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PURPOSE Key Take-Away Points
To inform Army leaders and Soldiers of approved modification to the Semi-Centralized Promotion System (SSG/SGT) effective 1 June 2011 Key Take-Away Points Modification of the Semi-Centralized Promotion System: Identifies best-qualified Soldiers for promotion Supports an expeditionary Army engaged in conflict Improves Personnel/Training data accuracy Purpose is to present approved modification to semi-centralized promotion point computations approved for implementation effective 1 June 2011 These changes, upon implementation, improves the Army’s ability to select the best-qualified Soldiers for promotion, and because of systemic revolutionary changes, provides for execution in any operational environment, reduced personnel service support in the unit, and improved personnel and training data accuracy DAPE-MPE-PD
WHAT WE ARE DOING A REVOLUTIONARY CHANGE TO SEMI-CENTRALIZED PROMOTION SYSTEM DESIGNED TO… IMPROVE OUR ABILITY TO SELECT THE BEST QUALIFIED SOLDIERS FOR PROMOTION EMPHASIZE “SOLDIER SKILLS ARE IMPORTANT” REDUCE PERCEPTIONS OF UNFAIRNESS BY INSTILLING MORE OBJECTIVITY REFINE THE PROCESS TO ACCOMMODATE ALL OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS – SUPPORTING AN EXPEDITIONARY ARMY REDUCE PERSONNEL SERVICE SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS BY LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY WHAT WE ARE DOING Preserve the goodness in our current system (Drives Soldier behavior, unbiased selection process, fair and equitable selection process) while seeking to maximize technologies and shift Soldier focus to skills proven to be good indicators of future potential performance. System (with these changes) provide for the following: Best Qualified Soldier for selection Importance of Soldier Skills “Warrior Ethos” Reduces perceptions of unfairness (Army Training Leadership Development Program – Soldier input indicates current system is too subjective) Executable in any environment (paperless as much as practical) Eliminate Promotion Point Work centers – Significant reduction of Admin Support, supports PSDR (active component only); USAR must convert to hard-copy (revised) DA Form 3355 Significantly improves data accuracy of both personnel and training records – gives HQDA better information – requires Soldiers to ensure their records are reflective of them and better prepares their records for initial review at SFC Board DAPE-MPE-PD
RECOMMENDS SOLDIERS WHEN THEY ARE READY DENIES COMMAND INTEGRATION TO SERGEANT & STAFF SERGEANTS WHEN THEY ARE NOT READY THE COMMAND SERGEANT’S MAJOR ROLE (Board) VALIDATES COMPANY COMMANDER’S RECOMMENDATION (GO or NO GO) THE BATTALION COMMANDER’S ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES REMAINS UNCHANGED HQDA/RSC (USAR) RESPONSIBILITIES MAINTAINS RECOMMENDED LIST (OML – BY MOS, ESTABLISHES CUTOFF SCORES, AND DETERMINES MONTHLY PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS WHAT WE RETAIN It’s important to understand that, with the proposed modifications, the critical roles & responsibilities inherent today remain unchanged Company Commander’s Role – Recommend/Deny a Soldier for promotion CSM’s Role – Validates Company Commander’s recommendation Battalion Commander’s Role – Promotion Authority – role is totally unchanged HQDA/RSC (USAR) – maintains oversight – establishes promotion list (OML by MOS), Cutoff Scores, monthly requirements DAPE-MPE-PD
COMMANDER’S POINTS 150 18.75% of score RECOMMENDS SOLDIER RECOMMENDS SOLDIER BOARD POINTS 150 18.75% of score GO / NO-GO (VALIDATION) GO / NO-GO (VALIDATION) AWARDS 100 12.5% of score 125 15.625% of score 165 20.625% of score MILITARY EDUCATION 200 25% of score 260 32.5% of score 280 35% of score This slide is intended to depict the “big-picture” – showing overall changes in computation of promotion points INTENT IS TO EVOLVE THE SYSTEM TO ENABLE a Shift in focus from SGT to SSG (Warrior Skill vs. Leader) HOW WE ARE CHANGING IT Commander/Board Points – Eliminated (MOST Soldier’s maxed; little value added) Awards – Increase at SSG (indicative of future potential performance) – research proves good predictor of future performance Mil Ed NCOES – Increased value (establishes forcing function for NCOES without un-enforceable policies) – units must ensure the best Soldiers are trained – not just those available (represents 10% of total overall score) ACCP – Must Complete the entire