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UIUC CS 497: Section EA Lecture #3 Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence Professor: Eyal Amir Spring Semester 2004.

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1 UIUC CS 497: Section EA Lecture #3 Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence Professor: Eyal Amir Spring Semester 2004

2 Last Time SAT checking using DPLL (instantiate, propagate, backtrack) Entailment/SAT checking using Resolution (create more and more clauses until KB is saturated) Formal verification uses mainly SAT checking such as DPLL, but also sometimes resolution

3 From Homework You Should Know Deduction theorem for FOL Language of FOL Soundness, completeness, and incompleteness theorems Models of FOL

4 Today Reasoning procedure for FOL –Proving entailment using Resolution Application du jour: Temporal Reasoning Applications we will not touch –Spatial reasoning, formal verification, mathematics, planning, NLP, …

5 First-Order Theories Signature L: –Function symbols (f(x,y)) –Predicate (relation) symbols (P(x,A)) –Constant symbols (A,B,C,…) FOL language: quantification over objects

6 Model Theory: Reminder Structure/Interpretation: –U = Universe of elements –I = Mapping of Constant symbols to elements in U Predicate symbols to relations over U Function symbols to functions over U M T - M satisfies T –T is a theory, i.e., a set of FOL sentences in language L for which M is an interpretation ╨

7 Logical Entailment ? ╨     ╨  L={man, woman, loves} M 1 = U 1 ={Sue,Kim,Pat} I 1 [man]={Pat} I 1 [woman]={Sue,Kim} I 1 [loves]={, } ? M1  ╨ ╨ 

8 Clausal Form Every FOL formula is consistency- equivalent to conjunction of F.O. clauses. First-order clause –Only universal quantifiers (which are implicit) –Disjunction of literals (atoms or their negation)

9 Conversion to Clausal Form 1.“  ” replaced by “  ”, ”  ” 2.Negations in front of atoms 3.Standardize variables (unique vars.) 4.Eliminate existentials (Skolemization) 5.Drop all universal quantifiers 6.Move disjunctions in (put into CNF) 7.Rename vars. (standardize vars. apart)

10 Take a Breath Until now: –First-order logic basics –How to convert a general FOL sentence to clausal form From now: Resolution theorem proving –Search in the space of proofs Later: Temporal reasoning

11 Resolution Theorem Proving Given: –KB – a set of first-order sentences –Query Q – a logical sentence Calling procedure: 1.Add  Q to KB 2.Convert KB into clausal form 3.Run theorem prover. If we prove contradiction, return T.

12 Resolution Theorem Proving 1.Add  Q to KB 2.Convert KB into clausal form 3.Run theorem prover. If we prove contradiction, return T. Deduction theorem: KB Q iff KB   Q FALSE ╨╨

13 Resolution Theorem Proving 1.Add  Q to KB 2.Convert KB into clausal form 3.Run theorem prover. If we prove contradiction, return T. Deduction theorem: KB Q iff KB   Q FALSE ╨╨

14 First-Order Resolution Resolution inference rule: C1: P(t1,…,tk)  C1’(t1,…,tk) C2:  P(s1,…,sk)  C2’(s1,…,sk) mgu(, ) = {r1,…,rn} -------------------------------------------- C3: (C1’  C2’) {r1,…,rn}

15 First-Order Resolution Resolution algorithm (saturation): 1.While there are unresolved C1,C2: (1)Select C1, C2 in KB (2)If C1, C2 are resolvable, resolve them into a new clause C3 (3)Add C3 to KB (4)If C3={ } return T. 2.STOP C1: P(t1,…,tk)  C1’(t1,…,tk) C2:  P(s1,…,sk)  C2’(s1,…,sk) mgu(, ) = {r1,…,rn} -------------------------------------------- C3: (C1’  C2’) {r1,…,rn}

16 Resolution in Action On board Negated Query KB C1: P(t1,…,tk)  C1’(t1,…,tk) C2:  P(s1,…,sk)  C2’(s1,…,sk) mgu(, ) = {r1,…,rn} -------------------------------------------- C3: (C1’  C2’) {r1,…,rn}

