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Jazz WebUI Framework. Apache Derby Jazz Platform Architecture – Open Source middleware Eclipse Equinox Jazz Server Kernel Jazz Server Extensions Web UI.

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Presentation on theme: "Jazz WebUI Framework. Apache Derby Jazz Platform Architecture – Open Source middleware Eclipse Equinox Jazz Server Kernel Jazz Server Extensions Web UI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jazz WebUI Framework

2 Apache Derby Jazz Platform Architecture – Open Source middleware Eclipse Equinox Jazz Server Kernel Jazz Server Extensions Web UI Apache Tomcat Jabber Jazz Web Client Jazz Team Server Other Clients Jazz Client Kernel Jazz Client Extensions Jazz Eclipse Client Eclipse Platform HTTP, Web Services, RSS, Atom

3 Deploy OSGI Container in a Servlet Container OSGI container – servletbridge.jar, jazzservletbridge.jar core jazz OSGI bundles – JAF, provisionService, oAuth Service, etc..., they are registered in eclipse\configuration\config.ini Extended Services provisioned by provisionService

4 Provision Service Components can be deployed out of OSGI container. This is achieved by provision service Load sequence: –Start Servlet Container –OSGI container load registered OSGI bundles –Provision Service is activated and look for profiles –Update-site defined in profile is loaded and activated

5 OSGI Framework Control Config web.xml to enable framework control. Uncomment following two init parameters... enableFrameworkControls true commandline -console Some OSGI command: SS – display the installed bundle list and bundle’s status Start - start the bundle Stop -stop the bundle

6 JAF Structural Elements Dojo Mozilla Rhino net.jazz.ajax Jazz JSON Marshaling Equinox Server-side Overview Key Dependency Extension

7 Extension-point: net.jazz.ajax.webBundles Marker extension that the JAF uses to discover the subset of server bundles containing JAF-targeted code –As opposed to bundles containing servlets, web services, etc. Required for JAF extenders Extension Points

8 Extension-point: net.jazz.ajax.applications Reserves a URI (or URI pattern) Total control over UI Provides a scoping mechanism for other UI elements (e.g. pages) Examples: Jazz Project UI, Jazz Server Admin UI <extension id="admin" point="net.jazz.ajax.applications"> <application alias="/admin" jsclass="" icon="/jazz.ico" statusHandler=""/> URI (under context root) to access application Fully-qualified name of ‘class’ implementation Extension Points

9 Extension-point: net.jazz.ajax.pages Coarse-grained chunk of UI Run within one or more applications Contains a set of one or more bookmarkable “actions” Examples: “Work Items”, “Iteration Plans”, “Reports” within Jazz Project Area application Extension Points

10 Extension-point: net.jazz.ajax.pages (con’t) <extension point="net.jazz.ajax.pages"> <page defaultAction="" id="" name="%ProcessTemplateManagement" widget=" s_templates.ProcessTemplateManagementPage"> <action id=""> <action id=""> Parameter to built-in jazz.viewPage action Displayed in the user interface Fully-qualified path to widget implementation Initial action that runs if a user clicks on a page link The set of all (bookmarkable) actions defined for the page (more on this later) Extension Points

11 Extension-point: applicationPageBindings Determines in which application(s) which pages will show up It’s different from the mechanism for jazz foundation 0.6, where the page is defined in applicationScope

12 JAF Application Startup A JAF-based application has a sophisticated bootstrapping sequence optimized for a fast, responsive load –Note: This process is invisible to extenders 1.User browses to a JAF-based application (e.g. /web/myJAFApp ) 2.Equinox server-side passes request to a JAF servlet 3.The JAF servlet responds with an HTML page (which uses validation-based caching) with: a.Inlined CSS b.A tag (using expiration-based caching) pointing to a URI that contains the compressed, concatenated “JAF runtime” (basically Dojo + core JAF functionality) and the relevant application code c.The extension registry data from all webBundles d.A dojo.addOnLoad function that starts the targeted application 4.The contributed application builds up the basic UI and tells the JAF when it’s done 5.The JAF runs the initial action which, as a side-effect, loads the code for the initial page (based on the URI) 6.The JAF monitors the URI for changes to the URI’s hash value Inside the JAF

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