course to get credit (no longer award points for sub or partial courses) Unit Training – Limited to Soldier Training Courses approved in AR (Chapter 4); eliminate abuse & standardizes training as each course has an approved program of instruction Civ Ed – reduces impact to SGT, continued emphasis at SSG (same level of civ schooling required – reduced value per SH) Mil Trng Warrior Skills – APFT, Wpns Qual (objective measurements) – significantly increased for E4 to E5 Combat Experience – value (individual experiences) to the Army in the long run Total Score – Total points will be lower, # of Promotions will remain the same (cutoffs are adjusted accordingly – same number of promotions regardless of what the promotion scores are) CIVILIAN EDUCATION 100 12.5% of score 75 9.375% of score 100 12.5% of score MILITARY TRAINING 100 12.5% of score 340 42.5% of score 255 31.875% of score TOTAL 800 800 800 DAPE-MPE-PD
This represents the proposed monthly promotion cycle. Improvements result in a Soldier being recommended for promotion, boarded and approved for integration to the recommended list by the 11th day of any given month – that Soldier (if promotion score is met) could be promoted on the 1st day of the following month. KEY POINTS: Soldier’s promotion score used for 1st day of (e.g. JUN 11) will be based on the automatically calculated score captured at midnight (EST) on the 11th day of MAY 11. SOLDIERS MUST ensure that all personnel and training information is accurate in the database. This is not a new requirement – but it now impacts your promotion score. DAY OF THE MONTH The promotion score adjusts automatically when something in the record changes. On the 11th day of each month, HQDA “captures” all promotion scores & produces order of merit lists for all MOS to determine promotions for the 1st day of the following month. DAPE-MPE-PD
RE-WEIGH & CHANGE CEILINGS SOLDIER SKILL SPECIFIC FOR PROMOTION TO SGT EVOLVING TO MORE BROADER, LEADERSHIP SKILLS FOR PROMOTION TO SSG FULLY AUTOMATE (AC) e-MILPO CALCULATES SCORES “REAL-TIME” SCORES BASED ON PERSONNEL & TRAINING DATA CAPTURED AT SET TIME MONTHLY TO PRODUCE ARMY OML’S (BY MOS) ELIMINATES ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS (AC) RE-COMPUTATIONS RE-EVALUATIONS RE-VERIFICATION OF SCORES WHEN SELECTED NO MINIMUM SCORES (MUST HAVE MINIMUM PASSING APFT) HR SUPPORT CRITICAL FUNCTION OF MAINTAINING PERSONNEL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT REMAINS UNCHANGED reweighing and increasing ceilings on the point components of the PPW is vital to improving its ability to determine the best-qualified. NCO21 research project strongly suggests the system will be more effective if it reflects differences in the predictor information (promotion points) that is useful in making SGT versus SSG promotion decision. Research Report 1807, Recommendations for an Army NCO Semi-Centralized Promotion System for the 21st Century, U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral Sciences, June 2003, page 16. Fully automate the DA Form 3355 where promotion score compilation becomes a function of personnel information management (collect, validate, process, and store critical information about Soldiers). DAPE-MPE-PD
37.5% of overall score CURRENT On average, commanders award and boards award 144.7 Little /no value added when Soldiers receives 289 of 300 points (96.3%) 89.7% of Soldiers receive 150 Cdr points & 66.7% receive at least 145 board points Administrative processes of capturing scores does not support an expeditionary Army Fails to differentiate who is more or less qualified FUTURE Retain specific roles of each Commanders remain recommending (or denial) official Boards validates Commander’s recommendation (yes/no) Commander’s Points (150) & Board Points (150) ATLDP Study (2002) NCOs (5,800 of 8,786 – 66% surveyed) perceive the promotion system as unfair (subjective criteria are used rather than objective) (7,585 of 8,741 – or 86.7 percent) should be more closely tied to meeting performance standards. Eliminate commander’s points; effectively focusing the commander’s input where it has the most impact – whether a Soldier should be recommended for promotion (or denied Command List Integration when appropriate) – Extracted from Research Report 1807, Recommendations for an Army NCO Semi-Centralized Promotion System for the 21st Century, U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral Sciences, June 2003, page 14. 