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Primary beam production target ESR The GSI Radioactive Beam Facilities RISING high-resolution Ge  -spectrometer.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary beam production target ESR The GSI Radioactive Beam Facilities RISING high-resolution Ge  -spectrometer."— Presentation transcript:

1 primary beam production target ESR The GSI Radioactive Beam Facilities RISING high-resolution Ge  -spectrometer

2 RISING Electronics Upgrade Proposal: Replacement of currently used Euroball VXI Ge detector electronics by dedicated pulse shape electronics. Improvement; Discrimination of neutrons and charged particles from gamma rays by signal shapes reduces strongly the background in the gamma spectra. Discrimination of energy pile up from Bremsstrahlung reduces the background, in particular at energies < 500 keV. Higher maximal count rates increase the acceptable beam intensity. High reliability (compared to increasing problems with defective VXI channels) increase the effective efficiency of Ge the set-up.

3 Cost: 112 channels XIA DGF-moduls336 k EUR 2 crates 8 k EUR Effort; 12 months FTEfor development and implementation of the pulse shape algorithms 60 k EUR Total:404 k EUR RISING Electronics Upgrade

4 primary beam production target ESR The GSI Radioactive Beam Facilities RISING high-resolution Ge  -spectrometer Storage ring: development of reaction setup (EXEL) High-energy reaction setup R3B new dedicated exp. area: CAVE C upgrade programme: detector developments + large-acceptance dipole

5 Experimental Scheme: Setup LAND@GSI ~20 m ( 40 Ar primary beam) Beam cocktail (all unstable !) Reaction products after target 20 O beam

6 R 3 B: A next-generation experimental setup for Reaction studies with Relativistic Radioactive Beams Goal: Kinematically complete measurements of reactions with secondary beams j Electromagnetic excitations  single-particle structure  astrophysical S- factor  soft modes  giant resonances  B(E2) j Knockout / quasi-free scattering  single-particle structure, spectral functions  unbound states, spectroscopy beyond dripline  Charge exchange (p,n)  GT strength  spin dipole resonance  neutron skin  Other reactions: Fission, Fragmentation, Multifragmentation, Spallation

7 Detectors: * Velocity and ToF detectors ( ~ 10 ps ) * Tracking detectors (Si microstrip) * Large-area detectors for protons / heavy ions * Proton recoil detector * LAND upgrade (improved time resolution) * Full-absorption gamma spectrometer Integrated electronics and DAQ system Large acceptance dipole magnet (CEA Saclay) High-resolution momentum spectrometer Detectors: * Velocity and ToF detectors ( ~ 10 ps ) * Tracking detectors (Si microstrip) * Large-area detectors for protons / heavy ions * Proton recoil detector * LAND upgrade (improved time resolution) * Full-absorption gamma spectrometer Integrated electronics and DAQ system Large acceptance dipole magnet (CEA Saclay) High-resolution momentum spectrometer LAND / R3B upgrade programme R3B collaboration GSI IN2P3/IPN Orsay, France Univ. de Santiago de Compostela, Spain University of Keele, UK Physik Department, TU München Intituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Spain Department of Physics, University of Surrey, UK Department of Physics, Univ. of Liverpool, UK Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia University of Manchester, UK CEA, Saclay, France} University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, UK Univ. of Aarhus, Denmark II. Physikalisches Inst., Univ. Giessen Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Göteborg, Sweden Fizyki, Uniwersytet Jagellonski, Krakow, Poland Universität Mainz Institute of Nuclear Research (ATOMKI), Debrecen, Hungary CLRC Daresbury, UK Institut für Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt Institut für Kernphysik, Universität zu Köln, Michigan State University, USA Argonne National Laboratory, USA Forschungszentrum Rossendorf

8 A large-acceptance dipole for R 3 B  Present limitations for kinematically complete reaction measurements due to the small field integral of ALADIN (~2 Tm) in beam energy (B  <10 Tm) and in bending angle (~12° for 10 Tm) New magnet design with 5 Tm field integral and high-resolution detectors  Higher beam energies  higher neutron efficiency (~95% for E n >400 MeV)  precise reaction theory  higher excitation energies (higher Fourier components)  better beam transport efficiency (up to a factor 5)  Larger bending angle (e.g. 18° for 15 Tm beam) plus tracking  higher momentum resolution  fragment mass identification for heavy nuclei  better momentum resolution for knockout reactions  bending angles up to 40° possible  coincident measurement of fragments and protons

9 Future: Scattering experiments with heavier neutron-rich beams produced via uranium fission First reaction experiment with fission fragments (S221, October 2002) Beam cocktail from 238 U fission Aim: Measurement of the giant dipole strength in 132 Sn

10 A large-acceptance dipole for R 3 B  Superconducting coils  Active shielding  High field integral  Large acceptance Bending power Corresponding field integral Max. deflection angle of 18 0 for beams with B  = 15 Tm ~ 5 Tm Vertical and Horizontal Acceptance - Neutrons - Charged Particles - Deflection angle - gap height +/- 80 mrad (at 0 degree) *) +/- 80 mrad (up to 36 0 )*) 0 - 40 0 32 to 60 cm *) for a distance between the target and magnet of 100 cm. Key parameters of the spectrometer Design: CEA Saclay

11 Construction proposal: R 3 B Large-Acceptance Dipole  Task: Construction and installation of a superconducting large-acceptance dipole magnet  Deliverable: completed dipole magnet (excluding cryogenics plant)  Duration: 3 years, 1/2004 – 12/2006  Collaboration: CEA Saclay, France GSI, Germany  Costs: final design and cost estimate in January 2004 (by CEA Saclay) (design simplifications in order to reduce costs) total costs (order of magnitude) around 5 MEuro (about 50% personnel) CEA contribution ? EU construction proposal request ? GSI contribution ?

12 The Future Exotic Nuclear Beam Facility @GSI II Superconducting large acceptance Fragmentseparator Optimized for efficient transport of fission products III Three experimental areas I High intensity primary beams from SIS 200 (e.g. 10 12 238 U / sec at 1 GeV/u)

13 Experiments  knockout and quasi-free scattering  electromagnetic excitation  charge-exchange reactions  fission  spallation  fragmentation Physics goals single-particle occupancies, spectral functions, correlations, clusters, resonances beyond the drip lines single-particle occupancies, astrophysical reactions (S factor), soft coherent modes, giant resonance strength, B(E2) Gamov-Teller strength, spin-dipole resonance, neutron skins shell structure, dynamical properties reaction mechanism, applications (waste transmutation,...)  -ray spectroscopy, isospin-dependence in multifragmentation The high-energy branch of the Super-FRS: A versatile setup for kinematical complete measurements of Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams Exotic beam from Super-FRS Target Large-acceptance measurement High-resolution measurement

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