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1 The ‘Worldly’ Engineer Global and International Engineering GSMST.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The ‘Worldly’ Engineer Global and International Engineering GSMST."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The ‘Worldly’ Engineer Global and International Engineering GSMST

2 2 Introduction After WWII, engineering became a more “global” business. Taking a few foreign language classes in school cannot hurt, but only help your chances at getting a job after college.

3 3 The Evolving Global Market: Changing World Maps & Alliances Breakup of former USSR China and other Asian countries in rapid development stages New laws, regulations, policies have affected the spread of international engineering

4 4 NAFTA 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (US, Mexico, Canada) Designed to reduce tariffs, and increase international competition Manufacturing trade has increased by 128% between Canada, US, and Mexico since 1994

5 5 International Opportunities For Engineers Engineers are employed internationally in: Automobile Industry Manufacturing Construction Pharmaceuticals Food Industry Petroleum and Chemical Industry Computer and Electronics Industry Telecommunications

6 6 Preparing for a Global Career Students who look to work internationally should: Be language and culturally proficient Should participate in study abroad programs Look into international work experience and Co-Op opportunities

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