89.7% of all Soldiers maxed commander’s points Points, as they are awarded, don’t differentiate between who is more or less qualified for promotion With the elimination of board points, the Army can (upon request) waive the physical board process when operational conditions warrant – without making changes to the overall semi-centralized process; facilitating the transition of a peacetime process to support an Army at war. The elimination of board points retains & preserves the “board” as a “passage of rights”; Battalion CSM conducts boards as prescribed by regulation (consistent with their unit’s operational status or environment). Eliminate administrative points DAPE-MPE-PD
AWARDS CURRENT FUTURE Point values inconsistent across Components
12.5% of overall score CURRENT Point values inconsistent across Components Includes NCOES achievements and Tab-producing courses Not all badges included FUTURE Values slightly increased as awards are proven indicator of future potential performance All awards/badges: equal values for all Components Shifted NCOES achievements and Tab-courses to Military Education Awards & Badges (100) 15.6% of overall score 125 Points 165 Points Category is now standardized across the components. Tabs (SF, Sapper, etc) and NCOES achievements moved from this category to Military Education To verify our new ceilings we analyzed the awards data from a 10th MTN BCT The BCT had deployed twice and was preparing to deploy again The data included more than 1,100 E4’s and E5’s We were concerned that, with multiple deployments, too many soldiers would cap out the awards category; The data shows our ceilings are good and appropriate 20.6% of overall score DAPE-MPE-PD
Army Research established awards are proven indicators of future performance. Incorporates the MOVSM DAPE-MPE-PD
BADGES Table 3-12 Badges BADGE PROMOTION POINTS Combat Infantry Badge 30 Combat Medical Badge Combat Action Badge Expert Infantry Badge Expert Field Medical Badge Master Parachute Badge 20 Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge Master Recruiter Badge Gold Recruiter Badge Senior Parachute Badge 15 Senior Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge Presidential Service Badge Vice President Service Badge Drill Sergeant Badge Basic US Army Recruiter Badge Parachute Badge 10 Parachute Combat Badge w/BSS (Basic, Senior) Parachute Rigger Badge Divers badge (Master, First-Class, Salvage, Second-Class, Scuba) Basic Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge Pathfinder Badge Air Assault Badge Aviation Badge (Basic, Senior, Master) Secretary of Defense Service Badge Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge Army Staff Identification Badge Space Badge Military Free Fall Parachutist Badge (Basic, Master) Special Operations Diver Badge (Basic, Supv) Tomb Guard Identification Badge Driver and Mechanic Badge Now, all service badges accounted for (currently they are not). The Master Recruiter Badge and Space Badge are newly approved and incorporated into the table. Award of a higher-level badge increases a Soldier’s promotion score only by the difference established between the badges as provided for in Table 3-12 – they are not cumulative. For example, a Soldier who earns the Master Recruiter Badge receive a total of 20 promotion points – not 35 (Basic Recruiter Badge (15) + Master Recruiter Badge (20) = 35 points). This provision applies to the following badges: Parachute, EOD, Recruiter, Diver, Aviation, Free Fall Parachutist, and Special Operations Diver. DAPE-MPE-PD
Certificates of Achievement. (DA Form 2442). This is awarded by commanders/deputy commanders serving in positions authorized the grade of LTC or higher or any general officer. CSMs at the brigade level may award certificates of achievement. – 5 each award. (maximum 20 points). Airborne Advantage. In addition to points awarded for attainment of the airborne qualification badge, Soldiers possessing airborne qualifications, assigned to an authorized airborne position while receiving Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (Parachute Duty Pay) associated with that position, receive an additional number of promotion points, without regard to the maximum point rules for the awards category as follows: Soldiers will continue to receive promotion points for certificates of achievement in the military awards category. Airborne Advantage Points were historically provided but the computations were applied by HQDA after the Soldier’s were integrated onto the OML. Now, based on SDAP and utilization, promotion scores will be adjusted up-front so the Soldier can see how many points they really have. Incentivizes Airborne training with proper utilization. DAPE-MPE-PD
