2 CORINTHIANS Mission Manner Message NotBut God’s work and our work Adopted into God’s mission Plain instruction Teaching the Bible.

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1 2 CORINTHIANS Mission Manner Message NotBut God’s work and our work Adopted into God’s mission Plain instruction Teaching the Bible

2 Martin Luther “Tis a right excellent thing, that every honest pastor’s and preacher’s mouth is Christ’s mouth, and his word and forgiveness is Christ’s word and forgiveness… For the office is not the pastor’s or preacher’s but God’s; and the Word which he preacheth is likewise not the pastor’s and preacher’s but God’s.”

3 John Calvin “When a man has climbed up into the pulpit… it is [so] that God may speak to us by the mouth of a man." Second Helvetic Confession “The Preaching of the Word of God is the Word of God.”

4 2 CORINTHIANS Mission Manner Message God’s work and our work Adopted into God’s mission Plain instruction Boldly making God’s appeal Teaching the Bible Heralding God’s gospel NotBut

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