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5 Minute Check Complete on the back of your homework. 1. 9 + 12 - 15 2. (9 + 2) x 6 - 5 3. 26 + 6² ÷ 4 4. 22 ÷ 2 x 3².

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Presentation on theme: "5 Minute Check Complete on the back of your homework. 1. 9 + 12 - 15 2. (9 + 2) x 6 - 5 3. 26 + 6² ÷ 4 4. 22 ÷ 2 x 3²."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Minute Check Complete on the back of your homework. 1. 9 + 12 - 15 2. (9 + 2) x 6 - 5 3. 26 + 6² ÷ 4 4. 22 ÷ 2 x 3²

2 5 Minute Check Complete on the back of your homework. 1. 9 + 12 - 15

3 5 Minute Check Complete on the back of your homework. 1. 9 + 12 – 15 21 – 15 6

4 5 Minute Check Complete on the back of your homework. 2. (9 + 2) x 6 - 5

5 5 Minute Check Complete on the back of your homework. 2. (9 + 2) x 6 – 5 11 x 6 -5 66 -5 61

6 5 Minute Check Complete on the back of your homework. 3. 26 + 6² ÷ 4

7 5 Minute Check Complete on the back of your homework. 3. 26 + 6² ÷ 4 26 + 36 ÷ 4 26 + 9 35

8 5 Minute Check Complete on the back of your homework. 4. 22 ÷ 2 x 3²

9 5 Minute Check Complete on the back of your homework. 4. 22 ÷ 2 x 3² 22 ÷ 2 x 9 11 x 9 99

10 Wednesday, Nov 20 Lesson 6.3 Algebra: Variables and Expressions

11 Objective: To find the value of expressions using the order of operations.

12 Algebra: Variables and Expressions At the end of this lesson you should be able to answer the following question. How are numerical expressions and algebraic expressions different?

13 Algebra: Variables and Expressions Algebra is a language of symbols including variables.

14 Algebra: Variables and Expressions Algebra is a language of symbols including variables. A variable is a symbol, usually a letter, used to represent a number.

15 Algebra: Variables and Expressions Algebraic expressions contain at least one variable and at least one operation. e.g. n + 2

16 Algebra: Variables and Expressions To solve an algebraic expression rewrite the expression, substituting the variable with the number. Evaluate 16 + b, if b = 25 16 + 25 = 41 This is the answer.

17 Algebra: Variables and Expressions The number of steps in the answer is determined by the number of operation in the expression. Evaluate 16 + b, if b = 25 16 + 25 = 41 Since there is one operation, there is on step (or line) in the answer.

18 Algebra: Variables and Expressions Evaluate x - y, if x = 64 and y = 27 Do this on your own.

19 Algebra: Variables and Expressions Evaluate x - y, if x = 64 and y = 27 64 – 27 = 37

20 Algebra: Variables and Expressions 1 Evaluate 6x, if x = 2 Do this on your own. Remember, if there is no operation written it is assumed to be multiplication.

21 Algebra: Variables and Expressions 1 Evaluate 6x, if x = 2 1 6 6 · 2 = 2 = 3

22 Algebra: Variables and Expressions In an expression with more than one operation, use the order of operations to solve. Remember - The number of steps in the answer is determined by the number of operations in the expression.

23 Algebra: Variables and Expressions Evaluate 6t + 4, if t = 3 6 · 3 + 4 = rewrite the expression with numbers 18 + 4 = 22 rewrite the expression, solving the first operation. The last step should only have one operation.

24 Algebra: Variables and Expressions 1 Evaluate 4x², if x= 8 Do this on your own.

25 Algebra: Variables and Expressions 1 Evaluate 4x², if x= 8 1 4 · ( 8 )² = 1 4 1 4 · 64 = 64 = 16

26 Algebra: Variables and Expressions 1 Evaluate 10a + 7, if x= 5 Do this on your own.

27 Algebra: Variables and Expressions 1 Evaluate 10a + 7, if x= 5 1 10 · 5 + 7 = 10 5 + 7 = optional step 2 + 7 = 9

28 Algebra: Variables and Expressions 1 Evaluate 9e², if e= 3 Do this on your own.

29 Algebra: Variables and Expressions 1 Evaluate 9e², if e= 3 1 9 · ( 3 )² = 1 9 · 9 = optional step 9 9 = 1

30 Algebra: Variables and Expressions The amount of money that remains from a 20 dollar bill after Malina buys 4 party favors for p dollars each is 20 – 4p. Find the amount remaining if each favor is $3 each. Do this on your own.

31 Algebra: Variables and Expressions The amount of money that remains from a 20 dollar bill after Malina buys 4 party favors for p dollars each is 20 – 4p. Find the amount remaining if each favor is $3 each. $20 – 4p, if p = $3 $20 – 4 · $3 $20 - $12 = $8

32 Algebra: Variables and Expressions The volume of a cube can be represented by s³, where s is the length of a side. If the side of a cube is ½ meter, what is the volume? Do this on your own.

33 Algebra: Variables and Expressions The volume of a square cube can be represented by s³, where is the length of a side. If the side of the cube is ½ meter, what is the volume? 1 ( 2 )³ = 1 1 2 2 2 = 8

34 Algebra: Variables and Expressions How are numerical expressions and algebraic expressions different?

35 Algebra: Variables and Expressions Agenda Notes Homework – Homework Practice 6-3 Due Thursday, Nov 21 Mid-Chapter 6 Quiz – Friday, Nov 22

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