Update from the SACs. SAC update Formation of JCPTD and Advisory Board for Specialty Training in Dentistry Progress with new specialty curricula Curriculum.

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1 Update from the SACs

2 SAC update Formation of JCPTD and Advisory Board for Specialty Training in Dentistry Progress with new specialty curricula Curriculum implementation Review of specialist lists (again!) Recognition of prior learning

3 SAC update Formation of JCPTD and Advisory Board for Specialty Training in Dentistry JCSTD and ABDFT are to merge to form one body to support post-qualification dental training both in foundation programmes As a consequence the composition of the new body (JCPTD) was reviewed and it was agreed (reluctantly) that it would no longer be appropriate for all of the SAC chairs to members of JCPTD (question of balance)

4 SAC update Formation of JCPTD and Advisory Board for Specialty Training in Dentistry It was agreed that the SACs should be represented by one of the SAC chairs, with a formal structure to allow for communication It has been accepted that this group will be called the Advisory Board for Specialist Training in Dentistry which will comprise the chairs of all the dental specialty SACs with the chair of the OMFS SAC as an observer.

5 SAC update Formation of JCPTD and Advisory Board for Specialty Training in Dentistry ABSTD will meet x3 per year in part as a stand alone committee and in part with representatives from COPDEND, the GDC and the chair of JCPTD The Chair of ABSTD will sit on JCPTD and take the SACs views to that group. If there is a particular issue with 1 specialty then that SAC chair can also attend by invitation, at the request of the chair of JCPTD or of ABSTD

6 SAC update Progress with new specialty curricula The Gold Guide became active from October 2009 for all new curricula as they are approved. Current approvals Restorative Dentistry Paediatric Dentistry Special Care Dentistry Oral Pathology Dental Public Health Endodontics Periodontology Prosthodontics

7 SAC update Progress with new specialty curricula The Gold Guide became active from October 2009 for all new curricula as they are approved. Remaining challenges Oral Surgery Oral Microbiology Oral Radiology Orthodontics Maxillo-facial Orthodontics

8 SAC update Progress with new specialty curricula The Gold Guide became active from October 2009 for all new curricula as they are approved. Consultant appointments 2 proposed 5-year curricula MF Orthodontics and Restorative Dentistry leading to CCST and eligibility for consultant appointment 3 or 4 year programme in Oral Medicine leading to CCST and eligibility for consultant appointment 4 year programme in Dental Public Health leading to CCST and eligibility for consultant appointment

9 SAC update Progress with new specialty curricula The Gold Guide became active from October 2009 for all new curricula as they are approved. Consultant appointments All the remaining curricula are 3-year programmes to CCST deemed too short to gain the all the competence / skills required for consultant appointment so will require further training of 1-2 years post CCST to be eligible for consultant appointment. Each SAC is currently developing the curriculum for this extended training period as a post-CCST fellowship  Management skills  May also have clinical elements

10 SAC update Curriculum implementation All SACs where curricula have been approved have formed implementation groups to facilitate the development of WPBAs Implementation groups to work together across specialties to share good practice Agreed that where a WPBA crosses specialty boundaries it should only be written once and the standard should be the same for all specialties Need for training in delivery of WPBAs at a deanery level and space in job planning for their delivery

11 SAC update Review of specialist lists (again!) GDC review in 2011 to include Maxillo-facial Orthodontics, status quo with the existing curriculum at present unclear about ARCP/RITA Probably also likely to include Implantology and rumour suggest up to 2 other new specialties Is likely to look hard at the very small groups within the additional dental specialties

12 SAC update Recognition of prior learning One role under the IMoU is to assist PGDD in the recognition of prior learning when setting CCST dates for new trainees SACs starting to get request for this on the basis of; Previous appointments extended periods in relevant specialty career development posts or LAT (NOT LAS)  If you have people in LAT appointments they need close educational supervision and will need a portfolio of evidence to take to their new post for this purpose Qualifications  PhD, Masters level taught programmes

13 SAC update Recognition of prior learning Prior learning has to be mapped to the curriculum documentation and can be used against specific competence statements, Training as an educator Research experience Evidence from WPBA (usually from LAT appointments) Once recognised training has to be tailored to the level of the indivudal and the things that they have NOT done

14 SAC update Recognition of prior learning Mediated / moderated entry onto specialist lists Process is ongoing with panels from the SACs working under the authority of JCSTD Required for  Individuals whose training has been undertaken outwith the UK (includes people whose exit exam is not taken in the UK, FFD or ISFE registered with Dublin) Still being used by  Individuals with non-NTN training Individual “modular” training Non-NTN University courses which mirror NTN programmes

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