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MINIMUM CRITERIA Project Manager Marianne Lindström, Bulgaria 9.4.2003 SYKE, Expert Services, Environmental Management Division.

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Presentation on theme: "MINIMUM CRITERIA Project Manager Marianne Lindström, Bulgaria 9.4.2003 SYKE, Expert Services, Environmental Management Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 MINIMUM CRITERIA Project Manager Marianne Lindström, Bulgaria 9.4.2003 SYKE, Expert Services, Environmental Management Division

2 MY PRESENTATION  Implementation of the recommendation  Community/Finnish legislation  Subject to permit or licensing  Permit procedure  Finnish industrial control  Negotiations and meetings  Responsibility of authority/operator  Cases of non-compliance  Conclusions

3 Implementation of the recommendation (2001/331/EC)  Staff data  Authority´s role and performance  Implementation of plan for inspection  Details of inspections: site visits...  Brief data on the degree of compliance  Actions in case of complaints, incidents and non-compliance  Evaluation of the plan  Recommendations for future plans

4 Community/Finnish legislation  IPPC, Seveso, VOC  Water quality legislation:  Dangerous substances  Groundwater protection  Urban water treatment  Waste legislation:  Waste  Hazardous waste  Landfill of waste  Air pollution  All permit or licensing requirements of polluting activities can be found in the quite new Finnish Environmental Protection Act and the Finnish Environmental protection Decree (1.3.2000)  Some waste requirements are in the Finnish Waste Act (1987)

5 Subject to permit or licensing A permit is required for activities that pose a threat of environmental pollution. An environmental permit is also required for:  1) activities that may cause pollution of a water body;  2) conducting wastewater that may lead to the pollution of a channel or reservoir;  3) activities that may place an unreasonable burden on the surroundings; Section 17 of the Adjoining Properties Act (26/1920)

6 Subject to permit  4) institutional or commercial recovery or  disposal of waste; and  5) test drilling for oil or gas in Finnish  territorial waters and the exploitation of the deposit  and for other related activities. A permit is required for any alteration of an activity that increases emissions or the effects thereof or any other material alteration of an activity for which a permit has already been granted. No permit is required, however, if the alteration does not increase environmental impact or risks and the alteration does not require revision of the permit.

7 Permit and inspection authorities Permit Authority (3) Regional Environmental Centres (13) Municipalities (450) Supreme Administrative Court Vaasa Administrative Court PermitsPermits and inspection


9 Control according to the EPA  Operator controls himself: self-monitoring  Control plan in the application  Authority accepts or modifies the plan  In the permit are stated the control conditions (control of use, emissions, effects)  Control after the function has stopped  Measurements, tests and investigations shall be done in a qualified, reliable and appropriate way

10 Finnish industrial control  Planning important, yearly plans since 2000 sent to Ministry of the Environment  Resources: control team with experts on air, water and waste and measurements  Different kind of controls:  routine controls  special controls  negotiations and  meetings

11 Routine controls  Yearly control of large industries according to the plan  Inspectors with special knowledge  The operator is informed beforehand  Focus on some issues:  possible problems  environmentally important issues  requirements of the permits

12 Special controls  In connection with new investments  Control measurements by the REC´s laboratory  If disturbances occur in the function  Control because of complaints  Focus normally on one actual topic  Control is done when it is needed

13 Negotiations and meetings  Usually no site visits  General topics: investments, permit situation, disturbances  Usually concerns future situation  Carried out many times a year  Focus on actual topics  Minutes of the meeting signed by authority and operator

14 Responsibilities of authority/operator  Operator responsible for making the application and he should be aware of the demands in the law  Authority checks it and can ask for more detailed information  Authority grants the permit  Operator makes the plan for monitoring that the authority checks and accept  Operator responsible for self-monitoring  Authority checks the monitoring results  Discussions between authority and operator crucial

15 In cases of non-compliance  Authority denies the operation, penalty conditional fine  Authority shuts up the installation, threat of interruption  Authority orders investigation of environmental effects, threat of commissioning  Authority notifies the police  The police notifies the prosecutor

16 Control of emissions and effects on the environment Plan for inspection: - control of emissions - control of use - control of effects INSPECTOR Plan for inspection Controls of operator Production and emissions VAHTI: monitoring and reports Permit LAW

17 VAHTI-information system (supervision and permitting)

18 Conclusions  Requirements of IPPC Directive implemented  Finnish EPA has a broader scope than IPPC  Good practice: applications form and guidance in Internet electronic plans for inspections (VAHTI) reporting emissions electronically minutes of meetings between operator and authority

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