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Valdkonnateadmiste olulisus, äriprotsessid

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2 Valdkonnateadmiste olulisus, äriprotsessid

3 Väljakutse Tees: Lähiajal tuleb otsustavalt muuta seda viisi, kuidas me loome infosüsteeme. Moore seadus: Arvutustehnika võimsus kasvab kahekordseks iga 18 kuuga. Wirthi seadus: Tarkvara aeglustub kiiremini kui raudvara kiireneb. Eriti aeglustub tarkvara loomine ja silumine Niklaus Wirth: Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster. Infosüsteemide loomine on liiga kallis, võtab kaua aega ja nad ei häälestu muutuvatele tingimustele..

4 Sisu IT kaasaegsed trendid Äriprotsesside modelleerimine BPM ja SOA Äriprotsesside mõõtmine Küsimused

5 Põhimoto Enne, kui hakata tarkvara looma, tuleb nõuded võimalikult täpselt paika panna; Enne, kui nõuded saab paika panna, tuleb võimalikult täpselt valdkonna mudel (domain model) selgeks teha ja kui võimalik formaliseerida.


7 Äriprotsessi määrang The word “process” is defined in the dictionary as “a series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result”. Martyn Ould: A process is a coherent set of activities carried out by a collaborating group to achieve a goal.


9 BPM definition Business process management (BPM) is a management approach focused on aligning all aspects of an organization with the wants and needs of clients. It is a holistic management approach [1] that promotes business effectiveness and efficiency while striving for innovation, flexibility, and integration with technology. Business process management attempts to improve processes continuously. It could therefore be described as a "process optimization process."


11 Components of BPM Suite There are four critical components of a BPM Suite: Process Engine – a robust platform for modeling and executing process-based applications, including business rules Business Analytics — enable managers to identify business issues, trends, and opportunities with reports and dashboards and react accordingly Content Management — provides a system for storing and securing electronic documents, images, and other files Collaboration Tools — remove intra- and interdepartmental communication barriers through discussion forums, dynamic workspaces, and message boards

12 Rule engine business rules engine is a software system that executes one or more business rules in a runtime production environment. The rules might come from legal regulation ("An employee can be fired for any reason or no reason but not for an illegal reason"), company policy ("All customers that spend more than $100 at one time will receive a 10% discount"), or other sources.

13 Miks modelleerida 1) Describing a process: we model a process to be able to describe it. We could have different target audiences for these descriptions, for instance, humans, in which case understandability is important, or machines, in which case formality is important. 2) Analyzing a process: simply put, process analysis consists of assessing the properties of a process. Process re-engineering and improvement relies on an analysis of existing processes to identify redundant or sub-optimal steps. If the process is described formally, we can verify mechanically structural properties such as coupling and cohesion or dynamic properties such as the absence of deadlock, liveness properties, etc. 3) Enacting a process: we may enact a process for simulation purposes or to provide some level of support for process execution. Depending on the language, this support can take different forms : reacting to events triggered by the execution of the process, to checking that specific constraints are satisfied, driving the execution of the process. Only formal languages1 make process enactment possible.

14 Modeleerimise keeled 1) Traditional process modeling languages: these languages mostly come from the MIS tradition of information engineering and from work on business process engineering. IDEF, Petri Nets, Event Process Chains (EPC), Role Activity Diagrams [Ould, 1995], Resource-Event-Agent (REA) [], and the recently minted Business Process Modeling Language [BPMI,2003]. 2) Workflow modeling languages: roughly speaking, a workflow management system is a computer system that manages a business process by assigning activities of the process to the right resources, by “moving” work items (e.g., documents, orders, etc.) from one processing step to the next, and by tracking the progress of the process [WfMC,2002]. These languages are, for the most part, formal and executable. We will talk about the Workflow Process Description Language (WPDL) [WfMC,1999] and proposed interchange formats such as PIF [Lee et al., 1996] and PSL [NIST,2002]. 3) Process integration languages: the advent of inter-enterprise electronic business (B2B) has spurred interest in process modeling languages for the purposes of integrating the processes of two or more business partners. Biztalk


16 Archimate

17 Architecture example


19 Äriprotsesside modeleerimise perspektiivid

20 Perspektiivide metamudel

21 Äriprotsessi konteksti perspektiiv

22 Mudelipõhine arendus näide Remote desktop Tulemus



25 Core elements

26 Näited

27 Examples





32 Protsessi analüüs

33 Protsessi kaevandamine: sündmuste log

34 throughput time bottle- necks flow time from A to B Läbilaskevõime analüüs. Pudelikaelad.

35 Sündmus log YAWL logs workflow events and data attributes An extractor function available as a ProMImport plug-in ProM can analyze YAWL logs in MXML format Prom can transform YAWL models into Petri nets Check_PrePaid_Shipments_10 start 2008-07-08T10:11:18.104+01:00 JohnsI true Check_PrePaid_Shipments_10 complete 2008-07-08T10:11:28.167+01:00 JohnsI

36 Protsessi simulatsioonid

37 Arendusprotsess 1.Taust (kontekst) 2.Valdkonnamudel 3.Probleem 4.Äriprotsess as-is 5.Äriprotsess to-be 6.Mõõdikud 7.Riskianalüüs

38 Näide Heidi Ploovits Automatiseeritud kõnejuhtimise ja automaatteeninduse juurutamine eraklienditoe kõnekanalis Elion Ettevõtted Aktsiaseltsi näitel Sai kõigilt nii komisjonilt, juhendajalt kui ka retsensendilt suurepärase. Magistritoo_Heidi_Ploovits_TTU_IABM10 3536_final.pdf

39 Vahendid Bizagi DISCO Äriprotsesside kursuse koduleht

40 Küsimused

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