Charles University in Prague Environment Center Milan Ščasný „State of play environmental harmful subsidies“ (Introduction for discussion) EEB, CUEC and.

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1 Charles University in Prague Environment Center Milan Ščasný „State of play environmental harmful subsidies“ (Introduction for discussion) EEB, CUEC and SSL seminar Prague, 21-22 November 2003

2 Why subsidise ? Key objectives for subsidy and support measures introduction: protect (sectoral) employment and investment, safeguard domestic supply and reduce external dependency, stimulate (rural) economic development and growth, abate policy or support of the poor, provide access to basic living conditions

3 Environmental harmful subsidies „… all kinds of financial supports and regulations that are put in place to enhance the competitiveness of certain products, processes or regions, and that, together with the prevailing taxation regime, (unintentionally) discriminate against sound environmental practises.“ OECD, 1998, Part I, p. 7

4 Environmental harmful subsidies there is NO activity with ANY negative environmental effect negative effects on the environment refer to those levels of waste and emissions, incl. those of the previous and subsequent stages of Q/C, that are generated because a support measure is in place and which would not occur if no support was applied GOAL: how to satisfy a particular need with the lowest possible environmental impact ?

5 The linkages between SUPPORT and the ENVIRONMENT (by OECD1998) Linkage 1: link between the support measure and volume and composition of output Linkage 2: impact of the changes in the level & composition of output on actual pollution and waste levels Linkage 3: damage done to the environment by the resulting changes in pollution and waste levels

6 Classification of support measures immediate budgetary impact condition of the support / points of impact support resulting in PRICE INCREASE of PRODUCERS (purchase of agri products) support leading to DECREASE of production COSTS (tax rebates for industry) support resulting in a decrease of final price paid by CONSUMERS (cross-subsidy of electricity) support that is not conditional on production or input levels

7 Effects on government budgets Points of impact / support conditionality On-budgetOff-budget Outputs 1.Deficiency payments 2.Sales premiums 3.Preferential sales tax and VAT rates 1.Market price support - Border Protection - Market access restrictions - Government brokered sales contracts Raw material inputs 1.Support to material and energy input ( energy, fertilisers, irrigation water) 2.Provision of infrastructure below long run marginal cost 1.Material and services in kind C/L inputs Earnings 1.Support to non-material and non-energy inputs 2.Accelerated depreciation allowances 3.Debt write off 4.Support to R&D 1.Concessional credit 2.Royalty concessions 3.Low rate of return req. 4.Exemptions from stand. 5.Insufficient provision for future envi. liabilities Sources: OECD (1998), adapted from Steenblik (1995) and Centre for International Economics (1988)

8 Environmentaly harmful subsidies Sector, bil. USDvan Beers & de Moor Myers & Kent Agriculture 325 Transport 225558 Energy 205145 Water 60 Other 13522 TOTAL 9501 110 1 950 incl. „implicit subsidy“

9 Environmentaly harmful subsidies Total EHS: 1000 bil. USD -14*GDP-CR 2002 75% in OECD MS 3,6% OECD-GDP mostly supported sectors influences 97% of world trade 100 bil. USD yearly additional costs in poorer countries involved by subsidy policy of West (WB; EEB 2002)




13 For debate… we should consider „a historical reason“ of support introduction it is not too late make change if we find soemthing is not perfect ask for a removal or a reform ? –remove support measure? –change priorities? –adjust criterias? focus not only „visible“ on/off budgetary support measures: –„implicit subsidy“ - non-internalised externalities –inefficiently allocated public spendings (transport infrastructure, housing policy) –privatisation, deregulation, liberalisation –efficient use of non-national grants (SF/CF in particular)

14 The key stages in the CHECKLIST



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