Reading Comprehension. How do you think we read?

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Comprehension. How do you think we read?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Comprehension

2 How do you think we read?

3 -memorizing words on the page -extracting just the meanings of the words -playing a mental movie in our heads of what the text describes -some combination of these???

4 An answer? Evidence suggests that we can use all of these “codes” or levels of representation. However, some are more important that others. Evidence suggests that we can use all of these “codes” or levels of representation. However, some are more important that others.

5 Levels of Representation Surface level: Memory for veridical wording, typeface, color. Surface level: Memory for veridical wording, typeface, color. Textbase: Memory for the meaning of words used in the text and their explicit relations Textbase: Memory for the meaning of words used in the text and their explicit relations Macrostructure/Situation level: Memory for the “gist” can include information that wasn’t even in the text. Macrostructure/Situation level: Memory for the “gist” can include information that wasn’t even in the text.

6 Word Identification Direct access: Use visual representation to identify. See word go directly to “meaning dictionary” lexicon. Direct access: Use visual representation to identify. See word go directly to “meaning dictionary” lexicon. E.g., DOG- access without sounding it out E.g., DOG- access without sounding it out

7 Word Identification Direct access: Use visual representation to identify. See word go directly to “meaning dictionary” lexicon. Direct access: Use visual representation to identify. See word go directly to “meaning dictionary” lexicon. E.g., DOG- access without sounding it out E.g., DOG- access without sounding it out Problem with this view: SLOM can not be accessed because this letter string is not in our lexicon. Problem with this view: SLOM can not be accessed because this letter string is not in our lexicon.

8 Word Identification Indirect access: use a words sound to identify it. Indirect access: use a words sound to identify it. See word and sound it out using grapheme-to-phoneme correspondence (GPC) rules. See word and sound it out using grapheme-to-phoneme correspondence (GPC) rules. Slom can be said using this method. Slom can be said using this method. Dual access: We use both direct and indirect methods. Dual access: We use both direct and indirect methods. Familiar words use direct access. Familiar words use direct access. Unknown/uncommon words (Slom) use indirect access. Unknown/uncommon words (Slom) use indirect access. Horse race model (Rayner and Pollatsek, 1989) we use both at the same time. One gets there faster. Horse race model (Rayner and Pollatsek, 1989) we use both at the same time. One gets there faster.

9 Beyond the Word (Discourse) Propositional representations: A collection of conceptual nodes labeled by pathways, where the entire structure represents the meaning of the sentence. Propositional representations: A collection of conceptual nodes labeled by pathways, where the entire structure represents the meaning of the sentence. Strength of this type of representation: Reflects the meanings of sentences but is not sensitive to changes in surface features (e.g., paraphrases). Strength of this type of representation: Reflects the meanings of sentences but is not sensitive to changes in surface features (e.g., paraphrases). Evidence: Kintsch (1974) The crowded passengers squirmed uncomfortably. (2 propositions) The horse stumbled and broke a leg. (3 propositions)

10 Discourse Structures Kintsch and van dijk’s Model: Posits a distinction between Microstructure and Macrostructure. Kintsch and van dijk’s Model: Posits a distinction between Microstructure and Macrostructure. Microstructure: The level of discourse in which propositions (smallest unit of meaning that can have a truth-value) are linked together. Microstructure: The level of discourse in which propositions (smallest unit of meaning that can have a truth-value) are linked together. Propositions have two elements: Propositions have two elements: Argument (concept) usually a noun or some object Argument (concept) usually a noun or some object Predicate (focus) usually a verb or some relational term Predicate (focus) usually a verb or some relational term

11 Discourse Structures Macrostructure: The gist of the text (what we walk away from the text remembering). Macrostructure: The gist of the text (what we walk away from the text remembering). Primary goal of this model is to explain the coherence of a text (i.e., how well a text makes sense). Coherence is achieved by an overlap of arguments in propositions. Primary goal of this model is to explain the coherence of a text (i.e., how well a text makes sense). Coherence is achieved by an overlap of arguments in propositions. This model also accounts for the “bottle neck” of STM. We process in cycles where the most recent and most important propositions are kept active. This model also accounts for the “bottle neck” of STM. We process in cycles where the most recent and most important propositions are kept active.

12 Kintsch’s CI Theory Construction Integration Model Readers break down text into propositions Readers break down text into propositions Understanding the text is the process of linking propositions together into a coherence graph (this is the microstructure) Understanding the text is the process of linking propositions together into a coherence graph (this is the microstructure) The macrostructure is then built, which consists of prior real-world knowledge (schema) and an edited version of the microstructure. The macrostructure is then built, which consists of prior real-world knowledge (schema) and an edited version of the microstructure.



15 Kintsch’s CI Theory continued Problems w/ the model: Too many details of the processes (forming propositions) are not well worked out Too many details of the processes (forming propositions) are not well worked out Understanding a text (coherence) is more than simply linking a series of propositions. Understanding a text (coherence) is more than simply linking a series of propositions.

16 An Alternative View to Propositions: Perceptual Symbols (Barsalou, Glenberg, Zwaan) The amodal argument The amodal argument Readers understand the text as if they are in the story world (embodiment). Propositional theories don’t capture this. Readers understand the text as if they are in the story world (embodiment). Propositional theories don’t capture this. In this case understanding text is the process (re)activating parts of the brain associated with experiences. In this case understanding text is the process (re)activating parts of the brain associated with experiences.

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