Spitting Back What He’s Spit at You How to Study for Marmorstein Exams.

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1 Spitting Back What He’s Spit at You How to Study for Marmorstein Exams

2 Find the patterns…

3 Hitchhiker’s guide to the essay exam universe….

4 What is a Good Essay? A series of good generalizations related to the exam question backed up with specific support from the lectures and the readings.

5 General advice for essay exams Read and understand the question Pick out the key words in the question Outline your main points Write good topic sentences Back up your topic sentences with specific details

6 Advice specific to Marmorstein exams 1. Think! Do not just memorize facts. 2. Prepare each essay question and the related ID’s together. 3. Come up with a basic outline for your essay. 4. Think of good topic sentences for each paragraph of your essay. 5. Add specific support for your topic sentences. 6. In steps 3-5, use the ID’s whenever possible. 7. Do not just memorize facts. Think!

7 Keep me in a good mood Be considerate of my old eyes. Make your exam easy to read. Use blue or black ink, not pencil or red ink. Please don’t put all your information in one long paragraph. Having a sense of humor helps. Making me laugh will earn you an extra point or two. Use appropriate diction. Don’t try to sound like a stuffy professor, but don’t be too informal either. Avoid slang expressions and profanity.

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