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Julien Thibault  1969 - Bells Labs develop a new operating system called “UNIX”  Written in C instead of assembly code  Able.

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Presentation on theme: "Julien Thibault  1969 - Bells Labs develop a new operating system called “UNIX”  Written in C instead of assembly code  Able."— Presentation transcript:

1 Julien Thibault

2  1969 - Bells Labs develop a new operating system called “UNIX”  Written in C instead of assembly code  Able to recycle code  Improved compatibility between systems  Beginning of the 90’s  PC becomes popular  UNIX too slow for these machines and not free  People switch to Windows 3.1 or MS-DOS  1991 – Linus Torvalds (University of Helsinki) starts working on the “Linux” project  Free OS  Compliant with the original UNIX  Today – why do you care?  De-facto OS for high-performance computing (clusters)  More and more popular in federal agencies and large companies Linus Torvalds

3  Pros  Free and open source  Large community  Secure, almost no virus (compared to Windows)  Scalable: from palm to cluster with more 100 nodes  Cons  Not as user-friendly as Windows or Mac but getting there  Many distributions available: Ubuntu, RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva, Debian…  See:

4 What a Linux distribution can look like today…

5  Host:  Login: uNID  Password:uNID password  Using PuTTY (Windows):  Just enter the host name  Using ssh (Mac or Linux): ssh [-Y] login@host The -Y option is used to enable GUIs (it can be slow!!)

6  cdchange current directory  ls [-la]list files  pwdshow path to current directory  mkdircreate new directory  mvmove file/dir to new location  cp [-r]copy file (use -r for directory)  scp [-r]secured copy over the network  ssh secured remote login  man cmdcmd command manual

7  Create the directory ~/workshops/linux/test in your home directory  Copy the test directory to ~/workshops/linux/test2  Move test2 to your home directory and rename it testlinux

8 Try out Emacs if you cant stand VI…

9  Insertion mode: i  Command mode: ESC  dddelete current line (and copy)  yycopy current line  ppaste before cursor  uundo  /string or ?stringsearch string after or before cursor  n or Ngo to next or previous match  :s/pattern/string/g replace pattern by new string  :w Save changes  :qExit  :q! Exit and ignore any changes  More commands at:

10  Create a new text document, insert “Hello world” and save it as helloworld.txt  Download Moby Dick from and rename it mobydick.txt  Delete everything that is before chapter 1  What is the title of chapter 107?  What is the last line?  Move the first paragraph (chapter 1) to be after the second one  How many times does the word ‘France’ appear in the text?


12  Permissions  Root (super user) ▪ Can control machine configuration and programs for all the user  ls -l will display the permissions for a file/dir  Interactive shell configuration  aliases (e.g. “ll” instead of “ls -l”)  environment variables ▪ $PATH: path to the executables ▪ $HOME: point to your home directory  bash / C shell ▪ 2 different scripting methods ▪.bashrc,.bash_profile,.profile /.tcshrc

13  Inside the configuration script:  setenv / exportSet environment variable  aliasCreate alias C shell script example (CHPC) alias ll “ls -l” setenv EXEC “$HOME/programs” setenv PATH $EXEC/bin/:$PATH Bash script example alias ll=“ls -l” export EXEC=$HOME/programs export PATH=$PATH:$EXEC/bin/  sourceapply changes to bash script for interactive shell  echo vardisplay value of environment variable

14  whichreturns the path to the command executable  ps [aux]list of active processes  toplist of top active processes (updated )  findfind a file or directory  grepfind a phrase in text  catdisplay content of a file  tail [–n]display the last lines of a file  suswitch to superuser. Need root privileges  chmodchange permissions on a file/dir  chownchange owner of a file/dir  wgetdownload file from URL

15  Find the location of the Matlab install at CHPC  Create an environment variable called $MATLAB_HOME that points to the install of Matlab version R2006 and add it to your PATH so it becomes the default version  Create an alias to display the version of java  Create a script called that says “hello world” when you run it.

16  Ctrl-CCancel job  Ctrl-ZStop job  cmd &execute cmd in the background  bgmove job to background  fgmove job to foreground  jobslist current jobs

17  $ sleep 100 — Start a dummy job in foreground. (sleep = waits a x amount of second) Press Ctrl+z to stop the current job.  $ bg — Move the last stopped job to background.  $ sleep 150 — Dummy job 1 Press Ctrl+z to stop the current job.  $ sleep 140 — Dummy job 2 Press Ctrl+z to stop the current job.  $ sleep 130 — Dummy job 3 Press Ctrl+z to stop the current job. $ jobs — List all active jobs.  $ bg 2 — Move the 2nd active job to background.

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