. Press the SPACEBAR four times  Type document.write(“ This document was last modified “+document.lastModified+” ”) and then press the ENTER key


80 Writing a JavaScript User-Defined Function  A function is JavaScript code written to perform certain tasks repeatedly  Built-in functions

81 Writing a JavaScript User-Defined Function  User-defined functions  Written by the Web developer  Functions can have data passed to it  To call a function means to have JavaScript execute the function



84 Entering the chngSite() User-Defined Function in the HEAD Section  Click the blank line (line 4) between the end tag and the end tag

85 Type and then press the ENTER key. Type <!—Hide from old browsers and then press the ENTER key

86 Entering the chngSite() User-Defined Function in the HEAD Section  Press the SPACEBAR four times. Type function chngSite() { and then press the ENTER key. Press the SPACEBAR eight times. Type alert(“You are about to be transported to the new site location!”) and then press the ENTER key. Press the SPACEBAR eight times. Type location = “” and then press the ENTER key. Press the SPACEBAR four times. Type } and then press the ENTER key. Type //-> and then press the ENTER key. Type and then press the ENTER key


88 Saving the File  Click Save on the File menu

89 Testing the Web Page  Click the Fun with Phonics button on the taskbar  Click the Refresh button on the browser toolbar  If you are connected to the Internet, click the OK button when the dialog box displays with the alert message  Click the Back button on the browser toolbar to return to the Fun with Phonics Web page



92 Printing the HTML File Using Notepad  If necessary, click the Notepad button on the taskbar. Click File on the menu bar and then point to Print

93 Click Print


95 Closing Notepad and Your Browser  Click the Close button on the browser title bar  Click the Close button on the Notepad window title bar

96 Summary  Discuss how to integrate JavaScript with HTML  Insert tags on a Web page  Write start and end tags  Define and use flickering to draw attention  Describe the background color property of the document object

97 Summary  Set the background color of a Web page using JavaScript  Save the HTML file  Test the Web page  Discuss JavaScript variables  Extract the system date  Use several variables to construct a message

98 Summary  Describe the write() method of the document object  Write a user-defined function that displays a message and links visitors to a new Web site  Describe how the setTimeout() method works  Use the lastModified property to display the last modified document date  Print an HTML Notepad file

99 What You Should Know

100 Project 8 Complete PLEASE REVIEW FOR EXAM!

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