Conducting ANOVA’s. I.Why? A. more than two groups to compare.

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1 Conducting ANOVA’s

2 I.Why? A. more than two groups to compare

3 Conducting ANOVA’s I.Why? A. more than two groups to compare What’s the prob? D. putrida low density D. putrida high density D. putrida with D. tripuncatata

4 Conducting ANOVA’s I.Why? A. more than two groups to compare What’s the prob? D. putrida low density D. putrida high density D. putrida with D. tripuncatata What was our solution?

5 Conducting ANOVA’s I.Why? A. more than two groups to compare What’s the prob? D. putrida low density D. putrida high density D. putrida with D. tripuncatata What was our solution? U U U

6 What’s the prob? D. putrida low density D. putrida high density D. putrida with D. tripuncatata Tested each contrast at p = 0.05 Probability of being correct in rejecting each Ho: 123 0.950.950.95 U U U

7 What’s the prob? D. putrida low density D. putrida high density D. putrida with D. tripuncatata Tested each contrast at p = 0.05 Probability of being correct in rejecting all Ho: 123 0.95x0.95x0.95 = 0.86 So, Type I error rate has increased from 0.05 to 0.14 U U U

8 Probability of being correct in rejecting all Ho: 123 0.95x0.95x0.95 = 0.86 So, Type I error rate has increased from 0.05 to 0.14 Hmmmm….. What can we do to maintain a 0.05 level across all contrasts?

9 Probability of being correct in rejecting all Ho: 123 0.95x0.95x0.95 = 0.86 So, Type I error rate has increased from 0.05 to 0.14 Hmmmm….. What can we do to maintain a 0.05 level across all contrasts? Right. Adjust the comparison-wise error rate.

10 Probability of being correct in rejecting all Ho: 123 0.95x0.95x0.95 = 0.86 So, Type I error rate has increased from 0.05 to 0.14 Simplest: Bonferroni correction: Comparison-wise p = experiment-wise p/n Where n = number of contrasts. Experient-wise = 0.05 Comparison-wise = 0.05/3 = 0.0167

11 Probability of being correct in rejecting all Ho: 123 0.95x0.95x0.95 = 0.86 So, Type I error rate has increased from 0.05 to 0.14 Simplest: Bonferroni correction: Comparison-wise p = experiment-wise p/n Where n = number of contrasts. Experient-wise = 0.05 Comparison-wise = 0.05/3 = 0.0167 So, confidence = 0.983

12 Probability of being correct in rejecting all Ho: 123 0.983x0.983x0.983 = 0.95 So, Type I error rate is now 0.95 Simplest: Bonferroni correction: Comparison-wise p = experiment-wise p/n Where n = number of contrasts. Experient-wise = 0.05 Comparison-wise = 0.05/3 = 0.0167 So, confidence = 0.983

13 Conducting ANOVA’s I.Why? A. more than two groups to compare What’s the prob? - multiple comparisons reduce experiment-wide alpha level. - Bonferroni adjustments assume contrasts as independent; but they are both part of the same experiment…

14 Our consideration of 1 vs. 2 might consider the variation in all treatments that were part of this experiment; especially if we are interpreting the differences between mean comparisons as meaningful. 1 vs. 2 – not significant 1 vs. 3 – significant. So, interspecific competition is more important than intraspecific competition

15 - Bonferroni adjustments assume contrasts as independent; but they are both part of the same experiment… Our consideration of 1 vs. 2 might consider the variation in all treatments that were part of this experiment; especially if we are interpreting the differences between mean comparisons as meaningful.

16 Conducting ANOVA’s I.Why? A. more than two groups to compare B. complex design with multiple factors - blocks - nested terms - interaction effects - correlated variables (covariates) - multiple responses

17 Conducting ANOVA’s I.Why? II.How? A. Variance Redux Of a population Of a sample

18 Sum of squares n - 1 S 2 =

19 “Sum of squares” = SS n - 1 S 2 = = SS  x 2 ) -  x) 2 n

20 “Sum of squares” = SS n - 1 S 2 = = SS  x 2 ) -  x) 2 n n - 1 MS =

21 Conducting ANOVA’s I.Why? II.How? A. Variance Redux B. The ANOVA Table Source of Variation df SS MS F p

22 Group AGroup BGroup C (Control)(Junk Food)(Health Food) 10.812.79.8 1113.98.6 9.711.88 10.1137.5 11.2119 9.810.910 10.513.68.1 9.510.97.8 1011.57.9 Weight gain in mice fed different diets Group sums  x  x 2  x) 2 /n

23 Group AGroup BGroup C (Control)(Junk Food)(Health Food) 10.812.79.8 1113.98.6 9.711.88 10.1137.5 11.2119 9.810.910 10.513.68.1 9.510.97.8 1011.57.9 Weight gain in mice fed different diets Group sumsTotals  x 102.8 122.1 85.8310.7  x 2 1059.76 1502.41 742.92 3305.09  x) 2 /n 1056.784 1490.841 736.164 3283.789

24 Group AGroup BGroup C (Control)(Junk Food)(Health Food) 10.812.79.8 1113.98.6 9.711.88 10.1137.5 11.2119 9.810.910 10.513.68.1 9.510.97.8 1011.57.9 Weight gain in mice fed different diets Group sumsTotals  x 102.8 122.1 85.8310.7  x 2 1059.76 1502.41 742.92 3305.09  x) 2 /n 1056.784 1490.841 736.164 3283.789 Correction term = (  x) 2 /N = (310.7) 2 /30

