Radiation Instrumentation Technical Committee Report to AdCom Chuck Melcher November 6, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Radiation Instrumentation Technical Committee Report to AdCom Chuck Melcher November 6, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiation Instrumentation Technical Committee Report to AdCom Chuck Melcher November 6, 2010


3 2010 NSS-MIC General Chair: Ron Keyser NSS Program Chair: John Valentine NSS Deputy Program Chair: Tim Devol MIC Program Chair: David Townsend MCI Deputy Program Chair: Charles Watson

4 2010 NSS Topics Analog and Digital Circuits Astrophysics and Space Instrumentation Scientific Simulation and Computation Gaseous Detectors Nuclear Measurements and Monitoring Techniques High Energy and Nuclear Physics instrumentation Instrumentation for Homeland and National Security Instrumentation for Medical and Biological Research Semiconductor Detectors Neutron Detectors and Instrumentation Nuclear Power Reactor Instrumentation Radiation Imaging Detectors Radiation Damage Effects Scintillators and Scintillation Detectors Synchrotron Radiation and FEL Instrumentation Trigger and Front-End Systems

5 Workshops Workshop on Material Development for the Homogeneous Hadronic Calorimeter Detector Concept Workshop on 3He Alternatives for Neutron Detection Workshop on the Management and Dissemination of Intellectual Property in Fundamental Research Workshop on PET-MR

6 Short Courses Integrated Circuit Front-Ends for Nuclear Pulse Processing Radiation Detection and Measurement Advanced Photodetectors Image Quality in Adaptive and Multimodality Imaging Medical Image Reconstruction Molecular Imaging

7 Refresher Courses Neutron Detection Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Geant4 Physics Modeling Capabilities MR imaging techniques New Trends in Scintillators Recent Advances in X-Ray Computed Tomography

8 Companion Program Fly Fishing On The Little River Smoky Mountain Premier Craft Biltmore Estate On Top of Old Smoky Tuckaleechee Caverns and Smoky Mountain Heritage Center A Step Back in Time - The Museum of Appalachia

9 Technical Tours ORTEC Manufacturing ORNL Spallation Neutron Source Siemens Healthcare Molecular Imaging Factory ORNL Spallation Neutron Source

10 Future NSS-MIC Conferences 2011: Valencia; David Townsend 2012: Anaheim; Tom Lewellen 2013: Seoul; Hee Joung Kim 2014: Seattle: ??? 2015: ???

11 Possible Future Technical Co-Sponsorship Fermilab detector workshop –“to coordinate detector R&D at national labs and universities” –First one held in October 2010 –Possibly to be held annually –APS Division of Particle and Fields was involved –IEEE not officially involved but Bo Yu was a presenter –We were contacted by Bruce Brown (Fermilab) about possible IEEE/NPSS/RITC future involvement

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