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For the Class of 2007… Iraq has always been a problem.

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Presentation on theme: "For the Class of 2007… Iraq has always been a problem."— Presentation transcript:

1 For the Class of 2007… Iraq has always been a problem.

2 For the Class of 2007… “Ctrl + Alt + Del” is as basic as “ABC.”

3 For the Class of 2007… Paul Newman has always made salad dressing.

4 For the Class of 2007… Bert and Ernie are old enough to be their parents.

5 For the Class of 2007… an automatic is a weapon, not a transmission.

6 For the Class of 2007… there has always been a screening test for AIDS.

7 For the Class of 2007… Garrison Keillor has always been live on public radio and Lawrence Welk has always been dead on public television.

8 The Class of 2007… have never been able to find the “return” key.

9 For the Class of 2007… computers have always fit in their backpacks.

10 The Class of 2007… have never gotten excited over a telegram, a long distance call, or a fax.

11 For the Class of 2007… test tube babies are now having their own babies.

12 The Class of 2007… have always had a PIN number.

13 For the Class of 2007… directory assistance has never been free.

14 For the Class of 2007… there has always been Lean Cuisine.

15 For the Class of 2007… there have never been dress codes in restaurants.

16 The Class of 2007… have never seen a First Lady in a fur coat.

17 The Class of 2007… have never heard a phone “ring.”

18 For the Class of 2007… lawn darts have always been illegal.

19 For the Class of 2007… “Coming out” parties celebrate more than debutantes.

20 The Class of 2007… killer bees have always been swarming in the U.S.

21 The Class of 2007… neither know who Billy Joe was, nor wondered what he was doing on the Talahatchee Bridge.

22 The Class of 2007… have never thought of Jane Fonda as “Hanoi Jane,” nor associated her with any revolution other than the “Fitness Revolution” videotape they may have found in the attic.

23 For the Class of 2007… the Osmonds are talk show hosts.

24 The Class of 2007… have never used a bottle of “White Out.”

25 For the Class of 2007… “Spam” and “cookies” are not necessarily foods.

26 The Class of 2007… feel more danger from having sex and being in school, than from possible nuclear war.

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