12.5% of overall score CURRENT Objective measurements of Warrior Skills FUTURE 2 Points per month for deployment experiences 15 months maximum for promotion to SGT (30 pts) 30 months maximum for promotion to SSG (60 pts) Soldier directly impacts performance – very objective Different Scales on APFT & Wpns Qual More value to SGT than SSG APFT & WPNS QUALIFICATION (100) 42.5% of overall score 340 Points 255 Points 31.8% of overall score This category saw the largest increase in points and there are different scales for SGT - SSG APFT maximums earn up to 160 points for SGT and 100 for SSG WPNS QUAL maximums earn up to 160 points for SGT and 100 points for SSG Soldiers cannot “max” this category without having deployed Another big addition is the recognition of combat experience in this category (2 points for every mo) Limited to 15 months competing for SGT and 30 months competing for SSG – (limited so valuation of APFT/Wpns Qual remains high). This category is where we deposited a healthy portion of what were formerly CDR/Board points. Intent is to drive a shift in behavior towards these Warrior-based performance standards. DAPE-MPE-PD
The objective of the Army physical fitness training is to enhance combat readiness and leadership effectiveness by developing and sustaining a high level of physical fitness in Soldiers as measured by: (1) Muscular Strength and Endurance. (2) Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditioning/Endurance. (3) Mobility (agility, balance, coordination, flexibility, posture, power, speed and stability). (4) Body Composition standards as prescribed by AR 600–9. (5) Healthy Lifestyle (provides nutrition, avoid smoking and substance abuse, manage stress). (6) Warrior Ethos - mission first, never accept defeat, never quit, and never leave a fallen comrade. (7) Self-discipline, competitive spirit, the will to win, and unit cohesion. A passing APFT score is required in order to remain integrated onto a recommended list for promotion. MAXIMUM VALUE – 160 MINIMUM VALUE – 40 MAXIMUM VALUE – 100 MINIMUM VALUE – 15 DAPE-MPE-PD
DA Form 3595-R & 5790-R (SEP 08) (M16) DA Form 85-R (AUG 06) M240B, M60,M249 DA Form 88 (MAR 07) (Pistol) DA Form 5704/ 5705-R (MAY 08) Alternate Pistol DA Form 7304-R(AUG 06) (M249 AR) CID Form (Practical Pistol) FLVA FORM (AUG 08) (MP Firearm Qualification Course) 40 = 160 212 = 160 30 = 160 40 = 160 106 = 160 300 = 160 50 = 160 39 = 153 = 153 29 = 151 39 = 152 105 = 153 294 = 155 49 = 152 38 = 145 = 146 28 = 142 38 = 144 104 = 146 290 = 150 48 = 144 37 = 138 = 139 27 = 133 37 = 136 102 = 139 286 = 145 47 = 135 36 = 130 = 132 26 = 124 36 = 128 100 = 132 284 = 141 46 = 127 35 = 123 = 125 25 = 115 35 = 120 96 = 125 280 = 136 45 = 119 34 = 115 = 119 24 = 106 34 = 112 94 = 118 278 = 131 44 = 110 33 = 108 = 112 23 = 97 33 = 104 90 = 111 276 = 126 43 = 102 32 = 100 = 105 22 = 88 32 = 96 89 = 104 274 = 122 42 = 94 31 = 93 = 98 21 = 79 31 = 88 87 = 97 270 = 117 41 = 85 30 = 85 = 91 20 = 70 30 = 80 85 = 90 266 = 112 40 = 77 29 = 78 = 85 19 = 61 29 = 72 83 = 83 262 = 107 39 = 69 28 = 70 = 78 18 = 52 28 = 64 81 = 76 258 = 103 38 = 60 27 = 63 = 71 17 = 43 27 = 56 80 = 69 256 = 98 37 = 52 26 = 55 = 64 16 = 33 26 = 48 79 = 62 254 = 93 36 = 43 25 = 48 = 57 25 = 40 77 = 55 252 = 88 35 = 33 24 = 40 = 50 24 = 33 75 = 48 248 = 84 23 = 33 = 44 73 = 41 244 = 79 = 38 70 = 33 241 = 74 = 33 237 = 69 233 = 65 229 = 60 225 = 55 221 = 50 217 = 46 213 = 40 211 = 33 TO SGT MAXIMUM VALUE – 160 MINIMUM VALUE – 33 Soldiers must become skilled marksmen; proficient in their core competencies - Soldiers should understand common firing principles and be confident in applying their firing skills in combat. Like physical fitness, marksmanship requires continual training to improve performance and prevent decay. Individual qualification with weapons will be recorded on approved qualification scorecards, maintained in the Individual Training Record (ITR), recorded in DTMS and in military personnel records. Commanders conducting training will record weapons qualifications in DTMS and provide the custodian of personnel records with information on qualification firing so it can be included in the Personnel Qualification Records.