17 Resolution in Action On board Negated Query KB C1: P(t1,…,tk)  C1’(t1,…,tk) C2:  P(s1,…,sk)  C2’(s1,…,sk) mgu(, ) = {r1,…,rn} -------------------------------------------- C3: (C1’  C2’) {r1,…,rn}

18 First-Order Resolution Resolution algorithm (saturation): 1.While there are unresolved C1,C2: (1)Select C1, C2 in KB (2)If C1, C2 are resolvable, resolve them into a new clause C3 (3)Add C3 to KB (4)If C3={ } return T. 2.STOP C1: P(t1,…,tk)  C1’(t1,…,tk) C2:  P(s1,…,sk)  C2’(s1,…,sk) mgu(, ) = {r1,…,rn} -------------------------------------------- C3: (C1’  C2’) {r1,…,rn}

19 First-Order Resolution Rule (2) If C1, C2 are resolvable, resolve them into a new clause C3 If C1,C2 have two literals l1,l2 with same predicates (P) and opposite polarity, and If l1= P(t1,…,tk), l2=  P(s1,…,sk), unifiable with mgu (most general unifier) {r1,…,rn}, then… C1: P(t1,…,tk)  C1’(t1,…,tk) C2:  P(s1,…,sk)  C2’(s1,…,sk) mgu(, ) = {r1,…,rn} -------------------------------------------- C3: (C1’  C2’) {r1,…,rn}

20 Unification …P(t1,…,tk),  P(s1,…,sk), unifiable with mgu (most general unifier) σ={r1,…rk} Substitution: replace vars. by terms –Term: constant, variable, or a function of terms Composition of substitutions {x/g(w,v)} {w/A,v/f(B,z)} = {x/g(A,f(B,z),w/A,v/f(B,z)} (P(x) v Q(f(x)) v P(g(B,x)) v P(f(y))) {x/B,y/z} (P(B) v Q(f(B)) v P(g(B,B)) v P(f(z))) {x/B,y/z}{x/B,y/z,x/w}{x/B,y/z,z/w}

21 Unification Unification: find a substitution σ for C1: P(t1,…,tk)  C1’(t1,…,tk) C2:  P(s1,…,sk)  C2’(s1,…,sk) such that P(t1,…,tk)σ = P(s1,…,sk)σ P(A,y,g(x,y)){y/f(A)} = P(z,f(z),g(x,f(w))){z/A,w/A} σ={y/f(A),z/A,w/A} P(A,y,g(x,y)){y/f(w)} = P(z,f(w),g(x,f(w))){z/A} σ={y/f(w),z/A} Most general unifier

22 Unification Substitution σ1 more general than σ2 if there is substitution γ such that σ1 γ = σ2 P(A,y,g(x,y)){y/f(A)} = P(z,f(z),g(x,f(w))){z/A,w/A} σ={y/f(A),z/A,w/A} P(A,y,g(x,y)){y/f(w)} = P(z,f(w),g(x,f(w))){z/A} σ={y/f(w),z/A} Most general unifier

23 Unification Substitution σ1 more general than σ2 if there is substitution γ such that σ1 γ = σ2 σ2={y/f(A),z/A,w/A} σ1={y/f(w),z/A} Most general unifier γ={w/A}

24 Finding the MGU Procedure MGU(x,y) 1.If x=y, return { } 2.If x or y are vars., return MGUvar(x,y) 3.If x or y are const.,or Len(x)=/=Len(y), return F. 4.σ ← { }; For i ← 1 to Len(x) 1.s ← MGU(part(i,x),part(i,y)); if s=F, return F. 2.σ ← compose(σ,s); x ← subst(x,σ); y ← subst(y,σ); 5.Return σ x = P(A,y,g(x,y)) y = P(z,f(w),g(v,w))

25 Finding the MGU Procedure MGU(x,y) 1.If x=y, return { } 2.If x or y are vars., return MGUvar(x,y) 3.If x or y are const.,or Len(x)=/=Len(y), return F. 4.σ ← { }; For i ← 1 to Len(x) 1.s ← MGU(part(i,x),part(i,y)); if s=F, return F. 2.σ ← compose(σ,s); x ← subst(x,σ); y ← subst(y,σ); 5.Return σ x = P(A,y,g(x,y)) y = P(z,f(w),g(v,w))

