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A Growing Population Chapter 3 Section 2. Population Growth is Worldwide The rate of population growth has increased rapidly in modern times. 1960  World.

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1 A Growing Population Chapter 3 Section 2

2 Population Growth is Worldwide The rate of population growth has increased rapidly in modern times. 1960  World population was 3 billion people. 2000  World population doubled to 6 billion people. (40 years later)

3 Population Birthrate and Death Rate During different historical periods, populations grew at different rates. Demographers  know that population depends on the birthrate and death rate – Birthrate  the number of live births each year per 1,000 people – Death rate  the number of deaths each year per 1,00 people By comparing birthrates and death rates, demographers can figure out population growth.

4 Population Birthrate and Death Rate For centuries, the world population grew slowly. – No modern machinery = scarce amounts of food – Deaths because of diseases High birthrate, but also high death rate The life expectancy (the average number of years that people live) was short. – A hundred yeas ago in the US, men and women usually lived less than 50 years.

5 Reasons for Population Growth Today Birthrate has increased dramatically. The death rate has slowed. Populations in most countries have grown fast. – In some countries, the population doubles in less than 20 years. People live longer than ever. – US  women live to about 80 and men to 73 years

6 Reasons for Population Growth Today Two scientific developments have made this possible. 1. New farming methods have greatly increased the world’s food supply. – New varieties of important food crops have been developed – New ways to protect crops against insects – New fertilizers to enrich the soil – These changes in agriculture are called the Gree Revolution.

7 Reasons for Population Growth Today 2. Scientists have made advancements in medicine and health. – Today, new medicines and types of surgery treat health problems that used to kill people (i.e. heart disease and serious injuries). – Vaccines to fight diseases such as small pox, polio, and measles – Antibiotics to fight infections – As a result, many more babies are born and stay healthy, and people live many more years. – Population Growth Population Growth

8 The Challenges of Population Growth Growing populations use resources much faster than stable populations. – Some nations, like those in Southwest Asia, face shortages of fresh water and energy. – In Asia and Africa, food supplies cannot keep up with the growing population. – These countries do not have enough money to purchase imported food.

9 The Challenges of Population Growth Population growth puts pressure on all aspects of life. – Jobs – Schools – Decent housing – Transportation and sanitation

10 The Challenges of Population Growth Rapid population growth also effects the environment. – Forests in areas of India and Pakistan are disappearing. – Wood = building; fuel – Clean air supply Graphs on Pgs. 62-63

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