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By: Ben Chisam The African Elephant. The Species The African Elephant is divided into two different sub- species; The African Savannah Elephant which.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ben Chisam The African Elephant. The Species The African Elephant is divided into two different sub- species; The African Savannah Elephant which."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ben Chisam The African Elephant

2 The Species The African Elephant is divided into two different sub- species; The African Savannah Elephant which lives in the plains of Africa and the African Forest Elephant which lives in the forests of central and west Africa. These species are endangered. They are being poached for their meat but especially their ivory tusks which can be sold for a high price. The African Elephant

3 Numbers Decreasing In 1930 there was 3-5 million African Elephants on the continent of Africa. Then in 1950 when the hunt for ivory started their numbers started to decrease. During these times scientists have estimated that 100,000 elephants were being poached every year. Although the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) created an Elephant poaching ban in 1989 they are still hunted illegally. However poaching isnt the elephants only problem its habitats are being taken away by humans. Humans are cutting down trees and using the land where the elephants live for a place to farm and live. Because of this elephants are forced to move even farther away from protected areas.

4 What can you Do? If youre wondering what you can do to help protect this species… You can donate to WWF which is working hard to stop the ivory trade. This will help but the best thing you can do is spread the word. The more people who know about this the better.


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