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1. Name the processing center for immigrants on the west coast Angel Island.

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2 1. Name the processing center for immigrants on the west coast Angel Island

3 2. Who founded Hull House Jane Addams

4 3. What did the Immigration Act of 1917 require of immigrants. Be able to read and write in order to pass a literacy test.

5 4. What is Frederick Law Olmsted best known for?

6 5. What is the Morrill Act of 1862?

7 6. Where did many immigrants have to live?

8 7. In order to counteract the poverty experienced by many immigrants Jane Addams and others established what?

9 8. This photo journalist exposed tenemnt housing conditions in his book How The Other Half Lives

10 9. The cheapest tickets for passage to the United States was in a section of the boat called what?

11 10. Mark Twain represented a combination of what two movements in the arts at this time period?

12 11. Immigration processing center in New York City

13 12. What 2 newspaper editors/owners started using yellow journalism as a way to sell newspapers

14 13. What does assimilate mean?

15 14. Who established the Tuskegee Institute?

16 15. What does the Gilded Age refer to? Both the extravagant wealth of the late 1800s and the terrible poverty that lay underneath

17 16. What was a nickelodeon?

18 17. Name the legislative act that limited the amount of Asians admitted to the United States The Chinese Exclusion Act

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