DA Form 3595-R & 5790-R (SEP 08) (M16) DA Form 85-R (AUG 06) M240B, M60,M249 DA Form 88 (MAR 07) (Pistol) DA Form 5704/ 5705-R (MAY 08) Alternate Pistol DA Form 7304-R(AUG 06) (M249 AR) CID Form (Practical Pistol) FLVA FORM (AUG 08) (MP Firearm Qualification Course) 40 = 100 212 = 100 30 = 100 40 = 100 106 = 100 300 = 100 50 = 100 39 = 98 = 98 29 = 98 39 = 95 105 = 96 294 = 98 49 = 96 38 = 96 = 94 28 = 96 38 = 91 104 = 92 290 = 96 48 = 92 37 = 94 = 90 27 = 88 37 = 86 102 = 88 286 = 94 47 = 88 36 = 92 = 86 26 = 80 36 = 82 100 = 84 284 = 92 46 = 82 35 = 86 = 82 25 = 74 35 = 77 96 = 80 280 = 90 45 = 78 34 = 80 = 78 24 = 68 34 = 73 94 = 76 278 = 88 44 = 72 33 = 74 = 74 23 = 60 33 = 68 90 = 72 276 = 86 43 = 68 32 = 68 = 70 22 = 52 32 = 64 89 = 68 274 = 83 42 = 62 31 = 62 = 66 21 = 48 31 = 59 87 = 64 270 = 80 41 = 58 30 = 56 = 62 20 = 44 30 = 55 85 = 60 266 = 77 40 = 52 29 = 52 = 58 19 = 40 29 = 50 83 = 56 262 = 74 39 = 48 28 = 48 = 54 18 = 36 28 = 46 81 = 52 258 = 71 38 = 42 27 = 44 = 50 17 = 32 27 = 41 80 = 48 256 = 68 37 = 38 26 = 40 = 46 16 = 28 26 = 37 79 = 44 254 = 65 36 = 32 25 = 36 = 42 25 = 32 77 = 40 252 = 62 35 = 28 24 = 32 = 38 24 = 28 75 = 36 248 = 59 23 = 28 = 34 73 = 32 244 = 56 = 30 70 = 28 241 = 53 = 28 237 = 50 233 = 47 229 = 44 225 = 41 221 = 38 217 = 35 213 = 32 211 = 28 TO SSG MAXIMUM VALUE – 100 MINIMUM VALUE – 28 Soldiers must become skilled marksmen; proficient in their core competencies - Soldiers should understand common firing principles and be confident in applying their firing skills in combat. Like physical fitness, marksmanship requires continual training to improve performance and prevent decay. Individual qualification with weapons will be recorded on approved qualification scorecards, maintained in the Individual Training Record (ITR), recorded in DTMS and in military personnel records. Commanders conducting training will record weapons qualifications in DTMS and provide the custodian of personnel records with information on qualification firing so it can be included in the Personnel Qualification Records.
