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The first period 学习目标 1 、掌握有关动物的词汇及描述性形容 词. 2 、学会用 why 引导的特殊疑问句及回 答来谈论动物.

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Presentation on theme: "The first period 学习目标 1 、掌握有关动物的词汇及描述性形容 词. 2 、学会用 why 引导的特殊疑问句及回 答来谈论动物."— Presentation transcript:


2 The first period

3 学习目标 1 、掌握有关动物的词汇及描述性形容 词. 2 、学会用 why 引导的特殊疑问句及回 答来谈论动物.

4 预习检测: 看图片,你能快速说出单词吗?

5 Koala Koalas live in Australia.

6 panda I come from China, and I am a kung fu panda!!!!!!

7 Tiger According to Chinese culture, 2010 is the year of Tiger!

8 elephant Elephants have long noses.

9 giraffe Giraffes have long necks.

10 lion Do you know the movie The Lion King? My favorite movie is The Lion King.

11 dolphin They live in water, they like playing with a ball and they can swim very well.

12 penguin Penguins like to live in the snow. They can walk and swim.

13 penguin elephant lion dolphin koala tiger giraffe panda

14 Let’s move to 1a on page 13 look at the MAP and match the words with the animals in the picture. 7. penguiu____ 2. elephant____ 1. tiger____ 6. lion____ 4. dolphin____ 5. panda____ 3. koala____ 8. giraffe____ b a d h e f g c

15 A: Let’s see the dolphins. B: Why do you want to see the dolphins? A: Because they’re cute / interesting / smart / fun. Practice the conversation about animals below. Use the words above. ( Let 后面跟 v. 原形 let sb. do sth. ) 自学质疑:

16 -- What animals do you want to see? -- I want to see the …s. -- Why? -- Because they are….

17 I like dolphins. I think dolphins are cute and nice. I like dolphins because they are cute. I like ___________. I think ______ are ____. I like _____ because they are____.

18 penguin elephant lion dolphin koala tiger giraffe panda 你能用适当的形容词描述下列动物吗?

19 形容词知多少 smart 聪明的,漂亮的 cute 可爱的,聪明的 ugly 丑陋的 friendly 友好的 lazy 懒惰的 beautiful 漂亮的 shy 害羞的

20 Liste and write the animals you hear. Draw a line from the animals to the description words. Animals Description Words 1. ________ 2._________ a.interesting b.cute koalas dolpins

21 Listen again and complete the conversation with the word in the box.(You can use some words more than once) very dolphins kind of koalas Julia: Let’s see the ________. Henry:Why do you like________. Julia:Because they’re ________ cute. Henry:Well, I like ________. Julia:Why do you like_________. Henry:Because they’re ________ interesting. koalas very dolphins kind of

22 giraffe(s ) penguin(s) elephant(s)tiger(s) panda(s ) koala(s) lion(s) dolphin(s ) Shally:Let’s see the pandas first. Jim:Why?/Why do you want to see pandas? Shally:Because they’re very cute. ★ Oral Practice Jim:Do you like dolphins? Shally:Yes. Jim: Why do you like dolpins? Shally:Because they are kind of smart. Jim:Let’s see the pandas. Shally:OK, let’s go.

23 Sum up: 1 各种动物的名字。 2 句型 Let’s … Why do you like…? Because….

24 课堂导练: 1 、 we can see lots of a in the zoo. 2 、 P come from China. 3 、 The e has a very long nose( 鼻子 ) 4 、 We often go to the z on weekends to see animals. 5 、 --I don’t know where the zoo is ?—you can read the m to find it. 6 、 Dolphins are s animals.they can play many programs( 节目 ) 7 、 The k is very cute. 8 、 The t is the king of the forest( 森林 ) 9 、 G have very long necks( 颈 ) 当堂练习:一. 补全单词。 nimals andas lephants oo ap mart oalas iger iraffes

25 情景对话 A:Let’s the pandas. B: do you want to see them? A: Because they’re cute. They ‘re my favorite __ _ B: well, I want to see _ __ A: ___ do you like koalas? B: Because they’re cute, too. see Why animals koalas Why

26 Proverbs: (谚语) 1 、 Love me,love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 2 、 Every dog has its day. 每人都有得意时。 3 、 Beat (打) the dog before the lion. 4 、 When the cat is away (离开),the mice will play. 5 、 Don’t put the cart (马车) before the horse (马). 6 、 Fine feathers (羽毛) make fine birds. 杀一儆百。 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。 不要本末倒置。 人要衣裳,佛要金装。 8. It’s raining cats and dogs. 滂沱大雨。

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