The Magic Cube and the Pixel Ionization Chamber: detectors for monitor and dosimetry of radiotherapy beams S. Amerio 1, A. Boriano 2, F. Bourhaleb 2,3,

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Presentation on theme: "The Magic Cube and the Pixel Ionization Chamber: detectors for monitor and dosimetry of radiotherapy beams S. Amerio 1, A. Boriano 2, F. Bourhaleb 2,3,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Magic Cube and the Pixel Ionization Chamber: detectors for monitor and dosimetry of radiotherapy beams S. Amerio 1, A. Boriano 2, F. Bourhaleb 2,3, R. Cirio 2, M. Donetti 2,3, E. Garelli 2,4, S. Giordanengo 2#, E. Madon 5, F. Marchetto 2, U. Nastasi 1, C. Peroni 2, C. J. Sanz Freire 2, A. Sardo 5, E. Trevisiol 5 1 Ospedale S. Giovanni A. S., Torino 2 Universiy and INFN, Torino 3 Fondazione TERA, Novara 4 A.S.P., Torino 5 O.I.R.M. S. Anna, Torino  Partially financed by IBA, Ion Beam Application, Louvain-la-Neuve(Belgium)

2 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio2/28 Highly conformal radiotherapy GOAL use radiation to kill cancer cells and spare healthy tissue

3 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio3/28 Hadron radiotherapy Uses (mainly, nowadays) protons and carbon ions Good for specific diseases 1% of total It is becoming hospital based

4 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio4/28 Photon radiotherapy (IMRT) Intensity Modulated RadioTherapy State-of-the-art Uses photons obtained with e - linear accelerators Specific diseases Has become very popular Still not very widespread due to verification problems

5 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio5/28 The Magic Cube A tool for verification of hadrontherapy treatment plan in reasonably short time (1-2 minutes) Sampling calorimeter with strip ionization chambers VLSI electronics readout

6 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio6/28 In the beginning At GSI Darmstadt Strip ionization chambers (6 for X-view 6 for Y-view)

7 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio7/28 One of the chambers 64 strips 4 mm wide 24 cm long 24x24 cm 2 active area

8 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio8/28 The VLSI chip 64 channels AMS 0.8  m CMOS 16 bit output Recycling integrator

9 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio9/28 VLSI block diagram

10 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio10/28 A simple beam (X-view) At CPO Orsay beam direction

11 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio11/28 A Carbon Bragg peak 270 MeV/u 12 C at GSI Darmstadt beam direction

12 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio12/28 The Cube on tour GSI Darmstadt C synchrotron

13 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio13/28 PSI Villigen p synchrotron

14 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio14/28 CPO Orsay p cyclotron

15 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio15/28 Commercial version sold to Loma Linda University Medical Center and Ion Beam Application

16 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio16/28 The Pixel Chamber The aim: let’s go real 3D 1024 pixels 7.5 mm wide 24x24 cm 2 active area

17 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio17/28 Precision in the reconstruction of the center of gravity of a C beam  <0.13 mm  <0.08 mm Vertical axisHorizontal axis

18 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio18/28 Dedicated to photons No inhomogeneities Careful shielding

19 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio19/28 A calibration with 24x24 cm 2 6 MV photon beam

20 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio20/28 Dynamic MultiLeaf Collimator Treatment verification Breast cancer treatment

21 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio21/28 Treatment plan (=simulation) vs. measurement with pixel chamber Pixel chamber Treatment plan

22 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio22/28 Pixel chamberTreatment plan ii j j A closer look…

23 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio23/28 Nowadays things are moving Intensity Modulated RadioTherapy (IMRT)

24 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio24/28 Time: 0 secTime: 1 secTime: 2 secTime: 3 secTime: 4 secTime: 5 secTime: 6 secTime: 7 secTime: 8 secTime: 9 secTime: 10 secTime: 11 secTime: 12 secTime: 13 secTime: 14 sec Deposited dose as function of time Measuring DURING treatment

25 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio25/28 Research  Industry The VLSI chip produced and used by IBA and Wellhofer/Scanditronix

26 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio26/28 Research  Industry Pixel and strip chambers during a test at IBA

27 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio27/28 Research  Industry Dose deposition with the new IBA raster scan as measured with the pixel chamber

28 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio28/28 Conclusions HEP techniques may be extremely interesting for medical applications Magic Cube, TERA VLSI and Pixel Chamber have fulfilled the design requirements Industry has taken advantage of these University/INFN driven projects

29 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio29/28 The VLSI and radiation damage 30 kV photons

30 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio30/28 The VLSI and radiation damage Legnaro fast neutrons @5x10 12 still OK

31 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio31/28 Fast data acquisition Real time OS 1024 channels readout in 100  s

32 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio32/28 Slow data acquisition National Instruments I/O board Labview on PC 1024 channels readout in 500  s

33 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio33/28 Chamber layout

34 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio34/28 Target contour Energy deposit Voxel Using a raster scan (GSI test)

35 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio35/28 Caratterstiche del fascio Irraggiamento di tipo raster-scan C +6, dimensioni del fascio = 8.8 mm (FWHM) Obiettivi Risoluzione spaziale Omogeneità della risposta Acquisizione dati sincronizzata con il raster-scan Test sistema monitor di fascio Test al GSI (Darmstadt) ioni carbonio

36 Siena, October 22 2002R.Cirio36/28 Arc #7 13x7

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