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Ultimate Mars Journey By: Ebony Terrell. Keepin’ it warm! On mars the average temperature is approximately -67 degrees Fahrenheit. In the summer time.

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Presentation on theme: "Ultimate Mars Journey By: Ebony Terrell. Keepin’ it warm! On mars the average temperature is approximately -67 degrees Fahrenheit. In the summer time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ultimate Mars Journey By: Ebony Terrell

2 Keepin’ it warm! On mars the average temperature is approximately -67 degrees Fahrenheit. In the summer time its approximately -80 degrees Fahrenheit. And in the winter its usually -207 degrees Fahrenheit.

3 This Is… This is a rock planet! This therefore means it is one of the first four from the sun! This planet is smooth all over because it has dust and its just not gassy. This being its pretty cool.

4 Lets get Original! They have Two moons; Deimos & Phobos. Mars has a day (rotation) just like earth, it equals 1 day. But the thing that’s different is that for a whole year (orbit period) it equals to 687 days.

5 Distance The diameter in kilometers is 6,794. The distance from the sun is 227,940,000 km which is 1.52 AU’s This is pretty big in size too.

6 Interesting Factoids ! In 1989 there was a cone shaped object on one of the moons which was Phobos. Phobos is pretty large in size since its not your average moon. But mars its self is the second smallest planet. Mars is named after a famous god of Roman war. #ThatRomanRule

7 Cites Used. Palermo,Effrain.The “Phobos Monolith". Web.. Planetary Science Resources.University of California Berkley, Ca; 2001.

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