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The social learning theory of crime. Watch the following; what does it tell us about behaviour? Sf9hw.

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Presentation on theme: "The social learning theory of crime. Watch the following; what does it tell us about behaviour? Sf9hw."— Presentation transcript:

1 The social learning theory of crime

2 Watch the following; what does it tell us about behaviour? Sf9hw

3 The rules 1.Children/people copy 2.They make a choice about who they copy 3.They are more likely to copy a higher status same sex role model 4.They are most likely to copy if they see their model rewarded. (Vicarious reinforcement)

4 Modelling Refers to the behaviour being demonstrated as well as being reproduced

5 Bandura, Ross and Ross 0lRjp8

6 Application of theory We have to look at the social learning theory of crime oThis is pretty well taking those rules and suggesting that, as this is how most people learn most things then this is how people learn to become criminals oFurthermore it can explain why people choose to become criminals. (i.e. if a person strongly identifies with a role model, they really want to be like them and so a long term role model who is a criminal is somebody the person wants to become like and so they choose a life of crime and copy the behaviour in order to learn how to be like their hero/model)

7 oApplying social learning theory to understanding how people learn to be criminals involves describing a suggested process oYou have to describe the process that goes on when a person decides to copy a certain behaviour and further processes involved in continuing to copy that behaviour to the point that the person themselves become a criminal

8 Take each rule and say how it applies to Joe Children/people copy So Joe is quite likely to copy the behaviour he sees around him anyway 2. They make a choice about who they copy Joe has chosen to hang around with Taz he does this repeatedly so having chosen it it must be reinforcing in some way 3. They are more likely to copy a higher status same sex role model Joe looks up to Taz he is older people like him and respect him Taz is therefore an older high status role model (within the cultural norms that Joe is living in) he is also male so it is very likely that Joe would choose to copy him 4. They are most likely to copy if they see their model rewarded. (Vicarious reinforcement) Joe sees Taz get rewarded in many ways. He gets a buz when he shoplifts or steals car s. He gets praise from the gang he gets things for free and he seems to look happier after he has vented his anger through vandalism. Most of all he is liked and has respect. That is exactly the type of reward Joe would like

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