26 Finding the MGU Procedure MGU(x,y) 1.If x=y, return { } 2.If x or y are vars., return MGUvar(x,y) 3.If x or y are const.,or Len(x)=/=Len(y), return F. 4.σ ← { }; For i ← 1 to Len(x) 1.s ← MGU(part(i,x),part(i,y)); if s=F, return F. 2.σ ← compose(σ,s); x ← subst(x,σ); y ← subst(y,σ); 5.Return σ x = P(A,y,g(x,y)) y = P(z,f(w),g(v,w))

27 Finding the MGU Procedure MGU(x,y) 1.If x=y, return { } 2.If x or y are vars., return MGUvar(x,y) 3.If x or y are const.,or Len(x)=/=Len(y), return F. 4.σ ← { }; For i ← 1 to Len(x) 1.s ← MGU(part(i,x),part(i,y)); if s=F, return F. 2.σ ← compose(σ,s); x ← subst(x,σ); y ← subst(y,σ); 5.Return σ x = P(A,y,g(x,y)) y = P(z,f(w),g(v,w))

28 Finding the MGU Procedure MGU(x,y) 1.If x=y, return { } 2.If x or y are vars., return MGUvar(x,y) 3.If x or y are const.,or Len(x)=/=Len(y), return F. 4.σ ← { }; For i ← 1 to Len(x) 1.s ← MGU(part(i,x),part(i,y)); if s=F, return F. 2.σ ← compose(σ,s); x ← subst(x,σ); y ← subst(y,σ); 5.Return σ x = P(A,y,g(x,y)) y = P(z,f(w),g(v,w))

29 part(3,x) = y part(3,y) = f(w)part(1,x) = P part(1,y) = Ppart(2,x) = A part(2,y) = z Finding the MGU Procedure MGU(x,y) 1.If x=y, return { } 2.If x or y are vars., return MGUvar(x,y) 3.If x or y are const.,or Len(x)=/=Len(y), return F. 4.σ ← { }; For i ← 1 to Len(x) 1.s ← MGU(part(i,x),part(i,y)); if s=F, return F. 2.σ ← compose(σ,s); x ← subst(x,σ); y ← subst(y,σ); 5.Return σ x = P(A,y,g(x,y)) y = P(z,f(w),g(v,w)) part(4,x) = g(x,f(w)) part(4,y) = g(v,w) F Occurs check

30 Finding the MGU: another example Procedure MGU(x,y) 1.If x=y, return { } 2.If x or y are vars., return MGUvar(x,y) 3.If x or y are const.,or Len(x)=/=Len(y), return F. 4.σ ← { }; For i ← 1 to Len(x) 1.s ← MGU(part(i,x),part(i,y)); if s=F, return F. 2.σ ← compose(σ,s); x ← subst(x,σ); y ← subst(y,σ); 5.Return σ x = P(A,y,g(x,y)) y = P(z,f(w),g(v,f(w)))

31 Finding the MGU: another example Procedure MGU(x,y) 1.If x=y, return { } 2.If x or y are vars., return MGUvar(x,y) 3.If x or y are const.,or Len(x)=/=Len(y), return F. 4.σ ← { }; For i ← 1 to Len(x) 1.s ← MGU(part(i,x),part(i,y)); if s=F, return F. 2.σ ← compose(σ,s); x ← subst(x,σ); y ← subst(y,σ); 5.Return σ x = P(A,y,g(x,y)) y = P(z,f(w),g(v,f(w)))

32 Finding the MGU: another example Procedure MGU(x,y) 1.If x=y, return { } 2.If x or y are vars., return MGUvar(x,y) 3.If x or y are const.,or Len(x)=/=Len(y), return F. 4.σ ← { }; For i ← 1 to Len(x) 1.s ← MGU(part(i,x),part(i,y)); if s=F, return F. 2.σ ← compose(σ,s); x ← subst(x,σ); y ← subst(y,σ); 5.Return σ x = P(A,y,g(x,y)) y = P(z,f(w),g(v,f(w)))

33 Finding the MGU: another example Procedure MGU(x,y) 1.If x=y, return { } 2.If x or y are vars., return MGUvar(x,y) 3.If x or y are const.,or Len(x)=/=Len(y), return F. 4.σ ← { }; For i ← 1 to Len(x) 1.s ← MGU(part(i,x),part(i,y)); if s=F, return F. 2.σ ← compose(σ,s); x ← subst(x,σ); y ← subst(y,σ); 5.Return σ x = P(A,y,g(x,y)) y = P(z,f(w),g(v,f(w)))

