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Information Systems Security Association Education Foundation (ISSAEF) Media Packet August 2012 Randy Sanovic ISSAEF Director Phone: 248-310-9669 Email:

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1 Information Systems Security Association Education Foundation (ISSAEF) Media Packet August 2012 Randy Sanovic ISSAEF Director Phone: 248-310-9669 Email:

2 ISSA Education Foundation A 501(c)(3) charitable institution The ISSA Education Foundation was founded in 2003 as a 501 (c) (3) public charity, qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the U.S. Tax Code. Foundation Purpose The purpose of the Foundation is to: Foster, support, develop and provide education and training in matters involving information security and its applications, Develop, support, conduct and promote educational programs, symposia, seminars and other activities concerning information resource management and management practices, protection of confidential information, integrity and availability of information resources and systems, Promote, develop, foster and support research, analysis and information exchange about and concerning information security technology protocols and applications, information security principles, protocols and standards for the benefit of the public, and the implications of such technologies, principles and standards, and Develop, support, conduct, and promote educational programs, symposia, seminars, promote and support scholarship in information security and other activities to educate the public and members of the public in and about information security technology, and matters involving information security and technology. Audience The target audience for our services includes individuals, groups, entities, organization and government agencies interested in obtaining or disseminating information concerning information assurance and security issues, techniques and processes. Foundation Goals The immediate goal of the Foundation is the establishment of grant and scholarship programs to assist individuals and organizations in attaining their educational goals within the Information Security field. Notice of these scholarships will be sent out through various professional organizations, through industry media outlets, and will be posted to solicit public applications at eligible educational institutions through the appropriate scholarship Internet portals. Scholarships were offered beginning in the fall of 2007. Other efforts by the Foundation are in process for the future. Contacts For information or to contact a board member, visit our web site at or e-mail us at August 2012 1

3 Student Scholarships: Eligibility Requirements The applicant has reached the junior level in college (completed 60 credit hours or more). The applicant must have achieved a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale. Guidelines: General Guidelines: Checks for approved grant or scholarship recipients are made payable to the educational institution the recipient will attend. Recipient will demonstrate an interest in Information Security, but need not be an ISSA member. Recipient must be enrolled in an accredited college or university that is authorized to confer degrees at or above the baccalaureate level. Recipients must author a paper in return for any grant or scholarship received. The paper will be reviewed by the Foundation Board and submitted for consideration for publication, without reimbursement, to the ISSA Journal. The Foundation Board of Directors and its Scholarship Committee serve as the selection board for all grants and scholarships. Guidelines Specific to Grants: The maximum grant amount is $1,200.00, to be awarded for one year, not automatically renewable. Funds are to be used only for tuition, books, and fees relative to study in the field of information security. Grants may also be awarded to those who need refresher courses or training in new areas to update their skills and knowledge without enrolling in a degree program. These grants cover nonacademic courses, which could range from a one-time seminar to a series of courses to obtain a certification or profession designation. Guidelines Specific to Scholarships: All scholarships have the field of study designated annually by the Foundation Board of Directors. The Board of Directors also designates which universities will be sent applications automatically. Scholarships up to $10,000 can be awarded annually by the Foundation Board of Directors for graduate study in an Information Security related field. Procedure: For complete details, see our web site ( Applicant must be enrolled in a course of study related to or leading to the information security field. The applicant must complete the candidate information portion of the Foundation Education Fund application in full. The applicant must provide official transcripts of grades from all colleges attended, a brief biographical sketch and letters of reference from persons other than relatives. E. Eugene Schultz, Jr., Memorial Scholarship: The foundation has established a memorial scholarship in the name of E. Eugene Schultz, Jr., a longtime information security professional and educator. For complete details, see the Donations page on our web site at ( 2

4 August 2012 ISSA Chapter Participation ISSA chapters are encouraged to make non-refundable donations to the Education Fund. If the donation is sufficient to cover an entire scholarship or grant, the chapter may designate to which college/university the scholarship or grant will be sent. Further, provided the donation is sufficient for an entire scholarship or grant, the scholarship or grant can be awarded in the chapter’s name if so desired. The Foundation Board of Directors will serve as the selection board for determining recipients of these awards. Chapter Participation Requirements The chapter must have contributed to the Education Fund and have sufficient funds in the Education fund for the desired scholarship or grant. The chapter may submit multiple applications for scholarships or grants up to its contributed amount. The chapter must vote to donate to the Education Fund and the vote must be recorded in the official minutes of the chapter meeting within which the vote took place. Recipient Responsibilities Each grant and scholarship recipient must prepare a publishable paper or body of material. The Foundation Board of Directors will designate an individual who will assist the recipient in submitting this material to the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) for consideration for publication in the ISSA Journal. Donations The Education Foundation (a 501 (c) (3) public charity) is now accepting tax deductible contributions from individuals, organizations, private and public companies to support this effort. We encourage donors to consider contributions of up to $5,000. Please submit donations to: Make checks payable to: ISSA Education Foundation Submit to: Richard Mosher, ISSA Education Foundation Treasurer 7424 S Homan Place, #2 Sioux Falls, SD 57108 Foundation Board of Directors Sandra LambertSandra Lambert, Board Chair and former ISSA International Board member (ISSA Los Angeles Chapter) Steve HaydostianSteve Haydostian, President and former ISSA International Board member (ISSA Los Angeles Chapter) Richard MosherRichard Mosher, Vice President/Secretary/Treasurer, and former ISSA International Board member (ISSA Kansas City Chapter) Deb PeinertDeb Peinert, Former ISSA International Board member (ISSA San Francisco Chapter) Pat MyersPat Myers, Former ISSA International Board member and former International (ISC)2 Board member (ISSA At Large member) Candy AlexanderCandy Alexander, Former ISSA International Board member and former Foundation Board President (ISSA New England Chapter) Randy SanovicRandy Sanovic, Former (ISC) 2 Board member Dr. Dan MansonDr. Dan Manson, Scholarship Committee Representative 3

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