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Planetary Science Initial Use Training Kim Olson: Trainer x5013.

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Presentation on theme: "Planetary Science Initial Use Training Kim Olson: Trainer x5013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planetary Science Initial Use Training Kim Olson: Trainer x5013

2 Planetary Science Earth –Round/flat –Day and night Solar System –Planets Moon –Craters –Phases –geography Using one of the broad categories on the other side, create a graphic organizer like this about your own prior knowledge… Adult content knowledge Student knowledge Preconceptions Connections

3 How to use Curriculum Topic Study and resources Based on research Standards Based Use CTS book/guide to find topic Follow related resources –Making Sense of Secondary Science –Science For All Americans –Benchmarks for Science Literacy –Atlas of Science Literacy –Science Matters

4 Example Student preconception: New cells are made after the old ones die. –Background knowledge: Function of a cell (BSL, 112,341, Cell theory, MSSS 25) –Research: BSL 341, –National Standard: 156, GLE: 1.1.6 –Questions: –More intentional: Investigation 1 –Formative assessment:

5 CTS/PS Activity Pick 2 preconceptions Use CTS and PS resources to develop a plan around chosen misconceptions while answering…. –What is the background/content knowledge that students would need to know to deal with their preconception? –What does research say about students learning this concept? –What does the national standard say students in middle school should know about this concept? What do our standards say? –What deeper level of questions could you develop to help students understand concepts better? –Where in the kit could you be more intentional with this information? –What kind of formative assessment could you develop? In what investigation would you use that assessment? What would it help you to know about students learning?

6 Student preconceptions The sun goes behind the earth once a day. Earth rotates around the sun. The earth is closer to the sun in the summer. The sun is a planet. The moon moves through phases because part of it is behind the earth and sun. The sun, moon, and earth are all the same size.

7 Capture your thoughts… Important IdeasSpecific insights Questions raisedImplications for action

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