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初三英语话题与书面表达专项训练 —— Health. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我 。 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy,wealthy (富有) and wise.

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Presentation on theme: "初三英语话题与书面表达专项训练 —— Health. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我 。 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy,wealthy (富有) and wise."— Presentation transcript:

1 初三英语话题与书面表达专项训练 —— Health

2 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我 。 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy,wealthy (富有) and wise 。 早睡早起,人会健康、富有、聪明。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只学习不玩耍聪明的孩子也变傻. (聪明).


4 health and fitness (健康) 1 watch your diet 2 take exercise 3relax yourself

5 Book 7 (上) Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Book 7 (下) Unit 8 I’d like some noodles. Book 8 (上) Unit 1 How often do you exercise? Unit 2 What’s the matter? Book 8 (下) Unit 2 What should I do? Book 9 Unit 6 Reading: I only eat food 0 that tastes good

6 health and fitness your diet build word map Unit6 (Book 7 上 ) Unit8 (Book 7 下 ) P4,P11 (Book 8 上 ) 词汇所在 位置

7 Word map watch your diet healthy food healthy drink fruit melon s apple s … bee f meat … chicken tomatoe s vegetables carrots … water milk juice unhealthy food hamburgers candy … unhealthy drink Coke coffe e Keep a balanced diet … …

8 Word map watch your diet healthy foodhealthy drink unhealthy food unhealthy drink Keeping a balanced diet is important. junk food put on weight (增加体重)

9 health and fitness your diet build word map 2.take exercise Unit6 (Book 7 上 ) Unit8 (Book 7 下 ) P4,P11 (Book 8 上 ) Unit5(Book7 上) Unit1 (Book 8 上 ) 词汇所在 位置

10 take exercise go skateboarding go skating play baseball play basketball play volleyball play tennis play soccer run take a walk swim go hiking fitness club/centr e( 健身俱乐 部)

11 health and fitness your diet build word map 2.take exercise Unit6 (Book 7 上 ) Unit8 (Book 7 下 ) P4,P11 (Book 8 上 ) Unit5(Book7 上) Unit1 (Book 8 上 ) 词汇所在 位置 3.relax yourself P11 (Book 8 上 )

12 relax yourself listen to music play computer games do some sports get eight hours’ sleep (get enough sleep) talk to others If you are worried about something, talk to your parents or your teacher. You can relax yourself by listening to some music.

13 health and fitness your diet build word map 2.take exercise Unit6 (Book 7 上 ) Unit8 (Book 7 下 ) P4,P11 (Book 8 上 ) Unit5(Book7 上) Unit1 (Book 8 上 ) 词汇所在 位置 3.relax yourself P11 (Book 8 上 ) 请在笔记本上记 下相关话题在课 本上的出处!

14 以小组为单位,在课本中找出与话题有关的句子(或 者自己总结),并每组推选一位代表总结汇报。 关于 watch your diet 的功能句 : 关于 take plenty of exercise 的功能 句 : 关于 relax yourself 的功能句 :

15 health and fitness your diet build word map 2.take exercise Unit6 (Book 7 上 ) Unit8 (Book 7 下 ) P4,P11 (Book 8 上 ) Unit5(Book7 上) Unit1 (Book 8 上 ) 词汇所在 位置 3.relax P11 (Book 8 上 )

16 Key sentences about “watch your diet” 1.My mother wants me to drink milk every day. She says it is good for my health. 2.My eating habits are pretty good. 3.A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health. 4.You must try to eat less meat. 5.Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. 6.It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it’s important to eat a balanced diet. P4 , P5 , P6,P11 (Book 8 上 )

17 1.I love to eat food that is healthy. I want to take care of my health, so I eat mainly fruit and vegetables. And I stay away from sugar. 2.I think most people are in agreement that fruit and vegetables are good for health. 3.I’ve heard eating burnt food can increase the risk of cancer. P50(Book9) Key sentences about “watch your diet”

18 Key sentences about “take plenty of exercise ” 1.You’ll need to take a lot of exercise— go running or do some sports at least three times a week. 2.A lot of exercise help you to keep in good health. 3.You can take part in after-school clubs. Activities include sports, music classes. 4.I am pretty healthy. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. 5.Mom let me get up at six and play ping-pong with her. P5,P6(Book 8 上 ) P16 ( Book8 下)

19 Key sentences about relax yourself If you don’t get enough sleep at night, you’ll have less energy (活力,精力) the next day. It’s important to get enough sleep. You can relax yourself by playing computer games, but you can’t play too long. P5 p12(Book 8 上 )

20 your diet 2.take exercise 3.relax yourself The way to stay healthy have more healthy food and drink have less unhealthy food and drink play basketball take a walk runswim… get enough sleep listen to music watch TV… do some sports talk to others How to write a letter to Jack and give him some advice to keep healthy?

21 watch your diet have more healthy food and drink have less unhealthy food and drink The way to stay healthy Pay attention to the diet./Keeping a balanced diet is important. you should have more healthy food and drink, like fruits 、 vegetables and milk. As a proverb says, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” so fruit is good for health. Besides, don’t eat too much junk food, such as potato chips and biscuits, because they can put on your weight. Meanwhile, some burnt food can increase the risk of cancer, please stay away from it. ( 注意:关联词,句式,格言 / 谚语 … ) Step1: 主题句 Step2: 对主题句进一 步举例说明, 阐述理由

22 书面表达中可能会用到的关联词 First of all,…secondly,…next,… then,… finally/at last In fact, However, In a word (总而言之) such as/for example What’s more There for (因此)

23 take exercise play basketball take a walk runswim … relax yourself get enough sleep listen to music watch TV… do some sports The way to stay healthy 每小组选择一个话题组成一篇小短文。 注意主题句,适当的连接词,句式,格 言等。 ( 尽量使用本节课所复习的短语和 句子)

24 You need to take a lot of exercise. For example, you can go running or do some sports three or four times a week. You can also take a walk after supper every day. Doing more exercise can build up( 增强) our bodies and help you to keep in good health. take exercise Choosing proper ways to relax is necessary. In my opinion, I think doing some sports is a proper way because it can rest our brains and eyes. What’s more, it can help improve our health. Therefore, I often play PingPong after class. Besides, It’s important to get enough sleep every night. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, you’ll have less energy the next day. relax

25 Keeping a balanced diet is important. you should … As a proverb says, … so … Besides, … Meanwhile … You need to take a lot of exercise. For example, … Choosing proper ways to relax is necessary. In my opinion, I think.... Therefore, …. Besides, It’s important to.... If you don’t … The way to stay healthy the beginning the end 引出话题 总结观点,表 达祝愿或期望

26 \ The way to stay healthy Health is most important for any of us. In order to stay healthy, we need some common knowledge. low in Firstly, pay attention to the diet. We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, because they are rich in fibre( 纤维) and low in fat. As a proverb says,“ An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” so fruit is good for health. Don’t have a lot of food that contains too much fat, such as butter. Don’t drink too much coffee, either. Secondly, exercise is necessary. Regular exercise can help us keep from (抑制,阻止) getting fat. People who do running every day usually have stronger hearts than those who don’t. Finally, from good living habits. We should sleep for about 8 hours at night, and never work too hard. Overwork and little sleep will lead to illness. What’s more, stay away from cigarettes. These are things we should pay attention to so as to stay healthy.

27 Write a letter to Jack, give him some advice to stay healthy.

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