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Using new learning technologies to deliver Leadership & Management Programmes Andy Brookes Head of Organisational Change, Lincolnshire County Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Using new learning technologies to deliver Leadership & Management Programmes Andy Brookes Head of Organisational Change, Lincolnshire County Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using new learning technologies to deliver Leadership & Management Programmes Andy Brookes Head of Organisational Change, Lincolnshire County Council

2 What do we mean by ‘new learning technologies’ E-learning Online learning Virtual Learning Environment Virtual classrooms Forums Webcast Web conferencing Pod casts Wikis Communities of practice Learning management systems etc. etc.

3 Can be very daunting, confusing or a ‘turn- off’ to those who aren’t technophiles! But how should we respond ….given that this technology cannot be un-invented!

4 So what has changed? ❒ The internet….especially broadband ❒ Digital media - Easy to produce, copy, distribute ❒ Social media - Facebook, LinkedIn etc.

5 Responding to the new learning technologies Broader perspective Need to consider beyond the perspective of the traditional trainer or conventional training Think differently about leadership and management development Think differently about learning

6 Thinking differently about leadership and management development ❒ What is the organisational ‘outcome’ we trying to achieve? ❒ Achieve this through:  Learning  Providing an environment which enables managers to achieve high performance ‘Continuously improve the skills and effectiveness of current and future managers’

7 The ‘new’ manager Leader Improviser Innovator Collaborator Networker …..& so the learning provision needs to recognise this

8 Thinking differently about learning From training ………to learning We normally learn to do something…… by doing it! 80% informal ‘on the job’; 20% formal learning We are social creatures…we learn most from those around us We learn better when it aligns to our learning style We learn more when we enjoy it…is it interesting, engaging or fun? Ad hoc or ‘just in time’ versus planned learning

9 The current agenda Public sector cuts Uncertainty Rapid change, increasing expectations Time/busyness New generation of managers, ‘generation Y’ Higher expectations of the learner as a ‘consumer’ – not happy to just sit in the classroom….want to control their own learning The way we learn and access knowledge outside work has already changed.....why should we act differently at work

10 How do the new technologies support this agenda? Provides more extensive menu of learning resources Develop resources more quickly and cost effectively, rapid deployment The web offers accessibility Ad hoc and planned Personalised and self-directed Modular/flexible (new credits framework) Collaboration Sharing knowledge

11 This isn’t new! Universities – blackboard Open university John Lewis Shell ‘University’ BBC website Etc. ……are we playing catch-up?


13 Example

14 Approaching the new technologies Not a separate e-learning strategy Don’t call it e-learning! Fully embed within L&D strategy New technologies increasing the available range of methods and media…they compliment but do not replace the traditional approaches Offer opportunity to provide better, more effective blended learning solutions Greater scope to personalise and design solutions which meet our natural and individual learning styles

15 LCC E-learning Learning Pool e-learning Learning Pool Dynamic Learning Environment (DLE) Rebranded as Lincs2Learn >1500 registered users Developed and implemented capacity to produce resources ILM level 5 module, utilising Lincs2Learn Information Governance – organisation wide programme Blended induction including virtual bus tour ……….Next? Learning Management System




19 LCC E-learning Learning Pool e-learning Learning Pool Dynamic Learning Environment (DLE) Rebranded as Lincs2Learn >1500 registered users Developed and implemented capacity to produce resources ILM level 5 module, utilising Lincs2Learn Information Governance – organisation wide programme Blended induction including virtual bus tour ……….Next? Learning Management System

20 Barriers Access: Staff unable to access IT Technology: IT doesn’t work well enough Skills: to utilise new technologies Time: requires self-management Culture: understanding /awareness credibility trust Capacity and expertise: new competencies for L&D professionals

21 Thank you for listening Any questions?

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