An overview of the London Hydrogen Partnership Mission: to establish a hydrogen economy for London and the UK Aims Establish ‘route map’

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Presentation on theme: "An overview of the London Hydrogen Partnership Mission: to establish a hydrogen economy for London and the UK Aims Establish ‘route map’"— Presentation transcript:

1 An overview of the London Hydrogen Partnership Mission: to establish a hydrogen economy for London and the UK Aims Establish ‘route map’ Break down barriers through advocacy and communication Enable demonstration projects Incubate products and markets Key drivers Energy security Carbon reduction Air Quality Noise Green economy London ‘brand’

2 Partnership structure

3 LHP Steering Group

4 Recent successes Demonstrations Clean Power Generator, Trafalgar Square Communications Launch of ‘Hydrogen economy’ public lecture with Jeremy Rifkin ‘Overcoming barriers’ Air Products/LHP seminar ‘Fuel cells for buildings’ CIBSE seminar Fuel cell CHP briefing for planners and developers Policy Policy to encourage fuel cells in Mayor’s Energy Strategy, London Plan and supplementary planning guidance

5 Major current activities Revising the London Hydrogen Action Plan Stationary and transport strategies Input from Imperial hydrogen infrastructure research Partnership’s communications strategy and action plan Further communications work Local authorities Developers and other key customers Public awareness Enabling further demonstration projects

6 Contacts James Farrell Senior Policy Adviser, Greater London Authority Zoe Jennings Partnership Manager, LHP (starts 23 May 2005) 020 7983 4727 Task Group Chairs – visit

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