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Probability of Compound Events

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1 Probability of Compound Events
Lesson 12-9 Pages Probability of Compound Events

2 What you will learn! How to find the probability of independent and dependent events. How to find the probability of mutually exclusive events.

3 Mutually exclusive events
Vocabulary Compound events Independent events Dependent events Mutually exclusive events

4 What you really need to know!
Probability of Two Independent Events Found by multiplying the probability of the first event by the probability of the second event P(A and B) = P(A) • P(B)

5 What you really need to know!
Probability of Two Dependent Events Is the product of the probability of A and the probability of B after A occurs P(A and B) = P(A) • P(B following A)

6 What you really need to know!
Probability of Mutually Exclusive Events Found by adding the probability of the first event to the probability of the second event P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)


8 Example 1: In a popular dice game, the highest possible score in a single turn is a roll of five of a kind. After rolling one five of a kind, every other five of a kind you roll earns 100 points. What is the probability of rolling two five of a kinds in a row?

9 When rolling 5 die, there are 65 possible outcomes. 7,776.
Example 1: These events are independent. Each roll of the dice does not affect the outcome of the next roll. When rolling 5 die, there are 65 possible outcomes. 7,776. There are 6 ways to get 5 of a kind.

10 Example 1: The probability of rolling one 5 of a kind is 6 : 7,776 which means 1 : 1,296 Two in a row would be:

11 Example 2: Charlie’s clothes closet contains 3 blue shirts, 10 white shirts, and 7 striped shirts. What is the probability that Charlie will reach in and randomly select a white shirt followed by a striped shirt?

12 Example 2: These events are dependent. The selection of the first shirt reduces the number of shirts to pick from. 7 striped shirts 10 white shirts 20 shirts in all 19 shirts left

13 Example 3: You draw a card from a standard deck of playing cards. What is the probability that the card will be a black nine or any heart?

14 Example 3: The events are mutually exclusive because the card can not be both a black nine and a heart at the same time. 13 hearts 2 black nines 52 cards in deck 52 cards in deck

15 Page 653 Guided Practice #’s 4-10


17 Pages 650-652 with someone at home and study examples!
Read: Pages with someone at home and study examples!

18 #’s 11-18, 21-28, 33, 34, 36-50 Homework: Pages 653-655
Lesson Check 12-9






24 Page 755 Lesson 12-9

25 P(13 or even)

26 (Odd answers in back of book)
Study Guide and Review Pages #’s 1-30 or 19-30 (Odd answers in back of book)











37 Prepare for Test! Page 663 #’s 1-20 or 10-20 Lesson Check 12-9




41 Prepare for Test! Pages #’s 1-19









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