34 Finding the MGU: another example Procedure MGU(x,y) 1.If x=y, return { } 2.If x or y are vars., return MGUvar(x,y) 3.If x or y are const.,or Len(x)=/=Len(y), return F. 4.σ ← { }; For i ← 1 to Len(x) 1.s ← MGU(part(i,x),part(i,y)); if s=F, return F. 2.σ ← compose(σ,s); x ← subst(x,σ); y ← subst(y,σ); 5.Return σ x = P(A,y,g(x,y)) y = P(z,f(w),g(v,f(w)))

35 part(3,x) = y part(3,y) = f(w)part(1,x) = P part(1,y) = Ppart(2,x) = A part(2,y) = z Finding the MGU: another example Procedure MGU(x,y) 1.If x=y, return { } 2.If x or y are vars., return MGUvar(x,y) 3.If x or y are const.,or Len(x)=/=Len(y), return F. 4.σ ← { }; For i ← 1 to Len(x) 1.s ← MGU(part(i,x),part(i,y)); if s=F, return F. 2.σ ← compose(σ,s); x ← subst(x,σ); y ← subst(y,σ); 5.Return σ part(4,x) = g(x,f(w)) part(4,y) = g(v,f(w)) σ={y/f(w),z/A,v/x} x = P(A,y,g(x,y)) y = P(z,f(w),g(v,f(w)))

36 Correctness of FOL Resolution Soundness: Resolution is sound for first- order inference Refutation Completeness: Resolution will find the empty clause, if FALSE is entailed No guarantee of termination (saturation), if FALSE not entailed: FOL semi-decidable

37 Simple Efficiency Improvements Subsumption between clauses: –If clause C subsumes clause D (C entails D), then we can remove D from the KB. {P(A)}{P(A),P(B)} {P(A)}{~P(A)} {P(f(x),A),Q(g(x),B)}{P(f(v),y),Q(g(v),y)} Algorithm for checking subsumption? ╨ ╨ ╨ {P(A)}{P(t)} ╨

38 Simple Efficiency Improvements Subsumption within the clause: –If literal a subsumes literal b (a entails b), then we can remove a from the clause… –But, notice the variables’ scope {P(A),P(t)} {P(A),~P(B),P(t)} {P(A,x),P(y,B)} {P(x),Q(x),P(A)} {P(A)} {P(A),~P(B)} {P(A,x),P(y,B)} {P(x),Q(x),P(A)}

39 Properties of Resolution Unifying two literals of length n O(n 2 ) – because of occurs check Finding two resolvable clauses from m clauses of length n: O(m 2 n 2 ) – the simple bound Overall algorithm: –Semi-decidable –Unbounded length of proof as function of n,m

40 Related to FOL Resolution Clause selection and restriction strategies for resolution (lecture #5, paper #19) Consequence finding (paper #3) Constraint Satisfaction Problem (paper #5) Reasoning with equality (paper #6) DPLL in FOL (paper #7) Decidable fragments of FOL (paper #8)

41 Summary So Far Resolution theorem proving allows us to find contradictions and explanation. –The deduction theorem tells us how to ask queries from Resolution Next: Temporal Reasoning

42 Situation Calculus A first-order language for describing the effects of actions and events over time –Constants: S0 – initial state; action constants –Functions: result(, ) –Predicates: “fluents” – properties that change over time at(1, S0) at(x,s)  at(x+1,result(move_fwd,s)) Query: at(1+1,s’)   ans(s’) ?  at(1+1,s’)  ans(s’)

43 Situation Calculus Requires axioms describing effects and non-effects of actions/events Can be used for planning, projection, diagnosis, filtering (tracking) Frame Problem: the compact and natural- language-like specification of effects of actions Qualification Problem: the preconditions of actions

44 Notations Substitutions –φσ σ = {x1/t1,…,xk/tk} –φ σ σ = [x1/t1,…,xk/tk]

45 Next Time Description Logics Requires prior knowledge of: –FOL theorem proving –Tableau theorem proving – will be useful –Frame systems – will be useful

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