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Moons of the Milky Way By: Nikki Bajaj, Patrick Culligun, Matthew Portas, and Norah Murphey.

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Presentation on theme: "Moons of the Milky Way By: Nikki Bajaj, Patrick Culligun, Matthew Portas, and Norah Murphey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moons of the Milky Way By: Nikki Bajaj, Patrick Culligun, Matthew Portas, and Norah Murphey

2 Moon Earth’s moon is called Moon with a capital “M” A complete orbit takes 27 Earth Days 239 thousand milesA The diameter is 3, 476 km

3 Mars Mars has two moons both composed of C- type rock It has two moons: Deimos and Phobos Deimos and Phobos were both found by Asaph Hall and were named after the two sons of Ares

4 Deimos Deimis was discovered 8/11/1877 About 11km Orbits around mars every 30 hours Orbit size is 23, 458 km Radius 6.2 km 998 km

5 Phobos 18 Km in diameter Orbits Mars three times a day Nearing mars at a rate of 1.8 meters every hundred years 6 mile crater called “Stickney” Discovered by Asaph Hall on 8/17/1887 Orbit size is 9,376 km 11.1 km radius Volume is 5,729 km ^3

6 Jupiter Jupiter has 67 moons Jupiters main planets are: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto

7 Io Volcanically active, Surface is covered in Sulfur, travels in a slighty elliptical orbit Orbits 1.769 Days Orbit Radius 422 x 10^3 Km Diameter is 3, 630 km Mass is 88,900 10^18 kg

8 Europa Orbital period is 3.551 days Radius of orbit- 671 x 10^3 Diameter is 3,138 km Mass is 47,900 x 10^18 Kg

9 Ganymede Orbital Period is 7.155 days Radius of orbit 1, 070 x 10^3 Diameter 5,262km 148,000 x 10^18 Has its own magneto sphere

10 Callisto Orbital period is 16.69 days Radius of orbit is 1,883 x 10^3 km Diameter is 4,800 km Mass is 107, 000 x 10^18kg

11 Uranus 27 Known moons Least massive Satellite system of the solar system Small shepherd moons orbit at the edge of the rings and keep dust from escaping The 5 main moons include – Miranda – Ariel – Umbriel – Titania – Oberon

12 Miranda Orbital time is 1.41 days Radius is 129 x 10^3 km The diameter is 480 km The mass is 180 x 10^18 kg

13 Ariel Orbital period is 2.52 days The radius of orbit is 191 x 10^3 km The diameter is 1,170km The mass is 1,600 x 10^18kg

14 Umbriel The Orbital period is 4.14 days The radius of orbit is 266 x 10^3km The diameter is 1,190km The mass is 1,000 x 10^18 kg

15 Titania The orbital period is 8.71 days The radius of orbit is 436 x 10^3 The diameter is 1,590 km The mass is 5,900 x 10^18kg

16 Saturn Saturn has at least 150 rooms 53 have formal names Titan is the largest moon

17 Titan Orbit size 1,221,865 km Mean Radius is 2,574.7 km The Volume is 71,496,320,086km^3 The mass is 134,552,523,083 Was discovered by Christiaan Huygen

18 Neptune Neptune has 13 planets The biggest of these planets is Triton

19 Triton Discovered October 10, 1846 by British astronomer William Lassell Coldest object in the Solar System, about -400 degrees Fahrenheit Orbits in the opposite direction of the planets rotation Orbit size- 354,759 km Mean radius 1353.4km Volume- 10,384,058,491km^3 Mass- 21,394,990,550,895,500,000,000Kg

20 Work Cited Astronomy Handbook by James Muirden Arco Publishing Company 1982 "Earth's Moon: Overview." Solar System Explorationn.pag. Nasa. Web. 12 Sep 2013.. "Mars:Moons." Solar System Exploration n.pag. Nasa. Web. 12 Sep 2013.. "Jupiter:Moons." Solar System Exploration n.pag. Nasa. Web. 12 Sep 2013.. "Saturn:Moons." Solar System Exploration n.pag. Nasa. Web. 12 Sep 2013.. “Uranus:Moons." Solar System Exploration n.pag. Nasa. Web. 12 Sep 2013.. "Neptune:Moons." Solar System Exploration n.pag. Nasa. Web. 12 Sep 2013..

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