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The Explorer Network by Nithya Rajanala. User name: Christopher Columbus Basic Information Current City: Portugal Birthday: October 31,1451 Looking for:

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Presentation on theme: "The Explorer Network by Nithya Rajanala. User name: Christopher Columbus Basic Information Current City: Portugal Birthday: October 31,1451 Looking for:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Explorer Network by Nithya Rajanala

2 User name: Christopher Columbus Basic Information Current City: Portugal Birthday: October 31,1451 Looking for: riches such as a gold, silk, and spices Personal Information Activities: sailing Interests: discovering Favorite Quote: Gold is the metal of exploration. Positive Character Traits: diligence, leadership Contact Information email: Current address: christopher columbus drive Work and Accomplishments Employer: Spain Position: explorer and captain Description: find a water route to Asia in the west Accomplishments: 3 voyages and settled in South and Central America explorerbook WallInfoPictures About Me: My name is Christopher Columbus and Im trying to find a sea route to Asia. Ive been to Bahamas, Cuba,Hispaniola,and Gomera in only 3 voyages! Ive settled in Central and South America, but I had a rough time.

3 explorerbook WallInfoPictures Friends: Martin Pinzon John Cabot Juan Ponce de Leon Vasco Nunez de Balboa Likes: Gold Spices Gunpowder New land Who are my crew members? I asked King Ferdinand. Go find some at jail! King Ferdinand screamed. It was April 17,1492 and I was on my way to jail. My brother and I walked inside and boy I wish I could pick some other crew members than them. But I grabbed a few hopped on board and set sail. Days and nights we searched for land. When my brother saw land he screamed Land Ahoy! so loud that I thought my ear would pop out. When we landed at Jamestown on October 8,1492 I claimed the land for us Spanish settlers. On January 6,1493 I screamed Ship! in my brothers ear. What! my brother mumbled. Ship! I thundered. This time extremely mad. We waved to the people on the ship and said a Quick Hi!

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