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“Tele” = at a distance (far) Collaboration = co-labor (shared labor) Tele-collaboration = sharing labors at a distance Telecollaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "“Tele” = at a distance (far) Collaboration = co-labor (shared labor) Tele-collaboration = sharing labors at a distance Telecollaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Tele” = at a distance (far) Collaboration = co-labor (shared labor) Tele-collaboration = sharing labors at a distance Telecollaboration

2 Telecollaboration refers to using a computer connected to a telecommunications network like the Internet to collaborate with others at a distance. Telecollaboration


4 The Internet adds another dimension to project- based learning experiences. It poses new challenges for students and educators These projects require students to collaborate with distant peers. Telecollaboration

5 A systematic teaching method that engages students in learning knowledge and skills through an extended inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and tasks. --Buck Institute for Education Project-Based Learning

6 In most cases, defined by: a central question or problem important to students and relevant to the curriculum a product that reports the results of the investigation into the problem active participation by students from question development through product presentation continuous evaluation Project-Based Learning

7 In most cases, defined by: a classroom with an atmosphere that tolerates error and change TEACHER’s role = mentor, facilitator, guide Project-Based Learning

8 Learning to Learn working on problems in depth just-in-time learning Potential Benefits of Telecollaborative Projects

9 Lifelong learning models the kind of learning one does throughout life uses new tools for intellectual work for research, distinguishing credible information, constructing knowledge with other learners Potential Benefits of Telecollaborative Projects

10 Active learning students learn by doing students have access to people around the world students find more relevance in their studies increased interest and participation Potential Benefits of Telecollaborative Projects

11 Cooperative learning working directly with people from other places and cultures working not only with peers but also mentors and experts in many fields Potential Benefits of Telecollaborative Projects

12 Contextual learning establishes a close relationship between students and the real-world context of problems and projects learning is less abstract and more interdisciplinary Potential Benefits of Telecollaborative Projects

13 High standards for all learners student as author and therefore accountable for accuracy and completeness elevates quality of work Potential Benefits of Telecollaborative Projects

14 Students as Teachers Changing Roles

15 Teachers as Coaches Changing Roles

16 Peer and Community Involvement

17 Interpersonal Exchange Information Collection and Analysis Problem-Solving - Judi Harris, Virtual Architecture Types of Telecollaborative Projects

18 Learning with and from others Dealing with the technology Coordinating your activities Managing your time Challenges

19 Managing your classroom Changing roles Meeting your learning objectives Assessing learning impact Challenges

20 Please REGISTER at the Pilipinas SchoolNet Booth

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