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Parallel Processing - introduction  Traditionally, the computer has been viewed as a sequential machine. This view of the computer has never been entirely.

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Presentation on theme: "Parallel Processing - introduction  Traditionally, the computer has been viewed as a sequential machine. This view of the computer has never been entirely."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallel Processing - introduction  Traditionally, the computer has been viewed as a sequential machine. This view of the computer has never been entirely true.  Instruction pipelining (micro-instruction level parallelism)  superscalar organization (instruction- level parallelism)

2 Parallelism in Uniprocessor System  Multiple functional units  Pipelining within the CPU  Overlapped CPU and I/O operations  Use of hierarchical memory system  Multiprogramming and time sharing  Use of hierarchical bus system (balancing of subsystem bandwidths)

3 Pipelining Strategy  Instruction pipelining is similar to assembly lines in industrial plant (divide the task into subtasks, each of which can be executed by a special hardware concurrently)  Instruction cycle has a number of stages: Fetch instruction (FI) Decode instruction (DI) Calculate operands effective addresses (CO) Fetch operands (FO) Execute instructions (EI) Write result (WO)

4 Timing Diagram for Instruction Pipeline Operation

5 Assumptions  Each instruction goes through all six stages of the pipeline  equal duration  All of the stages can be performed in parallel (no resources conflict)

6 Improved Performance  But not doubled: Fetch usually shorter than execution Any jump or branch means that prefetched instructions are not the required instructions  Add more stages to improve performance

7 Pipeline Hazards  Pipeline, or some portion of pipeline, must stall. Also called pipeline bubble  Types of hazards Resource Data Control

8 Resource Hazards  Two (or more) instructions in pipeline need same resource  Executed in serial rather than parallel for part of pipeline  Operand read or write cannot be performed in parallel with instruction fetch  One solution: increase available resources Multiple main memory ports Multiple ALUs

9 Resource Hazard Diagram

10 Data Hazards  Conflict in access of an operand location  Two instructions to be executed in sequence  Both access a particular memory or register operand  In a pipeline, operand value could be updated so as to produce different result from strict sequential execution  E.g. x86 machine instruction sequence: ADD EAX, EBX /* EAX = EAX + EBX SUB ECX, EAX /* ECX = ECX – EAX

11 Data Hazard Diagram

12 Control Hazard  Also known as branch hazard  Brings instructions into pipeline that must subsequently be discarded

13 The Effect of a Conditional Branch on Instruction Pipeline Operation

14 Superscalar Organization  There are multiple execution units within a single processor  May execute multiple instructions from the same program in parallel  Ability to execute instructions in different pipelines independently and concurrently  Allowing instructions to be executed in an order different from the program order

15 General Superscalar Organization

16 Types of Parallel Processor Systems  Single instruction, single data stream - SISD  Single instruction, multiple data stream - SIMD  Multiple instruction, single data stream - MISD  Multiple instruction, multiple data stream- MIMD

17 Single Instruction, Single Data Stream - SISD  Single processor  Single instruction stream  Data stored in single memory Example: Uniprocessor

18 Parallel Organizations - SISD CU: Control unit IS: Instruction stream PU: Processing unit DS: Data stream MU: Memory unit LM: Local memory

19 Single Instruction, Multiple Data Stream - SIMD  Single machine instruction  Controls simultaneous execution  Number of processing elements  Each processing element has associated data memory  Each instruction executed on different set of data by different processors Example: Vector and array processors

20 Parallel Organizations - SIMD

21 Multiple Instruction, Single Data Stream - MISD  Sequence of data  Transmitted to set of processors  Each processor executes different instruction sequence  Never been implemented

22 Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data Stream- MIMD  Set of processors  Simultaneously execute different instruction sequences  Different sets of data  Examples: SMPs (symmetric multiprocessors ) Clusters NUMA (nonuniform memory access) systems

23 Parallel Organizations - MIMD Shared Memory

24 Parallel Organizations - MIMD Distributed Memory

25 Taxonomy of Parallel Processor Architectures

26 Symmetric Multiprocessor Organization

27 SMP Advantages  Performance If some work can be done in parallel  Availability Since all processors can perform the same functions, failure of a single processor does not halt the system  Incremental growth User can enhance performance by adding additional processors  Scaling Vendors can offer range of products based on number of processors

28 Multicore Organization  Number of core processors on chip  Number of levels of cache on chip  Amount of shared cache  Examples: (a) ARM11 MPCore (b) AMD Opteron (c) Intel Core Duo (d) Intel Core i7

29 Multicore Organization Alternatives

30 Performance: Amdahl’s Law  Potential speed up of program using multiple processors  Concluded that: Code needs to be parallelizable Speed up is bound  Task dependent Servers gain by maintaining multiple connections on multiple processors Databases can be split into parallel tasks

31 Amdahl’s Law Formula  Conclusions f small, parallel processors has little effect N → ∞, speedup bound by 1/(1 – f)  For program running on single processor Fraction f of code infinitely parallelizable. Fraction (1-f) of code inherently serial T is total execution time for program on single processor N is number of processors that fully exploit parallel portions of code

32 RQ: 12.5 P: 12.5, 12.8 RQ: 17.1, 17.3

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