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Presentation on theme: "Irony."— Presentation transcript:

1 Irony

2 Three Kinds of Irony Dramatic Situational Verbal

3 Dramatic Irony Dramatic irony occurs when the audience knows something that the actors don’t know.

4 Dramatic Irony Example #1
In Titanic, the audience knows that the ship will sink. However, most characters in the movie continue to dance and drink, completely unaware.

5 Dramatic Irony Example #2
At a basketball game, the audience might know that a college scout is sitting in the crowd, but the star player does not.

6 Dramatic Irony Example #3
What do we know that the characters don’t?

7 Situational Irony Situational irony occurs when what happens is the OPPOSITE of what we expect might expect.

8 Situational Irony Example #1
A high school dropout becomes a successful doctor. We expect that someone who doesn’t finish high school would be unsuccessful; instead, we see the exact opposite effect.

9 Situational Irony Example #2
A police officer is caught speeding. We expect that a police officer would uphold the law better than anyone else; instead, she breaks it too.

10 Situational Irony Example #3
A fire station starts on fire. We expect that the people who prevent fires wouldn’t have a fire.

11 Situation Irony Clip Watch this clip from The Monty Python and the Holy Grail. What happens? What did you not expect?

12 Verbal Irony Verbal irony occurs when someone says the exact opposite of what they mean. (very similar to sarcasm)

13 Verbal Irony Example #1 Ms. Pickett presents a pop quiz on Thursday instead of Friday. Alex groans, “Thanks a lot. We were hoping for a quiz today.” Here, Alex means that he doesn’t want a quiz, though it’s the opposite of what he says.

14 Verbal Irony Example #2 This chair is as comfortable as sitting on nails.

15 Verbal Irony Clip What is the verbal irony in this clip from Mean Girls?  Listen closely, what does she say that is different from what she really means?  How do you know?

16 Verbal Irony Clip Finally, watch this clip from The Big Bang Theory.  Sheldon doesn't seem to pick up on the true meaning of the comments--which is often a danger with using sarcasm.  How is this an example of the use of verbal irony?

17 What Type of Irony? Ask yourself: Does the audience know something that character does not? (Dramatic) Do you see the opposite of what you would expect? (Situational) Do the characters say the opposite of what they mean? (Verbal)

18 What Type of Irony?
Ask yourself: Does the audience know something that character does not? (Dramatic) Do you see the opposite of what you would expect? (Situational) Do the characters say the opposite of what they mean? (Verbal)

19 What Type of Irony? Ask yourself: Does the audience know something that character does not? (Dramatic) Do you see the opposite of what you would expect? (Situational) Do the characters say the opposite of what they mean? (Verbal)

20 What Type of Irony? Ask yourself: Does the audience know something that character does not? (Dramatic) Do you see the opposite of what you would expect? (Situational) Do the characters say the opposite of what they mean? (Verbal)

21 What type of irony? Final Recap
Ask yourself: Does the audience know something that character does not? (Dramatic) Do you see the opposite of what you would expect? (Situational) Do the characters say the opposite of what they mean? (Verbal) Final Recap

22 What Type of Irony? Ask yourself:
In the next group of slides, you will see several different types of irony. Ask yourself the following questions: Ask yourself: Does the audience know something that character does not? (Dramatic) Do you see the opposite of what you would expect? (Situational) Do the characters say the opposite of what they mean? (Verbal) Decide what type of irony is being used.

23 For each picture, write a sentence telling WHY it’s ironic.
Example: You would expect a HIDDEN beach to secret. Instead, there is sign telling people where to find it.

24 You would expect _______. Instead,________.

25 You would expect ______. Instead, ______.

26 You would expect ______. Instead, ______.

27 You would expect ______. Instead, ______.

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