Overview of the Communication Plan for the Virginia Medicaid Preferred Drug List Program Presentation to: PDL/PA Implementation Advisory Group Cheryl J.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the Communication Plan for the Virginia Medicaid Preferred Drug List Program Presentation to: PDL/PA Implementation Advisory Group Cheryl J."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the Communication Plan for the Virginia Medicaid Preferred Drug List Program Presentation to: PDL/PA Implementation Advisory Group Cheryl J. Roberts Department of Medical Assistance Services September 11, 2003 Richmond, Virginia

2 2 Communication Plan n Communication and information dissemination will be a key component of Virginia’s new pharmacy program n Our goal is to execute a communication plan that focuses on: –Informing the affected parties early –Utilizing various communication and training methods –Providing a clear and simple message –Targeting the information to major stakeholders –Providing help and assistance throughout the process –Minimizing disruption –Developing a plan to follow up on interventions

3 3 Focused Communication Effort n A task force of DMAS and FHSC are formalizing the communication and education plan that will be launched in late October 2003 n DMAS is utilizing both training and operational staff and FHSC has designated education specialists to the project n The PDL communication plan will be focused on 4 major groups –Prescribers –Pharmacists –Enrollees –Associations/Advocacy Groups/Agencies

4 4 Proposed Communication Strategy for Prescribers/Associations n Multiple mailings: –informational –targeted by drug class n Communication will be targeted to top 150 prescribers by volume and regionalized n Web cast n Video conferencing n Site visits n Telephonic contact n Training Meetings for major health systems

5 5 Proposed Communication Strategy for Prescribers/Associations n Information meetings with key agencies and associations n Meetings with nursing homes and associations n Possible PDA access n Open the call center in November in order to handle calls and training issues n Web site access for basic information: Virginia.FHSC.com n Materials submitted to association newsletters and web sites n Medicaid memos n Focused pre- and post- implementation surveys

6 6 Proposed Communication Strategy for Pharmacists n Mailings n Targeted long term care meetings n Targeting communications to top 100 pharmacists n Call center availability n Access to prescriber meetings n Information cards for pharmacy n Soft edits and messaging prior to implementation n Work closely with the Virginia Pharmacy Association n Utilize experts: Pharmacy Liaison Committee, PDL/PAIAG, DUR Board

7 7 Proposed Communication Strategy for Enrollees/Advocates/Agencies n Inform and train groups who influence or educate enrollees n Meetings with affected Agencies n Mailings to affected enrollee population n Develop materials with simple clear message n Culturally sensitive materials in English and Spanish n Targeted meetings and posters at group sites, i.e. community centers and senior centers

8 8 Questions for Committee n What additional groups or areas do you believe need special attention? n How do we best communicate to these targeted groups? n What simple message should be communicated to each group? n Which private (commercial) or public entity has communicated these changes successfully? n Timing - what is the appropriate timing of the release of this information, i.e. 180 days to 1 day? n How should the rollout be communicated after the first wave of implementation? n How can you assist in the creations and dissemination of information?

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