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Earth Observation Science Recent and potential scientific achievements of the (A)ATSR Series - and some possibilities for synergy with MERIS David Llewellyn-Jones.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth Observation Science Recent and potential scientific achievements of the (A)ATSR Series - and some possibilities for synergy with MERIS David Llewellyn-Jones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth Observation Science Recent and potential scientific achievements of the (A)ATSR Series - and some possibilities for synergy with MERIS David Llewellyn-Jones Space Research Centre University of Leicester

2 AATSR Science – and MERIS What can AATSR do? Some Scientific Highlights AATSR and MERIS –What can AATSR do for MERIS? –What can MERIS do for AATSR? The Future prospects –Archive –Data continuity

3 What does AATSR do? It is an imager co-registered with MERIS Spatial Resolution of 1Km Swath width 500km Dual angle view: at nadir, like MERIS and at 55º to nadir Three thermal IR channels, at 7 12 µm Tour reflected infrared channels High quality on-board calibration systems

4 Scientific Highlights of the ATSR- 1, ATSR-2, AATSR programmes Ocean Science  Tropical Instability Waves  Observation of thermal signature of Rossby Waves  Global change in SST Atmospheric Science  Atmospheric Water Vapour  Aerosols and clouds  ATSR-2 cloud data key to retrieval of GOME Ozone Land Applications  Enhanced atmospheric correction from dual-angle view  Improved calibration of AVHRR and MODIS visible channels

5 Rossby waves detected also in the SST anomaly field (Hill et al, 2000) Tropical Instability Waves (2½ Years) ( Allen et al 1995)

6 Measurement of Residual Trends in Global SST from AVHRR and ATSR data Lawrence et al

7 Western Boundary Currents of the Northern Hemisphere Gulf Stream Kuroshio

8 Thermohaline Ocean Circulation

9 The Gulf Stream in 2003 (Biweekly Averages, Feb - July)

10 KuroShio from AATSR on ENVISAT: 2002-2005

11 Movements of the Kuroshio: 1995-2005 data source: ATSR-2 and AATSR

12 KuroShio Position and Wind- field curl  From ATSR-2 and AATSR  From ECMWF wind-fields

13 KuroShio meanders – preliminary conclusions Kuroshio position can be quantitatively monitored using (A)AATSR data study of 10-year time series suggests some possibility of correlation between wind-stress curl and Kuroshio position However, other possible mechanisms (including ocean gyres) must be investigated Cloud contamination a problem – need for a new approach?

14 Recent applications of AATSAR data See Simon Good’s poster Precursor work to investigation of W Boundary Currents Compares AATSR SSTs with SSTs from other satellites Demonstrates the value of Medspiration/GHRSST

15 AATSR and MERIS Main differences & similarities Potential synergy: –What can MERIS do for AATSR? –What can AATSR do for MERIS?


17 Main differences & similarities Co-registered 250km each side of nadir Swath width: MERIS has over twice AATSR’s –MERIS 1150km; AATSR 500km Pixel size – over 10 MERIS pixels per AATSR –MERIS 0.29km; AATSR 1km AATSR has thermal channels AATSR has dual-angle view

18 Overlapping Channels

19 AATSR/MERIS – potential synergy Ocean productivity: Temperature has influence on bio-activity (biophysical interactions) Atmospheric water vapour MERIS product, can also be derived from A ATSR Atmospheric aerosols AATSR can detect aerosols but cannot constrain all the variables MERIS aerosol product would elucidate this Along-track view has potential for atmos correction over land

20 ENVISAT 2003 - Monthly means AATSR SST MERIS Chlorophyll

21 Separation of Bi-directional Reflectance from atmospheric effects using dual view Top of atmosphere = 555nm Forward and Nadir ToA reflectances Gerund reflectance Optical Depth Retrieved ground reflectance North et al

22 Total Atmospheric Water Vapour from ATSR I J Barton, CSIRO

23 Atmospheric Aerosols - from ATSR dual-nadir SST difference

24 ATSR2 SST (dual-nadir) vs TOMS Aerosol Comparison

25 AATSR/MERIS – potential synergy - 2 AATSR cloud detection Analysis and refinement of AATSR cloud- clearance scheme could benefit from MERIS ‘sub-pixel resolution AATSR Land-surface temperature Land non-uniformity is a major issue MERIS could provide indication of non- umiformity at AATSR sub-pixels scale

26 Summary and Conclusions AATSR exploitation programme now mature Co-registration of MERIS offers great opportunities Several projects already exist with strong need or alternative. Co-registered aerosol measurements. AATSR has archive (15+ years of SST/LST; 10+ of land reflectivity) can, in principle, allow MERIS records to extrapolated backwards. Data continuity is an urgent issue GMES-1 and Sentinel 3 satellite are key to future data availability.

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