25% of overall score CURRENT NCOES (16 pts for WLC & 30 pts for ALC) Resident military courses (4 pts per week) Correspondence Courses (e-Army) (1 pt for 5 hours) FUTURE NCOES – Significant Emphasis 80 points for WLC when competing for SGT 80 points for ALC when competing for SSG Commandant’s List, Honor Grads = more points Must graduate ACCP before points are earned DA FORM 87 limited to AR training Resident Courses & ACCP (200) 32.5% of overall score 260 Points 280 Points 35% of overall score Three ways to accumulate points in this category ATRRS, SQI, ASI – all military training gets points (it’s relevant) as it adds value ACCP – Must complete full course to receive points – partial completion (sub-courses) will not count. AR Courses (limited to only G-3 approved courses with standardized POI) – no other unit training authorized (often abused in its current context). Key point for commanders is to send Soldiers they want to see promoted to NCOES. Significantly reward Professional Military Education (PME) (WLC for SPC and ALC for SGT) in the military education aspect. This allows the promotion system to serve as facilitating function of NCOES without any unnecessary administrative requirements (conditional promotions, reductions, etc). Elevated points for PME should impact Soldier behavior and foster PME attendance – Soldiers should see PME attendance as critical to be competitive for promotion. Moved point for Tabs (from awards) to this category as well (40 points for completion of SF Ranger, Sapper course) All resident military training courses will continue to receive 4 points per week of training DAPE-MPE-PD
NCOES WARRIOR LEADERS COURSE WLC graduate awarded 80 promotion points
POINTS AWARDED TO CPL/SPC COMPETING FOR SGT WLC graduate awarded 80 promotion points Commandant’s List awarded 85 points Distinguished Honor Graduate awarded 90 points Distinguished Leadership Graduate awarded 90 points ADVANCED LEADERS COURSE POINTS AWARDED TO SGT COMPETING FOR SSG NCOES matters. NCOES graduates bring improved/increased skills to their unit. By emphasizing completion of professional military training, attending WLC as a CPL/SPC and attending ALC as a SGT – Soldiers are incentivized to attend and complete the course if they wish to be as competitive for promotion selection as their peers. On the other hand – Commanders, Command Sergeants Major, and First Sergeants must ensure they are getting the best Soldiers to the training courses. ALC graduate awarded 80 promotion points Commandant’s List awarded 85 points Distinguished Honor Graduate awarded 90 points Distinguished Leadership Graduate awarded 90 points DAPE-MPE-PD
MILITARY EDUCATION ATRRS (Army Training Requirements and Reservation System) is the official record of training for all Soldiers Soldiers receive 4 promotion points per week for completion of military training course (captured in ATRRS) In instances where Soldiers have completed more than one ALC/BNCOC course, an additional 20 points are awarded for completion of the earlier course (an additional 5 points are authorized if the Soldier’s DA Form 1059 reflects Commandant’s List, or Distinguished Leader or Honor Graduate) Ranger, Special Forces, and Sapper Qualification Courses – Soldiers earn 40 promotion points for successful completion of each course Soldiers who have completed military training in a Sister Service should take action now to obtain a transcript/certificate of training that includes the total hours of training completed. Soon, the Army will announce procedures on how this information will be collected so that promotion points can otherwise be awarded. DAPE-MPE-PD
Army Correspondence Courses
Military correspondence courses and computer-based training are provided through ATRRS Self-development or Army e-Learning ( Soldiers will be granted promotion points based on 1 point per 5 hours of completed ACCP training – restricted to courses completed in their entirety. The Soldier must have record of full course completion and the total credit hours for the entire course will be dived by 5 to determine promotion points. No points will be awarded for sub-course completion. The goal is to finish, in its entirety, a formal course of instruction, at which time the Soldier will be granted promotion points. This is another critical change. Soldiers will continue to receive promotion points for completing correspondence courses, but the entire course must be completed before points are awarded. Completion of military training ensures the information and training taken is absorbed and lends itself to improved potential performance. SOLDIERS MUST BE AWARE: TAKE ACTION TO COMPLETE PARTIAL COURSES NOW – OR POINTS WILL BE LIST WHEN CONVERSION IN JUNE 2011. MUST FINISH COMPLETE COURSE TO RECEIVE POINTS DAPE-MPE-PD
