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Persians, Phoenicians, Israelites

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1 Persians, Phoenicians, Israelites

2 Persian Empire Persian Kings were tolerant- accepted the people they conquered. Unified Under Darius- Organized his empire into Satraps, (provinces). Set up leaders to collect taxes in each satrap. Built roads and palaces, constantly visiting and celebrating with his people Had a unified law for all his land

3 Economy Darius introduced coins to use as currency.
Barter Economy- Exchanging goods or services for another Money Economy- Goods are paid for with a token of agreed value.

4 Religion United the Persians
Zoroaster (600b.c.)- Organized a religion that rejected traditional Persian Gods and replaced them with a single wise God. Believed in a Heaven, Hell and a final Judgment day.

5 Phoenician Sea Traders
Were known to be exceptional sailors. Only lived on a narrow strip of coast land, which they used to farm. (More known for manufacturing and trading) Purple dye glass

6 Phoenician Sea Traders
Phoenicians set up colonies(territory settled and ruled by people from another land) to help expand their trade.

7 Phoenician Alphabet Unlike cuneiform or hieroglyphics, which were symbols that represented a word or concept. Phoenicians created an alphabet which are letters that combined, make up words.

8 The Roots of Judaism

9 Early History of the Israelites
Belief in God Israelites, or Hebrews believed in God and that he had a hand in their lives. Recorded sacred events and records in the Torah.

10 Father Abraham (founder of the Israelite nation)
Abraham lived in Ur in Mesopotamia. He and his large family wondered the land herding sheep and goats, the settled in Cannon. In time the posterity (decedents) of Abraham traveled to Egypt to escape famine.

11 Moses In Egypt they were enslaved by a pharaoh. A leader named Moses
lead the people from slavery into the desert. Eventually after Moses died the people re-entered Cannon.

12 Kings of the Hebrews 1000 B.C.E.
David- United the various tribes Solomon (David’s Son)- Built a greart temple and worked to build relations with Egypt and Mesopotamia. Known as a Shrewd leader Building projects raised taxes

13 Division Solomon's strict style spilt the Israelites.
Israel- North Judah- South This division weakened the Israelites, allowing them to be invaded by the Assyrians.

14 Exile The Israelite people were forced away from their land to live in Babylon. This time was known as the Babylonian Captivity, it is also when they became known as the Jews. Eventually they were freed by Cyrus, a Persian leader who conquered Babylon. Many Jews returned to their land and built a smaller version of Solomon's Temple.

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