25 Group AGroup BGroup C (Control)(Junk Food)(Health Food) 10.812.79.8 1113.98.6 9.711.88 10.1137.5 11.2119 9.810.910 10.513.68.1 9.510.97.8 1011.57.9 Weight gain in mice fed different diets Group sumsTotals  x 102.8 122.1 85.8310.7  x 2 1059.76 1502.41 742.92 3305.09  x) 2 /n 1056.784 1490.841 736.164 3283.789 3217.816 = CT

26 Weight gain in mice fed different diets Group sumsTotals  x 102.8 122.1 85.8310.7  x 2 1059.76 1502.41 742.92 3305.09  x) 2 /n 1056.784 1490.841 736.164 3283.789 3217.816 = CT Source of Variation df SS MS F p TOTAL 29 SS total = 3305.09 – 3217.816 = 87.274 = SS  x 2 ) -  x) 2 n

27 Weight gain in mice fed different diets Group sumsTotals  x 102.8 122.1 85.8310.7  x 2 1059.76 1502.41 742.92 3305.09  x) 2 /n 1056.784 1490.841 736.164 3283.789 3217.816 = CT Source of Variation df SS MS F p TOTAL 29 87.274 SS total = 3305.09 – 3217.816 = 87.274 = SS  x 2 ) -  x) 2 n

28 Weight gain in mice fed different diets Group sumsTotals  x 102.8 122.1 85.8310.7  x 2 1059.76 1502.41 742.92 3305.09  x) 2 /n 1056.784 1490.841 736.164 3283.789 3217.816 = CT Source of Variation df SS MS F p TOTAL 29 87.274 GROUP 2 65.973 SS group = 3283.789 – 3217.816 = 65.973 = SS  x 2 ) -  x) 2 n

29 Weight gain in mice fed different diets Group sumsTotals  x 102.8 122.1 85.8310.7  x 2 1059.76 1502.41 742.92 3305.09  x) 2 /n 1056.784 1490.841 736.164 3283.789 3217.816 = CT Source of Variation df SS MS F p TOTAL 29 87.274 GROUP 2 65.973 32.986 MS group = 65.973/2 = 32.986  x 2 ) -  x) 2 n n - 1 MS =

30 Weight gain in mice fed different diets Group sumsTotals  x 102.8 122.1 85.8310.7  x 2 1059.76 1502.41 742.92 3305.09  x) 2 /n 1056.784 1490.841 736.164 3283.789 3217.816 = CT Source of Variation df SS MS F p TOTAL 29 87.274 GROUP 2 65.973 32.986 “ERROR” (within) 27 21.301

31 Weight gain in mice fed different diets Group sumsTotals  x 102.8 122.1 85.8310.7  x 2 1059.76 1502.41 742.92 3305.09  x) 2 /n 1056.784 1490.841 736.164 3283.789 3217.816 = CT Source of Variation df SS MS F p TOTAL 29 87.274 GROUP 2 65.973 32.986 “ERROR” (within) 27 21.301 0.789 MS error = 21.301/27 = 0.789


33 Weight gain in mice fed different diets Group sumsTotals  x 102.8 122.1 85.8310.7  x 2 1059.76 1502.41 742.92 3305.09  x) 2 /n 1056.784 1490.841 736.164 3283.789 3217.816 = CT Source of Variation df SS MS F p TOTAL 29 87.274 GROUP 2 65.973 32.986 “ERROR” (within) 27 21.301 0.789 Variance (MS) between groups Variance (MS) within groups F =

34 Weight gain in mice fed different diets Group sumsTotals  x 102.8 122.1 85.8310.7  x 2 1059.76 1502.41 742.92 3305.09  x) 2 /n 1056.784 1490.841 736.164 3283.789 3217.816 = CT Source of Variation df SS MS F p TOTAL 29 87.274 GROUP 2 65.973 32.986 41.81 “ERROR” (within) 27 21.301 0.789 32.986 0.789 F = = 41.81


36 Weight gain in mice fed different diets Group sumsTotals  x 102.8 122.1 85.8310.7  x 2 1059.76 1502.41 742.92 3305.09  x) 2 /n 1056.784 1490.841 736.164 3283.789 3217.816 = CT Source of Variation df SS MS F p TOTAL 29 87.274 GROUP 2 65.973 32.986 41.81 < 0.05 “ERROR” (within) 27 21.301 0.789 32.986 0.789 F = = 41.81

37 Conducting ANOVA’s I.Why? II.How? III.Comparing Means “post-hoc mean comparison tests – after ANOVA TUKEY – CV = q MS error n Q from table A.7 = 3.53 n = n per group (10) = 0.9915

38 Means: Health Food 8.58 Control10.29 Junk Food12.25 H – C = 1.70 J – C = 1.93 H – J = 3.67 All greater than 0.9915, so all mean comparisions are significantly different at an experiment-wide error rate of 0.05.

39 Means: Health Food 8.58 a Control10.29 b Junk Food12.25 c H – C = 1.70 J – C = 1.93 H – J = 3.67 All greater than 0.9915, so all mean comparisions are significantly different at an experiment-wide error rate of 0.05.

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