FORMALLY ESTABLISHED IN AR 350-1 1) The Army Maintenance Management System Clerk Course (2) Prescribed Load List Clerk Course (3) Motor Pool Operations/Management Course. (4) Generator Operator Course (5) Fuel Handlers Course (6) Basic Welding Course (7) Forklift Operator Course (8) Bus Driver Course (9) Unit Supply Clerk Course (10) Unit Supply Operations/Management Course (11) Unit Armorer Course (12) CBRN Defense Course (13) Unit Postal Clerk Course (14) Disk Operating System Course (15) Word Processing Course (16) Database Management Course (17) Unit Level Logistics System Course Unit/Installation training is now limited to the formal Soldier Training Courses established in AR These courses are established and approved with consistent programs of instruction. Each course equates to an additional 10 promotion points – regardless of the length of the course. DA Form 87 or locally produced training certificate are sufficient to authenticate training completion. Must be recorded in personnel records. DA FORM 87 - NO PROMOTION POINTS UNLESS THE COURSE IS FORMALLY LISTED IN ATRRS OR ESTABLISHED IN AR 350-1 DAPE-MPE-PD
12.5% of overall score CURRENT 1.5 points per Semester Hour Degree Completion (10 points) Technical Certification (10 points) FUTURE Reduced to 1 point per Semester Hour Requires same amount of schooling Less impact on overall score Foreign Language proficiency (1/1 on DLPT) recieves 10 points – regardless of language No changes to degree completion of technical certifications Accredited Colleges/Universities (100) 9.4% of overall score 75 Points 100 Points 12.5% of overall score Value has slightly decreased per hour which allows for greater accumulation of education over time – with less impact on overall promotion score SOLDIERS ARE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A SINGLE, COMBINED TRANSCRIPT FROM THE COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY, BUSINESS OR TRADE SCHOOL CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN SOLDIERS WITH MULTIPLE TRANSCRIPTS WHO ARE NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED MAY REQUEST SUPPORT FROM THE EDUCATION CENTER TO SEEK AN ASSESSMENT OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF NON-DUPLICATED CREDITS PRESENTED ON THE TRANSCRIPTS It is also important to note here that this supports the single transcript policy already in effect, points are pulled from the Soldier’s ERB This category is also where all CLEP/DANTES/Degree Completion/ and Certifications will be scored In support of foreign language skill concept (G-2/G0-2) in the General Purpose Force (GPF) - Soldiers who score minimum level of proficiency (1/1) on the DLPT will receive additional 10 points (DLPT must be current - one year). All quarter/contact/clock hours will be converted to Semester Hours (SH). SH are defined as 15 hours of classroom contact hours plus 30 hours of outside preparation. 1 SH = 1.5 Quarter Hours (QH); 1SH = 15 Classroom, Clock, or Contact Hours (CH). DAPE-MPE-PD
Formerly referred to as Automatic List Integration (ALI) Soldiers integrated onto the recommended list as a result of this process receive: 39 points when competing for SGT 14 points when competing for SSG Commander’s role is unchanged Retains authority to deny integration if Soldier is not trained and ready These scores are one point less than the minimum qualifying APFT score. Points assure these Soldiers will not be selected for promotion until all others, properly recommended and boarded, are promoted Inclusion of other points are not authorized Command List Integration is an important and critical policy change incorporated over the past 6 years. It sends a message that Soldiers, after being otherwise fully eligible for promotion recommendation in the primary zone for one year, should be trained and prepared for promotion to the next rank. Ultimately – that’s the mission of the NCO’s in the unit – training their subordinates for increased responsibility. The policy supports personnel and unit readiness by grade and MOS and is an important aspect of ensuring units are manned properly to complete their missions. Minimal points are awarded to ensure Soldiers integrated onto the promotion list are not otherwise selected for promotion before any Soldier who was otherwise recommended, boarded and integrated onto the list in the normal process. These points are one point less than the minimum points a Soldier can achieve on the APFT scale. DAPE-MPE-PD
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