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Podcasting Possibilities Karl Richter Speakeasy Designs.

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Presentation on theme: "Podcasting Possibilities Karl Richter Speakeasy Designs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Podcasting Possibilities Karl Richter Speakeasy Designs

2 Agenda What’s a podcast? Podcasting Possibilities Podcasting Pitfalls How can I use them? Where can I learn more about it?

3 Podcasting Myth #1 “I need an iPod to podcast”

4 Myth #2 “Podcasting is a revolutionary new idea.”

5 Podcasting is a mix of.. Radio + Take-Out + Tivo + Blogging

6 2 parts of a Podcast Audio file + RSS feed

7 (.mp3 + RSS) = Podcast RSS shows changes to a webpage. Not viewable in most web browsers. Software helps you subscribe to an RSS feed. Newsreaders Podcatchers

8 Podcasting Possibilities Teacher Podcast Creative way to present material Recurring updates for students and parents Student Podcast Distribute book reports beyond the room Create a Show Point of View Podcast

9 Podcasting Potholes “Let’s just make this a podcast” No easy way to scan for content Good info + bad presentation = boring “Why’d it take me 4 hours for a ten minute show?”

10 As you plan The Pancake Rule The first minute is the hardest. Music and Effects? Is it a single message or a series? Many topics, or in depth look at one? 1 hosts, co-host, panel discussion? Length of the show? How long until the next one?

11 To start making shows Hardware: A microphone, computer, & webspace Software: Use Audacity (Windows) or Garage Band 3 (Mac) Geek Wizardry: Set up a free account at They make your RSS feed and give you badges to play the files on your site

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