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Web Site Project Proposal By Peter Gillis IT Manager April 26, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Site Project Proposal By Peter Gillis IT Manager April 26, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Site Project Proposal By Peter Gillis IT Manager April 26, 2005

2 Research Blockbuster Hollywood Video

3 Competitive Landscape BlockbusterHollywood Monthly Subscription Rental  Movie Ratings  Movie Reviews  New DVD Sales  Used DVD Sales 

4 Brainstorm Immediate goals:Online reservation Newsletters Future goals:Movie reviews Used DVD sales Employment application

5 Look and Feel

6 Team Structure RoleName Project leadPeter Gillis Marketing manager Pierre Gilli Graphic designer Pedro Gillez Web developerPete Gillespie

7 Conceptual design Our company logo and slogan as the heading for each page Navigation buttons along the left side, aligned toward the top Navigation bar on the bottom of each page, in case user scrolls down the page and loses access to buttons Descriptive text, announcements, etc. Decorative or informative picture or graphic

8 Graphic assets Buttons Bullets Pictures


10 About Us FOR MORE INFO...

11 Contact Us FOR MORE INFO...

12 Service List FOR MORE INFO...

13 Project List FOR MORE INFO...

14 Related Links FOR MORE INFO...

15 Subpages

16 Search results FOR MORE INFO... User has entered “the” as search criteria User entered email address “”

17 Search results Search criteria and email address from previous window Search results: Matching movie titles, information about each one, and selection box Search results: Matching movie titles, information about each one, and selection box Search result options

18 Customer Database Form FOR MORE INFO... Follow the link for “Customer Database Form”

19 Customer Database Form

20 Report Generator FOR MORE INFO... Follow the link for “Report Generator”

21 Report Generator

22 Reports

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