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LOGO English V Teaching Plan Grade 9 Class :餐三孝 Teacher :吳宙娟.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO English V Teaching Plan Grade 9 Class :餐三孝 Teacher :吳宙娟."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO English V Teaching Plan Grade 9 Class :餐三孝 Teacher :吳宙娟

2 LOGO 2 Contents Objectives 1 Glossary 2 Idioms & Phrases 3 Grammar Focus 4 Reading 5 Quiz 6

3 LOGO 3 Objectives Lesson 4 Tablet PCs and Digital Textbooks in the Classroom in South Korea  To Understand and use the vocabularies and idioms.  To understand the text and the sentence pattern.  To enjoy learning English and participating in classroom activities.  Can Pass the quizze

4 LOGO 4 Getting Started Tell Us ! Do you know what a tablet PC is? Can you describe one?. What advantages of the tablet PC and digital textbooks used in the classroom can you think of? Do you know what digital textbooks are? Can you describe them? Good? Bad?

5 LOGO 5 Glossary ambitious (adj.) 有野心的 digital (adj.) 數位化的 Ex : Our government has announced an ambitious program to digitalize all textbooks in all schools. Ex : Modern digital cameras can take excellent photographs even if you are a first-time user.

6 LOGO 6 Glossary interactive (adj.) 互動的 beyond (prep.) 超過 Ex : The company designs an interactive computer system to learn English. Ex : Don’t go beyond this street or you will have gone too far.

7 LOGO 7 Glossary enhance (v.) 提高 relationship (n.) 關係 Ex : The plan aims to enhance the employment of young people. Ex : Medical advancements have proven the relationship between lung cancer and smoking cigarettes.

8 LOGO 8 Idioms & Phrases Ex I would like to stay home this weekend rather than go out. EX No matter what difficulties he will meet with, he is determined to carry out his plan. carry outrather than 而不是 … 實行

9 LOGO 9 Grammar Focus  South Korea’s government aims to digitize all textbooks with the tablet PC in all schools by 2015. To + 原 V  南韓政府的目 標是要用平板 電腦將所有的 教科書數位化 。

10 LOGO 10 Grammar Focus Practice Make sentences with the words given 1.the cold weather / cause / plant / die _______________________________ 2.he / not / allow / anyone / smoke / in her house. _______________________________ 3.Mr. cheng / lead / students / speak English _______________________________

11 LOGO 11 Grammar Focus  Digital learning can promote as much interaction between teachers and students as possible. as + adj. / adv./ N + as possible 越 … 越好  數位學習可以 促進老師和學 生互動,兩者 之間互動越多 越好。

12 LOGO 12 Grammar Focus Practice 將中文翻成英文 1.In order to arrive at the station on time, they get up as early as possible. _______________________________ 2.Students should hand in their homework as fast as possible. ______________________________ 3.When taking a test, we should check our answer as carefully as possible. ______________________________

13 LOGO 13 Reading (one part of the text)  Kim, the South Korean official who leads the tablet PC project, is carrying out the plan to make all Korean students connected to the tablet PC and digital textbooks in the future. 帶領平板電腦計劃的南韓官員, Kim 正在努力 讓所有南韓學生在未來都能夠連結使用平板電 腦與電子教科書。  carry out :實行。

14 LOGO 14 Reading (one part of the text)  Combining the tablet PC with digital textbooks, the government in South Korea intends to provide the worlds first “smart education” system in the classroom. 經由結合平板電腦與電子教科書,南韓政府打 算提供世界上第一個教室內的智慧教育。  intend to :打算。

15 LOGO 15 Quiz 1. You are doing this for yourself _____ _____ for others. 你做這件事不是為了別人, 而是為了自己。 2. I try _____ stay calm 我試著要保持冷靜。 3. Let’s _____ _____ our plan according to the schedule. 讓我們按照計畫表實行計 畫吧。 翻譯填充:按中文所示,在空格內填入適當的片語或慣用語。

16 LOGO 16 Review ambitious digital interactive beyond enhance Kim, the South Korean official…. To + 原 V as + a. / adv. / N + as possible rather than carry out Glossary Do you still remember? Idioms Grammar Reading


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